Sorry for the delay. Curse writer's block. And my dad. He disconnects the interenet nearly everyday because he thinks I'm watching "innapropriate material" online. Seriously? *end mini rant*

This is going to be very short, due to the writer's laziness. Sorry to disappoint you.

I do not own Warriors. Firestar should be dead by now.

I wonder if that mouse I ate had babies.

That was his first thought as he entered the war zone in ShadowClan, the camp filled with battle cries, bloodied pelts, and flying claws.

I wonder if that mouse I ate had babies.

The details of the battle were going fuzzy as he blindly slashed at some foxes, seeing himself in them. They were so alike. Nearly all of them were too drunk with rage to notice him.

I wonder. He knew he was thinking foolish thoughts. But the battle was foolish. It was foolish that he was even here, fighting against his own kind. It was foolish that he even existed.

He dodged a blow, hearing the eerie cries of his own kind, so strange yet tantalizingly familiar. He wondered if those babies had babies too. Did they catch and eat those babies too?

Foolish foolish foolish.

"Nebshar?" That single word jolted him out of his worthless musings as he locked eyes with a pair of piercing, amber eyes. Vixen.

And the battle seem to freeze for a second just for them as the two foxes stared at each other, one raised by outsiders, the other of the same blood.

Surprise was etched on her features, and the two just stared at each other, Ashespaw not knowing why.


She was talking to him.

Flames are welcomed. You have free marshmallows to roast.