This is a fanfic that both my friend [Wolf] and I [Sporkie] are working on. We alternate chapters and at some points alternate paragraphs in a chapter. I do have her permission to upload this to but I am in no way trying to claim her writing as my own. In fact, after every chapter I will write who it was by.

The idea of Spustin [SpiritxJustin] for us, originally started out as simply a crack Roleplay on . Eventually the cracky random slightly disturbing roleplay evolved into something more sweet and intimate, and that is when Spustin was born. [at least for us]

Jordon Albarn, one of the few characters[perhaps even the only one] in this fic that belongs to us and not Soul Eater was originally created a during our very first crack Spustin RP. And now look, he's a key focus of the this fanfic.

Anyway, enough blabbing, time to get on with the fic! 8D Enjoy!

Chapter 1: Running

It was late in the afternoon resulting in a low hanging sun. It cast an orange hue over Death City. Seven children stood in a court yard in front of the Death God, Shinigami-sama. Their ages ranged between five to ten years of age; the majority of them eight and up. However, there was one boy, the youngest who was the age of five, Jordon Albarn. As they stood on the cobble stone of the brick fenced area, he carefully watched his God, studying every word he had to say although most likely not understanding much other than the key points of his instructions. The children sat on a stone built planter where an oak tree loomed over them, its leaves whispering in the soft breeze.

Beside Shinigami-sama stood a man dressed in a basic but poorly thrown together costume of the evil Demon God, Asura. Apparently they weren't looking for too much authenticity. The man's body language showed he seemed rather annoyed or embarrassed by the outfit he wore; it was probably something Shinigami had forced the man into. Jordon giggled a bit. Despite the scarf that covered the male's face, he could tell it was his papa, Spirit. Although it really shouldn't have been a surprise, since Spirit was Shinigami-sama's weapon and always at his side it seemed.

The kids had gathered that day to participate in a pre-schooling training session; private lessons Shinigami-sama had decided to start for promising students intending to master the art of being a Meister or a weapon. These kids would most likely start the school a year or two early, Jordon perhaps even three to four years early seeing just whom his parents were. That was, of course, if his parents decided to let him start that early.

"Today 'Asura' and my self will be searching through Death City for you kids. Stay out of sight, or run fast if you want to pass this lesson. It will teach you different skills to avoid an enemy. In a way it's like a game of 'hide and go seek', however you don't know what will happen if you fail to hide and are spotted by one of us..."

The children giggled at how the friendly Death God tried to intimidate them. It was just a lesson, and of course they had to do well but no reason to be afraid; but Shinigami-sama's intimidation worked on one child. Jordon just stared at the God, trembling, thinking to himself, 'Kamio-sama…Is comin athter us?… He won't huwrt us will he…? An' Papa… Papa wouldn't huwrt me either… but…'

"This 'game' will end when the sun sets. There are markers surrounding the area you must stay within. Be back here in the court yard by the tree when the game is over." The Death God instructed, the kids nodding. He continued. "I will give you a 5 minute head start…. Starting… NOW!"

With that the kids ran off, Jordon still staring at Shinigami-sama and his Asura dressed papa with fear. Slowly one foot moved in front of the other before he was off in a wobbly sprint.

Spirit was watching him with a tad bit of concern as Jordon ran off.

The hours passed, the sun sinking slowly to the earth. One by one the kids were being spotted and chased. Three were out, and there was yet four to go with only ninety minutes remaining. Among the four was the young Albarn kid that had been at it non-stop; his little heart racing like crazy. The poor boy looked stressed and terrified beyond measure as he quickly walked through the alleyways. He was studying everything around him. He was looking up and down, left, right, back, and forth before each step he took. Suddenly he heard movement, and a Shinigami-sama's serious voice that called, "I'll go this way, I think I heard something…"

For a moment he felt like his heart had stopped. The Death God was going to catch him, and something bad was going to happen. Frantically he searched the alley. All around him were tall brick walls. Shinigami's shadow slowly crept into view and if he didn't hurry he would spot him. The boy ran into a sprint, panic written on his face, his lungs burned and his heart beat wildly.

Another alley branching off from the one he was in came into sight and he took the turn, hiding within a dark inverted doorway where he could rest and hide.

Jordon's breath was shaky, he pressed one hand over his chest and, with the other, he reached up and put it over his mouth, making sure not to let out a peep. However, that was difficult, when he was breathing so hard.

The deformed shadow of his God slowly slithered along, creeping by. The Death God himself eventually came into Jordon's view. Seeing him, the boy's breathing completely came to a halt, and he pressed himself against the stone corner of the inverted door way and into the shadows further. Tightly the boy squeezed his eyes, praying he wouldn't be found. Saying the boy was horrified would be an understatement.

'Don't worry Jordon, it's just training with Shinigami-sama. No need to be nervous. After all you're around him all the time. Now have fun today. Daddy loves you.' Justin's words repeated in his head but he now wondered.

'No need to worwy?' He thought, the child trembled with terror perhaps this was a tad too much for the young boy. 'This is scarwie. I jwust wanna go home.'

Shinigami-sama stopped peering around, his gaze eventually scanning through the door way Jordon hid within. The young kid could feel beads of sweat forming on his brow, his entire body tense with fear. After what seemed like thirty minutes Shinigami-sama moved up darting down the alley, leaving without evening noticing the child.

The boy relaxed once knowing for a fact he was gone. He inched forward, slowly peeking outside of the door way, looking towards where Shinigami had left then back toward where they both entered. A sigh of relief escaped him and he took a step back into the door way, but this time bumped into something.

He suddenly froze his eyes flying open. A soft cloth caressed his cheek, causing the boy to gulp and slowly tilt his head up. With wide terrified eyes he saw his papa who was cosplaying Asura. He relaxed momentarily before realizing, no, it wasn't his Papa. This aura he felt was entirely different that that of Spirit's. Jordon's eyes grew wide yet again, and his breath caught painfully. His recently settled heart rate began picking up again. This Asura, the real Demon God, stared down at him. An insane grin warped across his face. The three Kishin eyes on his scarf burned it's image into the child's very soul. Jordon squeaked, quickly turning around to face him and stepping back, tripping as he did. He fell to the ground. The young boy stared with his mouth agape up at the demon, scrabbling back but only bumping into the wall that was across from the door way. Four tentacle like scarves shot out towards the boy, who let out a tiny cry, before silence filled the alley again.

This Chapter was written by Sporkie.