Our Twisted Fairytale

This is an AU Xover, where some characters will be given their normal appearance/attitudes and ones will be altered slightly to fit into the story. Some characters have had their personalities altered in some ways simply for the sake of this story, as well as a few original characters to be used as filled characters. I hope to stay active on this one. Kindly give me suggestions as this story is only planned out to a basic extent.

She shook violently against the cold gray grounds of the dismal city, listening intently to the falling sky tears, searching for anything that would help her at this time. Her body was numb, any movement was sluggish, taking a heavy toll on her. She might as well lay there for the rest of her miserable life.

A tiny drop touched her cheek; the rain was eating through her house, through her box, her personal mansion. A sharp intake of breath and she rolled deeper into her box, her body aching letting her know she'd pay for this as soon as tomorrow's sun rose.

Her muddy hair twisted messily against her face, jade eyes slowly closing, until all she could see was blurred drops falling outside her box. Outside her home. She closed her eyes, her head starting to pound once again.

She was a lone rosette, homeless like most. A forgotten soul, dying like everyone else. They didn't care, no one would care, no one could; it was a time where you'd do only, and could only do, enough to save yourself.

Her lithe form lay hidden in the dark alleyways, bruised and broken, left with only memories and past wishes. She could hear distant footsteps, probably around the corner. Funny, she didn't notice them before.

"Excuse me miss."

A voice piped up next to her nearly making her jump. If she had the energy she was pretty damn sure she would've jumped. "It's raining."

Was he stupid? Of course it was raining, it never didn't rain; she'd never seen a day where no water fell in all her years of life.

A small droplet hit her face, scratch that, a lot of water hit her face. The girl quickly opened her eyes angrily, glaring at the person before her. She, a simple tired girl was being bullied by this...

What was he?

He had a weird black trench coat contraption, odd buckles surrounded him, his hair was oddly…perfect…would have been insanely symmetrical if he got rid of those horizontal skunk lines. Her eyes focused on him, from his guilty face to his symmetrically bruised shoes.

"You shouldn't sleep in the rain, you'll catch a cold." The girl snarled in anger, glaring at the boy with all the force she could muster. "I was just fine up until you splashed dirty water on me." She sneered, looking very intimidating from her spot on the floor. Limp and tired. Maybe she didn't look as intimidating as she had thought for he chuckled in a small childish manner. "What in hell is so funny?" she seethed in weary half-hearted anger.

"You're hurt and you're angry at me for cleaning your face-"

"with DIRTY water!" The sudden yell burned her throat. She shut her eyes in pain.

"Can't move?" he asked, tilting his head to the side. "No shit Sherlock." She muttered, her eyes still clenched together, "If I could, I'd be kicking you ass right now." The boy seemed a bit puzzled; he crouched down to her height, staring intently.

The girl began muttering curses under her breath, trying to roll a bit further from his reach despite the pain it put her in. "I actually liked the view I had, your ass of a face is ruining it." He grinned unfazed by the girl's rude demeanor, "They call me Death the Kid."

"Were your parent Satanists or something?" the boy's smile dropped, "No…at least I don't think they are." He mused silently, thinking adamantly on the subject. "No, they most certainly are not!" he huffed with newfound joy.

She stared at the boy for what seemed like hours, perplexed. It was probably just the wind easing up, but she suddenly felt warmer. "…Sakura." The pinkette whispered, a ghost of a smile on her features. "And, there's no way in hell I'm calling you Death!" She quickly added, noticing her softer tone, "You're just Kid to me!"

Kid seemed relieved, another strange, familiar smile on his face, "Well then, Sakura, we're gonna get you fixed up." He grinned, a smile that wouldn't be caught dead on her face. She stared at the kid incredulously.

"By fixing me up you mean…?" she gave Kid a look, "I'm not exactly like you, you know." She rose up her arm for an added measure; it gave a whir and an electric crack, dying out in an instant. "You're…built?" Kid reached to touch her arm, metal touched gloves yet he could feel the coolness through the cloth.

"Not exactly, I was an experiment of the 3020's." her voice was barely a whisper, Kid strained to hear her. "Aah…well," He paused in thought, probably trying to rationalize the situation with a better plan, "we'll still be able to get you fixed." He smiled a cheesy smile, and Sakura didn't understand why she was so happy.

"I'd be glad."