
I know it is not the most creative title, but it was just something that popped into my head. I though I would write another one-shot so I can get back in to my writing head. I have not been myself for a while.

Any way here it is

Summery: When Ziva is trapped in a building engulfed by fire, all the team can do is wait.

Warning: NONE

Rating: T



Special agent Tony DiNozzo had come to the conclusion that his partner was crazy and as he paced the wet pavements of K street, he had convinced himself that Mossad officer Ziva David had a death wish.

When the team had arrived at the large block of flats, they were shocked to see the building engulfed by bright orange flames, a crowed gathering outside. Firemen rushed around, the flames being too high for them to enter the building.

But when Ziva had seen the old face staring fearfully out the third floor window, she had rushed into the building, ignoring the shouts of both her team and the firemen. No longer then three minutes later, the old man stumbled out of the door, coughing as he wiped his soot covered face .

Ziva had not yet come back out…

So here he was, pacing the water drenched pavements as he waited, his partner and friend trapped inside a now collapsing building, overwhelmed by hot flames.

Tim stood next to him, both hands covering his mouth as he stared unblinking at the buildings entrance.

Gibbs was currently being held back by two firemen, preventing him from running into the building to help Ziva.

He glanced over to see the firemen gathering, a single man in the middle of their circle. He was large and well muscled, with short hair and soot covered skin. Tony frowned as he pushed passed all the other firemen. Running toward the buildings and crashing through the entrance.

Everyone watched in silence.

Tony heart nearly stopped as nearly two minutes later the man came back out, carrying the limp form of his partner in his arms.

"She's not breathing!" were the first words that he heard before he jumped into action. Laying Ziva on the floor and started compressions. Tony could see the man counting under his breath. He then tilted her head, pinched her nose and put his mouth to hers.

When Tony arrived at her side, he was shocked at the site of her. Even under her messy hair and blackened face, he could see the stream of blood that covered the left half of her face. Her burnt clothes and singed skin, and her torn bloody trouser leg.

He was so busy taking in her appearance that he almost missed her intake of breath, then the coughing fit that followed. Seeing the firemen rubbing Ziva's back gently whilst touching her face made a pang of jealously run through him.

The paramedics had dragged her away before he could say a word and she complied without fighting them. He stood by her as they cleaned her up. Gave her stitches and set her leg. She had gotten away lightly, the doctor had said. Being trapped under falling rubble of a building and only escaping with a concussion and a broken leg was lucky….

"You could have gotten yourself killed, what were you thinking!" Tony yelled at her. She shrugged.

"I was thinking I was not going to let that poor man burn to death." she replied drowsily, not looking at him. "Besides, something good did come of this day." she said with a cheeky smile.

"Oh yes. What's that?"

"Hi I'm Jake" he suddenly heard behind him. Tony turned and rolled his eyes as the fireman that saved Ziva stood leaning on the end of the ambulance. Ziva smiled flirtatiously back at him.


Tony turned on his heel and began to walk over to his boss.
