This is just a note for an explanation to you readers. For those of you who have been keeping up with the show Wolverine and the X-Men, Mojo is the giant ugly alien who has cybernetic legs and he likes to kidnap mutants to use as gladiators for his television shows. He lives on a planet that he rules called Mojoworld and lives in the Mojoverse. Spiral is his primary servant. She has two real arms and four cybernetic ones. She has magical powers and can travel to different dimensions and Mojo uses her to recruit new gladiators. In this story I am having Mojo experiment with an entirely different genre, romance and drama for his new television show. The stars of the show will be one of my favorite shippings, odd I know yes, but Logan and Emma Frost. So enjoy! :D

Chapter One: The Invasion of Mojo

The tiny cloaked Invisi-cam hovered over the sound asleep, scruffy mutant. "Ooooooh... HIM HIM!! The one with the CLAWS! I've always wanted to use HIM!!" Mojo wiggled his long, spindly fingers together and smiled wildly as he watched the sleeping Logan on his view screen. Spiral put her six hands to her waist. She was standing five feet away from Logan's bed. "What shall I do with him, Master?"

"Wait, wait, my servant. Now we must find a female specimen... A sexy one!" Mojo twiddled his thumbs. "Send the view-cam to another bedroom!"

Spiral secretly rolled her eyes. She then exited Logan's bedroom. The six armed mage took a few steps down the dark hallway of the X-Mansion and opened the door to another bedroom, both carefully and quietly. There she found a woman, asleep with no sheets covering her, adorned in white, wearing revealing lingerie... Spiral smiled to herself. "Victoria's Secret, Fall Catalog..." she whispered.

Mojo walked on his six bionic legs in circles of excitement. "SHE'S PERFECT! SO ATTRACTIVE AND PROVOCATIVE!!! The blonde one! We MUST have the blonde one... Oh this will be such a good match for my new romance/drama series!"

Emma Frost, unaware that she was being watched, slept soundly on her comfortable bed. She had been hot during the night, having thus removed her sheets. Little had she realized that her scantily clad body would be exposed to an audience.

"Now Spiral... We must send the two of them to a different dimension, one where the other X-Men do not exist! They will be the only two living in the mansion, along with the bald one I suppose! Oh, this is going to be so EXCITING! THE DRAMA THAT WILL ENSUE!!!"

"As you wish, Master." With a wave of her cybernetic arms, Spiral caused a flash of light to engulf and kidnap Emma Frost while still asleep. At the same time Wolverine disappeared from his bed. Spiral then magically transported herself and the two oblivious X-Men through a portal into another dimension... a dimension in which the two most stubborn members of the X-Men would be left alone to themselves. Oh yes, there would be a lot of tension...

"How do you like this Master?" Spiral smirked as she made both Logan and Emma appear in the same bed, together in Emma's room.

"SPIRAL! YOU GENIOUS!!! Oh when they wake up they will be in for QUITE a surprise!" Mojo smiled as widely as the appendages attached to his mouth would allow him. "Now put all of my new Invisi-cams in place and we can began the show! Oooooh, I have a feeling that the ratings on this one will soar! Come back when you have completed your task!"

"Yes, my master." She flung the eye-ball like cameras into the bedroom. Thereafter, the cameras disappeared, cloaked in fact so that Logan and Emma would never be aware of them. Spiral bowed, then lifted her arms into the air, creating another portal, which she entered and returned to Mojoworld.

Logan snored, not too loudly, but enough to confuse Emma in her dreams to believe the repetitive noise to be a wolf. Perhaps she was not far off from the truth... Meanwhile, Logan wiggled his nose and inhaled a very interesting scent........Dior? Dior it was. That could mean only one thing. A woman was nearby. Of course he believed it to be a part of his dream. The funny thing was he couldn't find the woman in his dream that the scent belonged to. And he knew he had smelled that same perfume before, but from who?

In any case, both X-Men were in for a big surprise whenever one of them or the both of them woke up.

Mojo watched from his throne as his two victims stirred in their sleep.

He rested his chins on his fingertips. "YES, this will be a FINE first episode for my new series, INDEED!"

Tune in next time to see what happens when Logan and Emma the same bed!!!