Here is a Kid VS Kat story, I hope you like it, I own nothing.


Chapter 1: the Machine


It was about 3 AM at the Burtonburger household and everyone was sleeping, except one vary sneaky "cat".

Kat laughed evilly as he worked on a machine in the basement, the machine mainly consisted of three silver pods, one large pod roughly the size of an adult human, and two smaller pods connected to each side of it, both were about the size of Kat.

Kat smirked as he looked at his machine, designed to create exact copies of himself to help him get home, and to make Coop miserable, Kat chuckled sinisterly at that thought.

Kat pressed a button on the front of the middle pod and the pod on the right opened, Kat went into the pod and it closed, after a few seconds a glow appeared from the pod, it then opened and Kat stepped out, still smirking.

Kat ran over to the left pod and sat in front of it, he waited for a few minutes and nothing happened, Kat growled in frustration and jumped on top of the pod and proceeded to pry it open, to reveal it to be empty.

Kat kicked the machine in frustration, he then grabbed a tarp and threw it on top of the machine, he decided to work on it more tomorrow night, he went upstairs and into Millie's room, Kat then jumped on her bed, curled up and went to sleep.

Back in the basement the machine began to shake and then a flash was seen from under the tarp.


The next day the sun rose over the Burtonburger household as morning came.

In Coops room he opened his eyes and got up.

"Time for another day of Kat making my life miserable and me trying and failing to convince people he's a alien, while I wonder why," Coop grumbled, he got dressed and went down stairs.

"Hay sport," Mr. Burtonburger said to Coop from the seat at the table he was sitting at.

"Morning Dad," Coop said taking a seat next to his sister Millie who was having some cereal.

"There's no more cereal," Millie said with a chuckle.

"What do I care," Coop growled, Millie and Mr. Burtonburger looked a little shocked by Coops outburst but shook it off.

"I could, get you some more cereal Coop," Mr. Burtonburger said with some concern in his voice.

"No that's ok Dad, I'm fine," Coop said, at that moment Kat walked into the kitchen with a smile on his face.

"Oh great, Kat," Coop said with hate in his voice, Millie went over to Kat.

"Mr. Kat, I thought you were still asleep in my bed," Millie said, Kat then began rubbing against her leg purring, Kat then walked over to Coop.

"Oh great, what do you want Kat?" Coop said getting out of his chair glaring at Kat "Whatever you're going to do you're not going to-" Coop said but suddenly stopped with a shocked look on his face as Kat rubbed against his leg, purring.

"Well Mr. Kat seems to be in a good mood today," Mr. Burtonburger said with a chuckle, Coop glared at Kat as he purred.

"I don't know what you're up to, but I'm not falling for it," Coop said as he continued to glare at Kat, Kat simply meowed with a smile and walked away.

Meanwhile upstairs in Millie's room Kat slept peacefully curled up on Millie's bed, he opened his eyes and got up with a yawn, suddenly he was hit by a cream pie that flew in from the door, Kat wiped the pie from his face and glared, he saw a shadow run of down the hallway, Kat growled Coop Kat thought as he ran off down the hallway, he ran down the stairs and towards the kitchen, then he spotted his target: Coop.

Kat was ready to pounce, but he stopped himself seeing the Millie and Mr. Burtonburger were right there, Kat growled in frustration and walked into the kitchen.

"Mr. Kat you're back," Millie said walking over to him, Kat looked confused back? Kat thought, but Kat shook it off and walked over to his target, true with Millie and Mr. Burtonburger there Kat would need to be stealthy, but he could still pull off some Coop torturing.

Coop glanced at Kat and narrowed his eyes Oh great here it comes; I'm not going to let him get me this time he then got up from his chair.

"Um dad, I have to-um-go to the bathroom," Coop said before running out of the kitchen.

"Ok Coop," Mr. Burtonburger said not taking his eyes of his newspaper.

Kat smirked and ran after Coop into the living room, Coop turned to Kat.

"All right Kat, enough is enough, I'm getting you out of my life!" Coop said glaring at Kat, Kat hissed at him.

Kat pounced at Coop and they started fighting in a big smoke cloud, they rolled around and right into the backyard, where they crashed into the fence and got back up and faced each other, each glaring at the other, suddenly they were both hit in the face by cream pies which seemed to fly out of nowhere, and they both fell to the ground.

"What the! Where'd this pie come from!" Coop questioned as he and Kat both stumbled around blindly.

Meanwhile back in the kitchen Mr. Burtonburger looked concerned.

"Um, Millie should we be concerned about Coop, sounds like he's having a little trouble going to the bathroom" Mr. Burtonburger said looking towards Millie.

"Nope," Millie said smiling, and then Kat walked in with a smile on his face.

"There you are Mr. Kat, come on lets go watch TV," Millie said picking up Kat and walking into the living room.

"Well, ok, I'll join you, I just hope Coop's ok in there," Mr. Burtonburger said following.

Back in the backyard Kat continued to stumble about, he wiped the cream from his face and looked around, but Coop was nowhere to be seen, Kat then ran off in an attempt to find his target of torture.

But Coop was actually in the exact opposite direction Kat went, in the front yard, Coop fell and wiped the cream from his face, only to see Kat sitting in front of him with a mischief's smirk on his face.

"Oh great you," Coop growled but Kat suddenly threw another cream pie in his face and ran off laughing.

"Grrrr, Kaaat," Coop growled as he wiped the cream from his face, he then looked down and saw Kat hiding under a newspaper, shacking.

"You better be afraid, I'm done with you," Coop said, he then lifted the newspaper up but Kat shrieked and ran off as fast as he could.

"What the?" Coop said scratching his head in confusion, he then walked back into the backyard and walked through the back door back into the living room, he then froze in shock seeing, Mr. Burtonburger, Millie and Kat watching TV.

"Hay Coop, why were you in the backyard?" Mr. Burtonburger asked but Coop remained frozen "…Ok, well we're watching Godzilla: Final Wars, take a seat," Mr. Burtonburger said, Kat patted an empty seat with a cheerful smile on his face.

Then Coop fainted.


Well there, the first three original chapters combined and revised.