Well this is the 4th chapter of Dark Love.

I just want to make it clear I own nothing, God dang it!

Well enjoy!

Rae's P.O.V:

I decide to listen to music while everyone is still asleep.

'Pain' by Three Days Grace comes on.

Pain without love, pain can't get enough, pain I like it rough cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all

Your sick of feeling numb, your not the only one, I'll take you by the hand and I'll show you a world you can understand

This life is filled with hurt when happiness doesn't work,

Trust me and take my hand, when the lights go out you'll understand.

Pain without love, pain can't get enough, pain I like it rough cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all [When this verse is played I'll say repeat instead of writing the whole thing]


Anger and agony are better than misery

Trust me I've got a plan, when the lights go out you'll understand


I could listen to any more of the song when Beast Boy started to yell to get my attention. So thus I have to turn my ipod off and getting mad in the process.

"What do you want you weakling," I say. My voice a growl which means my eyes are red,but there are still only two of them.

Everyone backed away, scared. The Mark of Scath was probably bright red on my forehead.

My eyes turn back to normal, but the mark stays on my forehead. I look down quickly and see my body is covers in the writing. Suddenly Slade appears out of no where.

"It is time," he states.

"I know. Everyone stay here, don't follow," I say in monotone. Slade and I transport to an under ground chamber in a church. I`walk up some stairs to a hand. I stand in the middle of the hand and chant the words that will release Trigon the Terrible.

The writing that was previously on her body, was peeled off and started to spin around her. Then a blind white light started to invelop me. Then everthing went blank. The last thing I heard was Trigon's roar.

When I woke up I was in Trigon's hand.

"You did well my daughter. You make me proud," he states in his roar like voice.

'Thank you father," I replied in pain, I had a huge headache.

"Where are we," I ask.

"We are on Pluto," he replies.

"How am I here. I shouldn't be able to withstand the coldness," I reply curiously.

"As a full-fledged demon temperatures don't affect you any more. I set you on fire and you would not burn or feel pain," Trigon explains.

"May I go back to Earth now," I question.

"Sure, but you need to rest," he recommends.

"Thank you father. I'll be off now," and with that I transported to the living room in Titans Tower.

"I am back," I shout out and instantly Gaara's arms were around me.

"Your ok. I was so worried and angry when I saw Trigon take you away. I thought you would never come back," he says before nuzzling into my neck.

"Well as you can see I am perfectly fine and unharmed," I point out. Although I still had a splitting headache.

"I do have a headache though. Can I have some aspirin please," I complain.

"Sure," he says before his sand appears out of no where and drops the pills in my hand.

"Thank you," I say as I down the pills.

"You're welcome," he replies. Instantly I could feel my headache weaken.

"Well I need to rest," I said before transporting to my room and almost instantly fall asleep the second I hit the bed.

After a few months I get control over my now ten times stronger powers, with the help of my dad of course. I now protect my Earth from aliens, monsters, ect. Trigon even sends a few lava demons to fight and train with me.

Everything is perfect. I have a loving boyfriend, awesome friends, and the rage and demon in me are satified in ruling the Earth by my self and being second in command in ruling the universe. Everythings going to come crashing down on me one day and I just know it. But till then, I am free and relaxed.

Things couldn't get any better. I am told day to day that I am a great ruler. And I plan to be for many years to come.

The End

Well there is the end of Dark Love! I hope you all enjoyed it.

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See ya Later Folks!