Okay, challenge number…5? I'm working on this ridiculous NaNo story that I kinda hate right now…but that's because I'm facing writer's block with it. But I saw the new challenge was posted so I went and wrote this in about an hour…I kept going back and forth between the two. I know Kevin's a little OOC, but please forgive that. Oh, and I saw Double Date. HAHAHA at Macy being better than Van Dyke. I have this horrible feeling that the writers are going to play up this "Anything you can do I can do better" thing they have and pair them together…but that could make for some great jealousy on Kevin's part…OMG, I have an idea for a new fic! *ANNA! DOWN GIRL! WAIT UNTIL AFTER NANO AND WHY I HATE KEVIN LUCAS ARE FINISHED!*

I really need to get a life. Enjoy the fic.

"I've been hurt before, so baby promise that you're gonna be true." BB Good


Why the hell did she do that? Why did Macy ask me out? What possessed her to do something so stupid and utterly ridiculous? She of all people should know that I do not want to date anyone right now. She knows I'm still sore about the Anya thing. But she asked me out anyway. I shouldn't have encouraged her. I shouldn't have kissed her that night, but she looked so pretty with that green dress on and her hair falling out of that clip she put it in. My body just moved on its own. And then I was kissing her. And she was kissing me back. It was a great kiss, don't get me wrong...and I definitely feel something for her, but it's best if I just suppress that feeling. I'm not saying Macy is another Anya, but I don't want to take that chance.

Look, I know I made her cry…again…but I'm hurting too. Anya completely messed me up with girls. I don't want to mess up what Macy and I have. We're like Stella and Joe…except we don't like each other…okay, that's a lie. We do like each other…but we're just going to be friends. Oh, crap. We're EXACTLY like Joe and Stella. I don't think Nick can take another couple in denial.

I had avoided Macy successfully that day, but I saw her walking in my direction, so I quickly ducked into the atrium, hoping she wouldn't see me.

"Kevin?" Macy's called out as she peeked her head through the door, looking for me.

"How'd you find me?" I asked, shocked. I thought it was a great hiding place.

"The atrium's made of glass, Kev," she said with a small smile on her face.

"Oh, yeah."

"Kevin, why are you avoiding me?"

"Because I thought that you wouldn't want to see me…'cause I turned you down…"

"It's alright Kevin. You just want to be friends, I get it. No worries."

Oh, God she looked so pretty, even wearing that stupid uniform. The sunlight had caught in her hair and I could see little strand of her brown hair glowing red and gold.

"Macy, I like you…I just…I'm a little…hesitant I guess…because of what happened with Anya."

"You like me?"

"Yeah. I was really happy you asked me out…but then I freaked because I have this thing against girls right now…but then you kissed me…"

"Kevin, I'm not Anya, okay?" she said, cutting me off.

"I know that."

"I mean, I'm not going to go changing who I am because I can't deal with people laughing at me. She was stupid to do that and I happen to like who I am."

"You promise?" I asked.

"Would I lie to you?"

"Would you?"

"Unless I was planning a surprise party or something for you, no."


"Kevin. Shut. Up."


"So I can do this."

She closed the few feet between us and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. Then, she kissed me again. And I kissed her back.


Bah. I think it's kind of horrible. But I wanted to write something. By the way…everyone should go see Where the Wild Things Are. It was fantastic.