Disclaimer:: I own nothing.

Warnings:: Yaoi (boyxboy), Ooc-ness, Language, Alternate Universe.

Rating:: T

Chapter:: 18

Unfamiliar Emotions


"Ms. Walker!"

Both Lenalee and Allen turned at the sound of a some what familiar voice. Their gym teacher was walking in their direction at a steady pace.

"Ms. Nine?"

"Forgive me, I was planning to tell you once class had started, but then I saw you here with Ms. Lee," the blonde woman said as she came to a stop before them. She took a moment to scan the empty field before, she spoke with a shake of her head. "Anyways, you have been excused from today's lesson."

"I have?" Allen asked staring at the older woman with unhidden curiosity.

"Yes," she nodded, "the main office received a call earlier today stating you were not, at any cost, allowed into the pool."

"Who was it?" Lenalee questioned, curious. Klaud eyed the dark-haired girl for a moment, before speaking.

"I wasn't told," just then the bell signaling the start of class rang, alerting the three that lunch had finally ended. The older blonde quickly ushered Lenalee to the locker rooms, but not before telling Allen he could wait where he was for the rest of the class. With a nod he reseated himself.

"Allen~" Allen jumped, startled, at the sound of the new, yet familiar, voice. Turning the best he could without having to stand, he faced his two older friends.

"Lavi, Kanda," he greeted, forcing a smile onto his face. Lavi stared, before a grin settled on his face.

"What are you doing here all by your lonesome self?" He questioned, his arms folded behind his head.

"I was with Lenalee, but she had to go to the locker room." Allen explained, and Lavi nodded in understanding.

"Uh, did she tell you anything?" Lavi asked. One hand lowering to scratch the side of his face, a sign that he nervous, Allen noted. Knowing what the red-head spoke of, Allen put on his best look of bewilderment, before speaking.

"What do you mean?"

"Anything about Kanda or Myself?" Lavi questioned. Allen kept his gaze focused solely on his red-haired friend, he really couldn't stand to look at the dark-haired male.

"Only that she had found you on the other side of campus," Lavi waited for something else to be said and when Allen said no more, he let out a sigh of relief, before turning back to the younger male with a grin. "Don't you two need to be in the locker room?" Allen questioned turning away from the red head.

"Nah, we decided to ditch class," Lavi stated taking a seat to Allen's left.

"Then do you find it to be the best idea to come to the class you're supposedly ditching?" stated Allen, eyebrow raised in question. Lavi only grinned and threw his arm around his friend's shoulders.

"Don't sweat the details sweetheart," Allen simply rolled his eyes in a mixture of both amusement and annoyance.

"Don't call me sweetheart," Allen said pushing Lavi's arm off of himself. The redhead's grin only widened.

"Don't be like that sweety~"

They continued on like that until finally both male and females began to empty out their respective locker rooms. Allen wasted no time in running over to Lenalee and leaving both older males behind. Not once did he notice the pair of dark eyes following after him.


"Allen he doesn't know you heard anything!" Lenalee whispered exasperated. Allen remained silent and continued on with his assigned work from an earlier class, and for a moment the girl believed he was ignoring her, until he spoke quietly.

"I have come to that conclusion as well Lenalee."

"Then why avoid him?" Lenalee questioned.

"I am not avoiding him," Lenalee frowned and glanced down to where Lavi now sat beside their dark haired friend.

"Then why are we sitting over here instead of with Kanda?" Allen opened his mouth to reply but he was quickly cut off by Lenalee, "you also avoid direct eye contact or don't even speak to him if Lavi or I aren't there."


"You don't even argue with him anymore!" She whispered harshly, pulling Allen's assignment away from him.

Allen slammed his book shut, startling Lenalee and a few other nearby students. He snatched his paper back from her and stood.

"Lenalee, I don't want to argue with you about whether you approve of what I am doing or not," Allen stated quietly, quickly packing his things away. Lenalee remained silent and only watched her friend. "It is my decision to continue or not." Allen threw his bag over his shoulder and quickly headed towards the library exit and shoved the door none to gently. Lenalee remained seated, silently deciding not to follow after her friend, it wouldn't make anything better.

She let out a sigh, she knew why Allen was avoiding Kanda. She could understand but it didn't mean she had to like it. Allen and Kanda were both her friends. She cared for them equally, and she couldn't stand the odd way Allen had began treating Kanda. He didn't know that Allen had heard his conversation with Lavi, but he knew something was wrong, Kanda wasn't a idiot, no matter what Allen believed.

She turned back to the blank sheet of paper that sat in front her. She set her pencil down harder than what was need and quickly wrote her name.

They were both her friends, but she couldn't help be angry with Kanda. No, Kanda wasn't an idiot, but he could be so stupid sometimes.


"Hey, beansprout."

Allen froze mid-step at the sound of the familiar voice.

"It's Allen, bakanda," Allen replied more out of habit than anything, and he quickly berated himself. He wasn't supposed to acknowledge the taller male. Frowning, he continued his way down the empty hall.

"Where are you going?" Kanda questioned only a few steps behind the white haired teen.

"Why do you care?" Allen answered back, coldly. Kanda remained silent, not bothering to answer the question that had been asked. He continued following the smaller male, until finally Allen stopped and turned around a glare on his face.

"Why are you following me?" Allen demanded, and Kanda couldn't help but smirk at the younger male's disgruntled state. It wasn't often that someone saw this side of Allen. Distracted, Kanda didn't notice when Allen took a step toward until it was to late.


Allen wasn't normally a violent person, he really wasn't, but he wasn't in the best of moods at the moment. Lenalee had been upset with him and confronted him. Lavi and Kanda continued to act like nothing was wrong, like what had been said never happened and Allen couldn't help but be peeved at that. And the worst of it all? He couldn't look at Kanda because when he did his heart would ache every single time. He couldn't speak to him because the stinging in his eyes would start up again, and the words he had spoken would ring through his head, loud and clear. He hated it. So much.

He wanted to scream, punch something anything. He wasn't accustomed to feeling emotions such as these. So when Kanda followed him and then smirked his stupid smirk, he snapped. He didn't think. Only acted. His fist had quickly met the side of an unsuspecting Kanda's face. He didn't even give his crush a chance to recover before he had quickly ran out of the male's sight.

"Shit!" Kanda hissed clutching the side of his face. But he didn't give it another thought before he ran after the smaller male.

Allen burst threw the school doors with enough force to shake the glass panels. He ran past the few students lingering outside of the school, and he didn't slow down even when he reached a good enough distance away from the school. He knew Kanda wouldn't be able to follow him so far out. But he didn't care and he didn't stop.


Kanda silently cursed as he pushed another person out of his way. The person gave an indignant shriek at the harsh treatment. Kanda ignored them and continued on. He had lost sight of Allen before he had even made it of the building, much to his irritation.

"Kanda!" Kanda turned around a fierce glare on his face. Lenalee and Lavi came to a stop in front of their friend.

"What!?" He snapped.

"What happened to your face!?" Lavi demanded, staring at the bruise that was slowly beginning to form. "Who hit you in the face?" Kanda sent him glare, silently promising pain if he didn't shut-up.

Lavi wisely backed off with a grin.

"Kanda, what happened?" Lenalee questioned. Kanda gave a grunt.

"Damn moyashi punched me," Kanda stated, his glare not diminishing in the slightest.

"Whoa, Allen did that?" Lavi questioned, "what the hell did you do to the kid!?"

"Shit, I don't know."

"Where did Allen go?" Lenalee asked, voice quiet. Kanda and Lavi both turned to her.

"He got away," Kanda answered, as they reached the building's exit. He pushed the door open with more force then what was necessary.

"Al's been acting off these past few days," Lavi stated, following right after his best friend. "What's up with him?" Lenalee slowed, and quickly fell behind. She stared after her friends as the gap between them increased slightly before the other two stopped.

"Lenalee?" The redhead took a step towards her before coming to a realization and stopped, "you know something," he stated. Lenalee opened her mouth, ready to tell the two males everything, but looking at Kanda had her rethinking her decision. With a shake of her head she spoke.

"I think it might have been something that I said in the library," she said, crossing her arms over her chest, and not meeting the eyes of her friends.

"What did you say?" Lavi asked, cautiously, slowly walking towards the short haired girl.

"What did you tell him?" Kanda demanded, when she didn't answer Lavi's question. Lenalee glanced up to look at Kanda, before quickly looking away. She should tell them, she knew it was the right thing to do; but this time, just this once she wouldn't help Kanda.

"I can't tell you," she stated. Her hands tightened around the sleeves of her uniform.

"You can't or won't?" Lavi questioned, Lenalee glanced at him before directing her attention on her long haired friend.

"I won't."

"Why?" Lenalee glared at Kanda, and quickly closed in on him. She jabbed him in the chest, not once looking away as she spoke.

"You messed up, so you fix it," she stated before moving past the two silent males.

Lavi stared after Lenalee, before looking back at Kanda. His face remained impassive, but Lavi knew better. Kanda was dealing with something he wasn't accustomed to.


Aaaand I am not dead! I am so sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I feel bad about it after I had promised to get it out sooner. Anyway thanks xRitsun for looking over this chapter.