Chapter 10


Running away from this house, from this man, was everything that Sakura could ever think for these past days. She planned to steal her children's birth certificates and bring her sons away from him, away from their own father. Every day, every hours, every minutes even every single second she waited the moment he would let his guard down so she could sneak up to his room. She needed the birth certificates so bad. Sakura hoped that Sasuke had signed the certificates. It would be like an "open gate" for her sons future. But yet Sasuke never let his guard down, just like what she had thought. In the opposite, he started watching her, eyeing her, like predator would do to its prey. But damn if she would back away easily. Whe she determined to do something, she would do it no matter what, even when it meant she have to seduce the man she hated the most.

One thing she was so sure about, Sasuke was physically attracted to her. It wasn't just her ego, sure she had a great body being a mother to three children. But the evidences were so clear, for example, he would stare at her longer than before, and not to mention that every time they crossed path he would purposely brushed his body against her. Back then when she was merely a genin, maybe she would blush and her face turned red like an apple, but now, nothing, annoyed would be the best word for describing her feeling.

"Daddy, read us bedtime story, plisss.."

"Daddy, peasssss,,"

Daisuke and Ichigo chirped in the same time. Sasuke stared at them indifferently, sometimes the kids were like the pain in the ass with their whining.

"No. Go to your room now and sleep by yourself." he said with indifferent tone.

They pouted.

"Ichigo no wanna sleep, Daddy."

"Daisuke too, Daddy. Why not play, Daddy?"

They pleaded, using their big puppy eyes. Tough chance, it wouldn't work on Sasuke.

"No. Go to sleep now."

"Why?" His youngest son asked him innocently.

"Because I said so." Sasuke gave a curt answer.

"Why Daddy said so?" Ichigo asked again.

"Because this already past the bedtime for children like you." His patience was running low.

"But why..?"

"Ichigo." Sasuke growled.

"Sowwy, Daddy." Tears were glistening on his big emerald eyes.

Before her son burst into tears, Sakura scooped her son's little body, hugging him close to her body.

"Let's get you to bed, sweety." Kissing the top of his head and patting his back.

The little boy with baby blue pajamas hugged his mother back, nodding his head.

"C'mon Daisuke, Ryu niichan is already on the bed waiting for you and Ichigo." Sakura collected her son's hand.

She took one step and came to a halt as her name was out of his lips.

"What?" Her tone was icy cold, a tone that she always used on him. She didn't turn her body to face him, just inclined her head slightly, giving him a glance over her shoulder.

"Bring some tea to my room after you finish with them." He ordered her just like some maid.

She let out and angry sigh as she said fine to him.

After reading a bedtime story for her chidren, she went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea for that cold, arrogant, demanding bastard. She was pouring some sugar into the the tea when this crazy idea came into her mind. It was insane but yet it would be a good opportunity. Yes, this was the right time, she would run from this house tonight.

It was final, she would do this plan. Instantly, Sakura rushed to her children's bedroom, leaving the tea she made. She quietly shooked his oldest son shoulder.

"Ryuu, sweety, wake up." he stirred a bit but didn't open his eyes. She shooked again.

"Ryuu, sweetheart wake up."

"Mommy, what..?" Mumbling incoherently, Ryuusuke rubbed his sleepy eyes with the back of his hand

"Sweetheart, we will go back to our home, how does it sounds?"

Ryuusuke beamed from ear to ear. "Really!"

"Ssstt! Be quiet, sweety."

"Okay, Mommy."

Sakura smiled to him and began to wake her other sons.

"Daisuke, Ichigo, wake up sweety."

Daisuke was up instantly, he was a light sleeper, but his brother was his opposite, ichigo was a heavy sleeper. Ichigo didn't even stir when his mother shook his shoulder. Sakura gave up, sighing slightly. But she didn't want to waste the time so she hurriedly snatched her bag, throwing in every single clothes she grabbed , without giving a second glance. Done with packing, she told her little boys to stay in the room and keep staying awake. She strolled down the stairs, slightly running to the kitchen. Had to bring his tea right now or else he would get suspicious on her. Sakura poured in some hormone powder and sleeping powder to the tea, stirring it till the powders were dissolved. Her heart pounded heavilly, scared into dead, what if her idea failed. She couldn't imagine it. This had to be succeed.

"Come in." Sasuke eyeing the pink haired woman who bring a tray with a cup of tea.

"What took you so long? Can't do a simple task like making a cup of tea?" He said in mocking voice. Sakura bit her inside cheek, trying to contain her anger.

"Here is you tea." She placed the tray on the bedside table. His eyes never left her.

"I don't feel like to drink it right now."

Oh God, he must drink it. Please help me God. Sakura prayed in her heart.

"Just try it, it's a relaxing tea. It's good for you." She hoped she could convince him.

"Why suddenly care?" Sasuke was amused with her.

" just.." Damn it why she stuttering. C'mon Sakura be brave. Sakura told to herself.

Sasuke's lips curled into devilish smirk.

"Make me." He suddenly said,

"What?" With confused look, she stared at him. What did he mean by "make me"? She didn't get it.

"Make me drink the tea. Feed me."

Sakura eyes widen, it shone with anger. The devilish smirk never left his handsome face, his onyx eyes challenged her. But hell know that actually what she intended to do, to seduce him till the sleeping powder affect him. With determined hand, she reached for the cup, her hand a little bit shaky. Right when she almost reach the cup, Sasuke pulled her waist, drawing her body into his. He rolled her body so she was positioned beneath him. She gasped, feeling fear but yet excited. Her body desired him. With no single word, Sasuke attacked her luscious lips, sucking and biting it. His tongue slipped inside her mouth, exploring and tasting her mouth. Her mind was blank, she couldn't feel anything except his smooth lips on hers, his hard body against hers, and his hands roaming her body.