I open my eyes slowly ugh I had that dream again. It had Joey, Tea (an I don't know if that's how to spell it), Tristan and my brother. Yugi, and Pharaoh. I remember the day our lives changed. We were 15 years old and our grampa gave us both puzzles from ancient Egypt. On the same night everything changed because we put them together, mine was a star yugi's was a pyramid. But that night, we released something and we also released two ancient Egyptian spirits. Thought we didn't know then. So much happened. Kaiba, Pegases and Marik. I haven't seen Yugi since battle city. When the Egyptian princess got her memories back. Oh well. I look around and see Edward. "Hey Bells Alice called and said that today there's going to be some new kids in school." he says grinning.

"Cool what's the time?" I ask. He waves the alarm clock in my face and runs out. It's 8. I get up and get dressed quickly. I look in the mirror. Wow I haven't looked this good since battle city. Alice is going to be so shocked. I laugh running downstairs past the kitchen, where the Volvo's already waiting. I climb in the ride goes by to quickly. We run into the school. Alice is staring at me her mouth wide open in shock. I laugh. Suddenly Eyassa the Egyptian princess appears "Hey I have a feeling that today's going to be weird." I nod. The day passes quickly. Before I know it it's time for the last lesson, history. We're supposed to be getting a new teacher and doing Egyptian. I sit down and close my eyes. When I open them and look up I see an all to familiar face, Marik Ishtar. He's holding the millennium rod, I gasp. I hear five other gasps. I look around and see Bakura, Joey, Tristan, Tea, Ishizu and last of all my eyes met with yugi's. I smile he has his memories I'm 100 percent sure. I look at Bakura and frown. Yugi shrugs and shakes his head. I hear a cough and look up. Marik is glaring at Yugi. He obviously doesn't realise it's me. Time for this ancient spirit to get a blast from his past. I put my hand up in the air, he nods at me "Um excuse me I was wondering if you remember battle city. Someone had one just like it in battle city. Not many people here have even heard of duel monsters. Do you remember it?" I ask pleasantly. He looks at me properly his face twists into a scowl. The lesson goes by quickly. I run out past Yugi slipping a note in his hand telling him to meet me in my house an Charlie isn't in this I rush to the Volvo and climb in. I tell Edward that I need to do something private when I get home. He just drops me of. I sit down to wait for everyone. I grab my duel deck and look finally I see my five favourite cards. Dark magician, Dark magician girl and my three Egyptian god cards. Yes there were two of each god cards. I have one of each card . I put them back just as the bell rings. Exited I get up and ran to the door. When I open it I don't see my friends, Bakura or Yugi. I see the awful Marik. His hand shoots out and wraps around my throat. He shoves me inside and shuts the door one handed. Shoving me against the wall his hand tightens even more. I can't breath. I try to scream but nothing comes out.