Psst! Pass it on.

Toph was the first to know. Her earth sight giving her the power to see everything around her, Toph had the heads up on this juicy, little piece of gossip. She could have told someone else, but where was the fun in that? Better let them figure it out for themselves. Besides, the last few weeks have been so boring, she could use some entertainment.

Two weeks later, Suki figured it out. The scream could be heard two villages over.

The next to learn about it was Katara. It was during a girl's night out with Suki and Toph. Just as they were making their way into a bar to get something to drink, the Kyoshi warrior blurted it out. Heart attack is an understatement to the surprise Katara felt.

Toph just smiled knowingly.

Not even three days later, and Katara told Zuko, despite being sworn to secrecy.

Normally Katara's really good at keeping secrets, but Zuko was practically begging her to tell him. At least that's what Katara told herself.

"How was your outing with Suki and Toph?"

"It was fine, absolutely normal, nothing out of the ordinary! Yup, everything was okey-dokey! You don't have to worry about a thing!"

"Katara, is there something you need to tell me?"


And then she told him.

Zuko could already feel the headache coming on. And the one that he would most certainly have tomorrow. And the day after. And the day after that.

Being the Fire Lord, Zuko was able to keep top secret information a little better than his waterbending friend. And this particular secret being a real doozy, Zuko fully planned on taking it to the grave if he had to. Mai only found out because she found him drunk one evening. You would think someone like the Fire Lord would be able to hold his own when it came to drinks. But after only one cup, Zuko's vault was wide open and easy picking for anyone who was half as clever as Mai was.

Zuko face palmed himself for the slip up. Mai allowed a small, mischievous smile to grace her features.

It took a week's worth of pleading, endless beseeching, a huge amount of begging, and a particularly large piece of blackmail, but Mai eventually told Ty Lee.

The regret hit Mai like a freight train.

Ty Lee literally ran to tell Azula. Having been released from prison completely rehabilitated, the circus performer felt safe telling her friend this juicy little piece of gossip. When she burst into Azula's room, she had a grin to rival that of the Cheshire Cat's.

Azula already knew.

So did Iroh.

True to her word, Toph hadn't told a soul. Not even her husband, who was too busy trying to rebuild the Air Temples to really notice that anything was out of place. If it wasn't for that stupid, stupid circus freak and her damn messenger hawks, Twinkle Toes would have been none the wiser. But as fate would have it, Aang had walked into the room just as Toph was setting fire to the letter.

Damn Twinkle Toes and his speedy little airbender feet. He was able to slip under Toph's guard and take the letter before it could be incinerated.

Stupid Ty Lee.

Being Aang's literally closest friend, Teo was told almost immediately.

Who soon passed it on to his father, the Mechanist.

Two days later, a man on a glider delivered a message to Haru, who was in Ba Sing Se assisting the Earth King.

Haru told Kieu.

Omashu being Ba Sing Se's closest advisor, Boomi was told soon afterwards.

Boomi told the new General of his army, Smellerbee.

Smellerbee told the rest of the Freedom Fighters.

They told anyone who would listen.

Soon half the Earth Kingdom knew.

An Earth Kingdom citizen told Paku.

Who told Gran-Gran. She was very happy

But not nearly as happy as Hakoda was.

He told Bato.

Who told the rest of the Water Tribe.

Nobody told Sokka.

Everyone agreed that it was best that Suki be the one to tell him about her pregnancy.


That's one big piece of chisme -spanish for gossip-. How did you like the ending?

Did you get the Seinfeld reference? Lemme give you a hint: What opens the vault?

I want to dedicate this story, and every story that I have ever written to my three day old nephew. Little Dean was born November 6th, 2010, at 11:01. Weighing 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and 22 inches long, he is the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. And I'm not just saying that because I'm his uncle. There are no words to describe how incredibly happy I am.

The little punk scared the hell outta us when he first came out. But he's healthy and very energetic. And feisty! He wouldn't stop pulling the oxygen hose off his face. No matter how much the nurses tried, he would just reach up and yank it off! It was hilarious and adorable! Even when they put special tape, he would just reach up with his little arm and yank it off! And I swear he knows when you're there, because when I speak to him, he stares right at me! Oh, this kid's gonna be clever. And he's gonna his Tio Shady -TheBlueFoxtrot- to help guide him.