DISCLAIMER: I am not the owner of the rights for the Twilight Saga!!


So hi, um my name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen, I'm a virgin, I am an only child, I will be starting my freshman year at some High school named; "La Push High". (Oh, God! I sound like one of those people that are in a 12 step program for their addiction to booze!)

Any who! My parents and I just moved here to La Push Washington from Boston MA. My mom got pregnant with me when she was 16 and my father was 18 when he knocked her up. The story goes as my mother and father were High School Sweethearts and one day when my father had confessed his love to my mother, they made love, and that is where I come in the picture.

My parents said that my grandfather Charlie was not very happy with my daddy, when they told him that mom; Bella, was pregnant. So, they went to Vegas and got married in a Drive-through Wedding Chapel. But when I was five, they had a real wedding. And they have been with each other ever since! My father; Edward, owns one of the biggest music production companies. He is what you would call a 'Casual Billionaire'; he may make a huge salary, but he does not let money get to his head. He is the best daddy anyone could ask for.

My mother says I look just like him. I have his unusual bronze hair color; I have most of his facial expressions. But I have my mother's brown eyes. Every time I role my eyes; she just about gushes how I look so much like my dad when I do that. She calls me her little miniature Edward. Psh. I mean I know I look gorgeous; it is just that she always makes a big deal out of it. She said when I was born; that I had NO hair . . . she said I looked like a little version of a bold Edward.

But my father on the other hand; says I look exactly like my mother. And so when they ask me who I think I look like the most; I just say 'both' or when I am REALLY annoyed by them I say 'The Muffin Man'.


We passed what was called; 'First Beach'. I looked to see a bunch of rez boys moshing around a big fire pit. They all looked like 'Pearl Jam' wanna be's. They had on Flannel button up shirts over white T-shirts; Baggy shorts; complete with long straight jet black hair; and Chuck Taylors. Hey, guys! The 90's called! They want their Flannel back!! I laughed at that thought!

"Nessie, if I find out that you have been hanging out with these 'Pearl Jam' wanna be's, I'm gonna kick your butt." My dad said from the driver's seat of the Volvo that we called 'The Family Car'.

"Don't worry dad. I have no intentions to hang out with a bunch of pot heads." I said in mock boredom.

"You better not." He looked in the rear view mirror and winked at me.


"Nessie, dinner's ready!" I was up here in my new room that could fit a whole three bedroom apartment in it, trying to decide where I should hang up my posters of; Guns n' Roses, Metallica, HIM, The 69 Eyes, Taylor Lautner, and Dokken. I'm rockin' with Dokken, Baby!

I put down my posters and ran downstairs to our box crowded living room and entry way. I made a bee-line through the towered boxes. I finally med my way into the kitchen and found my mother in front of the stove with my father literally dry humping her legs.

"Oh, Bella. You make my cock so rock hard, it hurts. We are going to have to have a nice rough fuck before we go to bed." Ok . . . ew!! I SO did not need to hear that!! It is bad already that I have to hear every night!!

"Mom, dad? Is it safe to come in?" I said as I walked in the kitchen while covering my eyes. All the while bumping into a wall.

"Yes, your father and I will be gone tomorrow night after you get home from school. He has to go meet with some band and we will need to be gone before one PM." Nice, now I have the house to myself and a fridge full of Dr. Pepper!!

"Alright. When will you guys be back?" I said as I grabbed a Dr. Pepper from the fridge. My father and I were the only ones in the house who would drink it . . .

"We should be back on Thursday night." Sweetness!! I get to be by myself for three whole days!! I am not planning on doing anything stupid; it's just that I like to get away from my parents who fuck like dogs! And plus my new house was HUGE!! There was so much room! Back in our old house in Boston; which was almost as big as this one; every time my parents we out of town, I would always pretend like I was the one who owned the house.

"Sounds good!"


After dinner, I went straight to my bedroom and took a nice hot shower. I went and grabbed my pajamas and crawled up on my king-sized bed and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and got dressed in a pair of black skin tight skinny jeans and a skin tight Guns n' Roses stretch cotton T-shirt. I slipped on my red Chuck Taylors and went downstairs to eat breakfast. After breakfast, I went upstairs to brush my teeth, fix my makeup and comb hair.

I went back downstairs and grabbed my back pack and went outside to wait for the bus.