I'm BACK! Haha took me long enough, right? Yeah sorry about that.....but I'm back now! Whoo!

I woke up to the sound of breakfast dishes clattering and the sound of laughing. Yep, my uncles and Aunt Macy were here. Along with-Penny?! Nick's girlfriend is back! I quickly got up from bed and put on some Capri's that went to my knee and a black shirt that said "ARMY" in gold lettering. I completed the outfit with a gold belt and some converse. I smiled as I ran out of my room but then it faded. What if my dad was home? That fight that we had was pretty tough. I looked through the whole from the fire pole. There was Uncle Nick with Penny sitting next to eachother at the table eating eggs, then Uncle Kevin and Aunt Macy on the other side of the table doing the same. Oh, there's 'Hurricane Dad' getting some coffee for everyone. What day is it? I looked at my watch, it had a calendar on it too, Friday. Did dad ACTUALLY take a day off? Oh, of course he does it when we're in a fight. Here it goes.

I slid down the fire pole and was welcomed by stares. Awkward…..great.... I AM turning into my dad. Speaking of my father, he just kept on taking care of the coffee.

"Morning everyone…?" I said it more like a question then a statement.

Penny got up from her chair with a smile.

"Oh Jenny! I haven't seen you in forever! How you been?" She asked as she wrapped me into a huge hug.

I smiled, "Good. Nice to have you back Penny."

She led me to the breakfast table and I sat down next to Uncle Nick and grabbed some eggs from the big plate that sat in the middle of the table. Ok this was annoying, when I wasn't down here everyone was laughing and talking but now that I'm here it's all gloomy.

"Dana, can you pass the bagels?" Uncle Kevin asked.

That's it. I stood up from my chair.

"Ok! What's going on?! I know that my dad and I are in a fight, but that doesn't mean you all have to act like someone died! Thanks for taking his side." I left the table and grabbed my backpack as I headed outside.

"Jenny!" Dad called from the front door.

But I kept on walking, ignoring him. When the house was out of sight I headed to the park and climbed a tree. How did my life go from awesome to miserable? Everything is falling apart. I brought my knees up to my chest and just cried on the tree banch.

"Jenny, is that you?" I looked down to see Miss Malone….mom.

Her expression turned to worry when she saw my tear streaked face.

"What's wrong?"

I couldn't answer…mainly because I felt like I couldn't talk.

"Can you come down?" She asked.

I nodded as I jumped down. She opened her arms up but I ignored them and headed over to the street. Of all people, I didn't want to talk to her. She was my mom and she knew it! Yet, she's moving away to abandon my dad and I.....again.

"Jenny, come here!" She said in a soothing but firm voice.

I ignored her and just stared straight ahead as I walked towards the street. I could hear her footsteps following but not too close or too far behind.

"Jenny…." I tuned her out.

I crossed my arms as I continued to walk ignoring her. Maybe if she was around for the 16 years in my life I would've listened but she lost her chance when she left now didn't she?

"JENNY LOOK OUT!" She yelled.

I was about to turn to her but a car's headlight's distracted me. Too shocked to move I stood there mouth opened as the car hit me and my whole world grew black.



5 Minutes Earlier

Joe stared as his daughter walked away from the house. How could he have let this happen? Joe shut the door as he went back over to his extended family by the table.

"You should go find her Joe." Macy said nodding.

Joe nodded, "Yeah."

Kevin and Nick got up and went to Joe.

"We'll come. You know for support." Nick gave Joe a comforting smile.

Joe shook his head, "Sorry guys, I should get her myself."

Kevin nodded and patted Joe on the back. "Good luck."

Joe nodded as he left the house and walked in the direction that Jenny went. He couldn't believe this was happening, everything used to be so easy when Jenny was little. No troubles, no boys, and especially no rebellion. Joe's thoughts were interrupted when:

"JENNY LOOK OUT!" Stella's voice rang.

Joe turned to the street to see Jenny, eyes wide and mouth opened while a car came and hit her. Now she laid on the street, his little girl. Joe ran towards Jenny who was now unconscious and bleeding.

"Jenny….honey wake up." Joe said in a soothing but scared way.


"Jenny please…." Joe's voice cracked.

Suddenly Joe felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up to see Stella with a tear streaked face holding a cell phone in her other hand.

"The ambulance is on there way."



1) Were you shocked when Jenny got hit by the car?

2) Are you mad that Joe and Nick got nominated for best actor for the KCAs but Kevin didn't?! (I am haha)

Please Review!