Disclaimer: I. Don't. Own. ICarly.

Author's Note: Short chapter because I'm posting another tomorrow.

Chapter Five: Convincing Carly

Freddie walked into Bushwell plaza, Sam's words echoed through his head. He messed up big-time and he felt like shit, completely the worst type of scum. He sighed. Why didn't realize it before? Why didn't he know he hurt his friends? How couldn't he know he hurt Carly?

And is Carly could hear his thoughts, the girl descended the stairs. Freddie had never been happier in his life to see someone, and it was if his prayers. Hopefully Carly would give him a second chance. Carly caught and he looked shamefully at his feet. She hoped to rush and out of the door, but Freddie grabbed Carly's wrist.

"Freddie..." Carly tried to pull away.

Freddie stepped in front of her and grabbed the other wrist, preventing her from getting away. "I'm so sorry."

Carly looked at the boy, and the hurt was evident on her face, "Save it Freddie."

"Carly," Freddie pleaded and his eyes were full of regret. Carly looked to floor. "I made a mistake please forgive me. I'm only human, just like you."

"Freddie, I can't." Carly's expression changed, it was almost sad, almost longing.

Freddie gently put his hand on her face, his fingertips lightly touched her temples, her cheekbone, and her jawline. Carly blushed as he turned her face toward him, making them millimeters apart. His breath swept across her face as he talked, "I'm still the old Freddie, just give me a chance to find him. Help me find him."

"I..i..i" Carly stuttered.

"Look at me Carly," Freddie said as he opened his eyes, "look into my eyes and tell me you don't want to be my friend."

"Freddie I don't want..." Carly saw his eyes blazing with the love he had always felt for her and her heart give an ungentle squeeze. She fell silent and turned more red than it already was.

"I thought so." Freddie whispered, "I still want to be one of you're best friends, Carly."

Freddie let go or her, and she paused as she pushed open the door.

"Okay Freddie. One more chance." Carly looked back and smiled half-heartily.

Freddie was about to say thank you, but she was already gone.