He looks just like him

Pale hands caressed the soft skin beneath him, glowing in the blue moonlight

Almost identical

A shiver traveled down the smaller boy's body, the older felt a pang of guilt. He knew the boy's shiver wasn't caused by the wind

They have the same eyes

Heat radiated of the two bodies as they moved, the scent of sweat and lust filling the air

The same face

Soft pink lips mouthed a silent moan as gentle kisses were planted along his body

The same skin

'He doesn't have a single scar' the boy noted as he observed and touched every inch of the male beneath him

But he's not him


He won't ever be him

Tears were filling blue quartz eyes, listening to the breathing, the moaning of the blonde. "Roxas"

I'm using him

Riku didn't regret it

He knows it

Roxas didn't care

I need him

The moment, the feelings were clouding up his mind. As friction was felt between the two, names so desperately wished for echoed quietly

He needs me


We want what we don't have

Nothing changed between the two except the names which were moaned, neither caring that it was no longer what should have been said

We have what we don't want

They both knew they could never have the ones they truly loved, so they turned to each other, drowning their pain and sorrows in each other, in moments of pure lust

We won't ever leave each other

Both cried out at their release, no names mentioned, just a moan, a scream of pleasure

Because there's no place to go

Collapsing on the blonde, the silvernette kissed his fair cheek softly, and closed his eyes, too tired to pull out

He's not Sora

"Goodnight Roxas"

I'm not Axel

"Goodnight Riku"

We're each other's replacements

The smaller boy drifted off to a dreamless sleep, the silvernette following not long after

And wishing we were our loves

'Riku!' The brunette's eyes twinkled as he waved to his friend, before disappearing into a black world, calm and easily forgotten sleep

Is nothing but wishful thinking

A/N- Why did I write RikuRoku? No idea. I just had the urge to, so I did. Now for some odd reason, I want to write AkuSora. …I think I have a problem. *blinks*

Oh well, at least I like the way this came out. Please comment or whatever, just want to know what you think. But no flames, please. Axel will be very upset if he hears someone has been screwing around with HIS flaming fire of fun and doom.