Full Summary:

It's been fifty-three years since Edward left Bella in the woods. Since then, the Cullens have added two new members to their coven, and have moved back to Forks. Feeling compromised, the Volturi travel to Forks to dispose of the Cullens. As war is about to commence, the newest Volturi member suffers an onslaught of memories of her human past. The Cullens' saving grace may also mean the end of Edward. Or will Bella Volturi have a change of undead heart?

A/N: After trying to find as many stories that follow the general idea of Bella being changed when the Cullens leave her in New Moon as I could, I found this idea still haunting me. I don't know where it came from or what it wants, so I just decided to let it out, and a full story later, I've decided I'd like to share it with everyone else. There will be explainations, angst, anger, sex, and more angst...and maybe, eventually some happiness. I might be a sucker for happy endings, but that would be giving it all away.

Title comes from Mika, from his new album The Boy Who Knew Too Much. I enjoyed the thought of the name as the title, and then the lyrics just happened to fit extraordinarily well!

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

I vaguely recognized the area as we approached our awaiting enemies. We were in some sort of brush that eventually opened into a clearing that I assumed was made by this coven. Aro had me positioned behind most of our army, close enough forward that if I was needed I could quickly step in, but far enough back that I wouldn't be caught off guard and harmed. Not an easy feat, I might add. I tried to catch a look at the coven we were fighting, to get an understanding as to why we had the whole guard leave Volterra to come here, to Forks, Washington.

I quickly weaved to stand behind the guard, within the front row of our army, and looked past to see a grouping of very large men, abnormally large men, who were scattered about the clearing, but I could also see a few standing back, more into the woods. I looked back at our army wondering how they were sustaining themselves from attacking the humans when I took in a breath myself and was surprised to find I was revolted by the smell. I looked back to the men, analyzing them. They looked human, they had heartbeats, but they were tainted. Something about them was different and this affected their blood.

I shrugged it off. They were still human. We weren't here to fight them. So I continued to scan the clearing for the coven we were here for. I hadn't been paying attention to the conversation Aro had been having with them, with I'd assume their leader, so I stumbled when I was suddenly pushed forward when our army moved in to attack.

"Bella! No!" I heard Aro shout just as I looked forward to see the coven. I fell to the ground as I was suddenly overcome with a lifetime of memories. The Cullens. Edward. Alice. Carlisle. Esme. Emmett. Jasper. Rosalie. Jacob. Charlie. Renee. Family. Friends. Love. Hurt. Infatuation. Lost. Secrets. Protection. Edward.

"Stop!" I cried, my hands automatically raised to pause the war.

I panted, overcome with emotion, with recognition. My past, my human past that I could never remember, had assaulted me at the worst, yet best possible time.

I looked up to see everyone frozen, our army literally frozen in the air as they launched for the attack of the Cullens. Aro was reaching towards me, his features frozen in fear. I stood up and walked towards the Cullens, who were crouched and ready to defend themselves. The men! Oh the men were the weirdest as I focused on them, only to find them in a half state of man and wolf. They were werewolves! But it was not night and there was no full moon? I broke my attention away from them and looked back to the Cullens. There were more of them. This is why we were here in the first place, to 'take care' of the coven that was growing too large. I looked to Edward, the man that had caused me so much pain as a human. He stood in front of a girl I did not recognize, protecting her, and I was surprised to feel a rip of pain and jealousy course through me. My heart remembered too.

I ignored the girl and studied Edwards face. It was different then my sudden memories portrayed him. His features were more defined - his skin darker, like he hadn't been caring for himself. I shrugged it off and equated it to seeing him through human eyes versus vampire eyes. He had a peculiar look, as if somehow, facing off against our army, he had a sudden burst of hope. His eyes were alive with recognition but held a look of confusion, and sorrow I now only knew too well. He was focused on something before I froze everything and I placed myself in front of him to look where he had been looking. I couldn't see anything. If anything he should have been looking up, at the newborn that was about to descend upon him. I looked over to Carlisle to see him looking at the same empty spot. As was Jasper. I went over to Alice, but she was looking over at Aro, smiling? I ignored Alice and went to stand where the boys were looking and found myself in the spot I had been when I had recognized the Cullens. They had seen me. They knew who I was. They knew I was there.

My time of holding everything at standstill was running out so I had to work this out quickly. I needed Aro to stop this war. I needed the Cullens safe.

I made my way to Aro, brushing his arm to unfreeze him from my trance.

"-la!" He unfroze, ending my name as he had been calling for me. It took him only seconds to realize what had occurred.

"Aro, please stop this. We can't hurt them."

He shook his head and wrapped an arm around me. "Bella, their coven has grown too large. We remain at risk unless we take matters into our own hands. You know this and you have had no issues in the past with our reasoning."

"But I know them Aro. I know they have no intentions of overruling us or engaging us in battle."

He stopped and stood in front of me. "You know them? But how?"

I frowned. He knew exactly how I knew them, which is why I was never told the name of the coven we were set to destroy. He would use my reason as new ammunition to kill them. "I knew them when I was human."

His eyes sparkled, pleased with my honesty and with his new reason for slaying. "When you were human? Well, I know Carlisle knows, better than anyone-"

"Aro, we will not harm them." I cut him off; we didn't have time for his games.

He tsked me, once again wrapping his arm around me and leading me towards the Cullens. "My dear Bella. You now remember your human past with this coven, but do you not remember the pain they caused you, that Edward caused you?"

My eyes narrowed, I felt them darken as my undead heart ached. "I do, Aro. But that does not mean I wish them harm."

"Not even young Edward? I could perhaps call all of this off in sacrifice of bringing Edward home with us." Aro bargained, of course he would use this to expand his own guard, gain new powers, but he had a point.

Edward had left me heartbroken. He had essentially killed me. Brought me to this time and place. To take him away from his family, bring him into the guard, where he undoubtly would rather be killed then serve, could bring with it a certain vengeance. He may have stopped loving me, but I was sure his distaste for me to have to live this existence never faltered.

"You're considering my offer." Aro voiced his thoughts as he watched me work out what I wanted.

We were now standing in front of Edward. I studied him once again, his face and hair unchanged. Then I looked to the girl he was protecting. She was beautiful. Her hair a dark brown, nearly black, and pin straight. Her eyes were dark and I could see she was scared but ready to fight. She was dressed in the same fashions as I remember Alice and Rosalie enjoying. Another sting to my heart. I looked over to Alice and then Rosalie. I missed them, now that I remembered having them. But they had left me too.

"If I agree, we take Edward with us. I control him. I control his time with us. If I decide he should leave, there will be no debate, he will be sent back here. And if that is to happen, we will not seek another fight, no matter what the size of the Cullens coven." I proposed. I needed to know he had a way out.

Aro raised an eyebrow and looked between Edward and myself. "You've been hurt. You now remember the pain caused by this coven but you will still protect them."

I smiled at his distaste to my humanity. "They don't deserve to die Aro. Taking Edward away will cause enough pain to everyone."

He grinned. Aro actually grinned. "Very well. And might you have a plan as to go about this?"

I unfroze Jane and Felix and had them take Edward away. By the time my power wore off he would be securely in the private jet. I knew he'd be 'safe' with them.

With Edward taken care of Aro went back to where he had been standing while I stood directly in front of the Cullens and with a quick flex in my brain I was able to unfreeze only the Cullens and the werewolves.

"Run back!" I told them when I caught their recognition.

A chorus of "Bella?" rippled through the clearing.

"I don't have time to deal with this, I said run! Now before they unfreeze." I looked behind me. We were seconds away from my power wearing off. "Go!"

I don't know what it was that made them run, but in a split second they were gone and the rest of the undead landed behind me.

"Stop!" Aro called to the confused army.

Before I could hear Aro's reasoning to the army I too had taken off, but towards our plane. Edward would also be unfrozen now.