As the night grew colder, i pulled the colorful silk kimono over my skin. I had just been recovering from a busy day. Turns out that rin's wedding would be more fun than i thought. I am glad that inuyasha convinced me to go. As soon as the high of the party cooled down and friends and families began to disperse for the evening, however, instead of going home and soothing my aching headache, i received an urgent call from one of my chiefs.

Of course i had been rather aggrivated, i was slightly drunk and i smelled as if i hadn't showered in days (lets just say some very unpleasant ladies pulled me away during the reception). However, i had duties to attend to.

As i walked through the hallway, tieing my hair back into its (now) usual style of a low pony tail, i hear Inu-yasha and Kagome fighting, children who should really be in bed right now, and of course the slayers husband snoring. I sighed as the commotion graded against my ear drums. Perhaps i shouldn't have drunk at all during the ceremony. What could i say? My little girl was getting married to a man that i knew too little about to be content with him. I was like ( sorta am) her dad. You would drink too.

I quickly walked towards my war room, which just had to be on the other side of the castle. As i neared the doors, a large, heavy, yet familiar aura shocked me out of my half-drunken state. 'Dear kami, who could this be?' My hand trembeled as i reached to open the door. Before i could touch the handle, i clenched my eye's shut in frustration. 'Dammit Sesshomaru, man up. Your the freaking Lord for kami's sake. You can't go out there shaking like a little girl.' After my little "pep" talk, i sighed and regained my (semi) normal posture and emotionless face.

Walking in to the room, still unsure of what i might be getting my self into at 3 in the morning after drinkng waaaay too much sake. I flowed infront of my group of soldiers who just happened to be obscuring my view of the prisoner. After talking to my war chief, Ronain, who happened to lose his arm during the struggle of getting the prisoner to reced and surrender, said that he was quite dangerous and that i had lost most of if not half of my soldiers. After making arrangements with the funeral commisioner, i motioned for the soldiers to move aside so that i could get a good look at the man who had made such a mess of things.

"Sir, you are aware that you cannot enter the boundaries of the weastern lands and just start attacking postmen, it's highly dishonorable." I said with a sour look on my face. Turning around to look the prisoner in the eyes, slowly.

My comment was met with a very dry chuckle, violent coughing and another, quiter statement.

"Oh Sesshomaru, you and your honor... your just the same as i left you ninty years ago, aren't you boy...?" It wasn't really a question, however, the extremly mellow tone and deep voice could only come from one person in the entire universe. Someone who i hadn't seen since i was a young boy.

I spun around to face the poor, thoughtless fool who decided to address me as blantantly as he. What i saw took my breath away and shocked me to the point to were i could just step backwards and gap...