Okay, I just got this idea into my head today and had to write about it - it wouldn't let me go! These are my thoughts on how Meiling would feel if she had to leave Syaoran again. I do like Meiling, so if you don't, please leave. Standard disclaimers apply.
Eibetsu (Last Farewell)
By Crystal Mage
Xiao Lang, I am leaving you. Will you even notice? Only when there is no one left for you to train with. Why? Because I love you. Because I care about you enough to know that you'd never be happy with me. You'd always be wanting more. And you'd always be wanting the Card Mistress. You are in love with her and wouldn't notice anything important, let alone how I long to be with you every moment of every day. I know that you want what's best for me. You look at me as if I'm your little sister. So I am leaving. I will break the engagement, and then you will be happy with your little cherry blossom. Is it because I have no magic? I don't know, and think that I never truly will.
So here's my farewell to you, Xiao Lang, the last I will ever give. I have spent my tears and grief on you, and am now ready to continue on with my life. I will train hard and win a high position in the clan. Who knows, I may even get to choose whom I marry.
"Last call for flight 102, Tokyo to Hong Kong. This is the last call for flight 102, Tokyo to Hong Kong," said a voice over the airport's speakers. Meiling jerked upright, mid-back length hair falling in ebony waves. Her crimson eyes flashed open as she glanced quickly over at the gate to her flight. She got up and marched over to the gate, straight-backed and confident, as if her life weren't falling apart at the seams. Just as she neared her flight, she turned around, looking in the direction of her old apartment, and thought, Farewell, Xiao Lang, and wo ai ni.
So how'd you like it? Shorter than my usual (one page!), but I loved the idea. I practically wrote it all on my ideas list. Meiling refers to Syaoran as Xiao Lang because she's Chinese, and that's his Chinese name. Wo ai ni is Chinese for "I love you". If I miss-used the word "eibetsu" (the title), please tell me. This is my first time using a Japanese title. ~ C-Mage