Chapter 1

The warm sun was shinning down on my bare back; people were yelling and laughing between each other. I had about six people running after me while I had about three in front of me. The wind was in my face my short black cropped hair going every where. I wore a pink bikini top with a pair of blue short shorts that showed off my may I say my very nice thin legs. I had a black and white soccer ball only a few centimetres in front of my feet. Looking up I saw that people were coming from everywhere, but because I was so small I was able to dodge them pretty easily and score a goal.

As I played I saw that my boyfriend Edward Mason was over with all him mates cheering every time I scored a goal, gosh he was the best. You probably didn't need to hear that, but it was the truth. The whole group kept playing for hours until everyone got tired and decided to go sit back in the sun. For the fun of it I kicked the soccer ball through a life ring that was hoisted up in the air. "WOO!" I cried when I got it in.

I watched as Ed ran along and caught the ball just before it hit the ground before he ran back to me. "Oh she shoots, she scores GOAL!" Ed praised as he walked up to me a hot smile printed across his face. I giggled before reaching out for the ball but he simply chucked it up out of my reach.

"Hey," I giggled. He looked down at me a smirk printed on his lips.

"Oh you want this?" he asked waving the ball in front of my face.

I grabbed for it again but he simply pulled it out of my reach "Yes… now give it here." I laughed jumping up for it but having no hope in hell of getting it because he was so much taller than me.

"Well I guess you are just going to have to… persuade me," he stated a cocky smile on his oh so handsome face. I smiled before a giggled left my lips and I reached up in tip-toes and placed a lingering kiss on his lips and before I knew or he knew what he was doing he had dropped the ball and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his chiselled body. After a few lingering seconds he pulled away. "You're getting good."

"Aw thanks you to, I mean when we started out no offence you could not kiss." I stated looking up into his bright green eyes.

"I meant at soccer, babe." He corrected me.


"Yeah most defiantly, you my little star would be better than half the guys on my team."

"Thanks honey." I placed another kiss on his lips before untangling myself from his arms and running for the ball.

"I swear you love that thing more than me," he stated as he ran for the ball.

"Maybe I do." I yelled back giggling as I kicked the ball into the goal.

"So Ali you really mean I couldn't kiss at all when we started dating?"

"Yeah… but don't worry I have taught you well… my pretty." He simply chuckled shaking his head at me before running and getting the ball and we made our way back home from the beach.


The next day at school me and a whole group of girls were walking down to the oval to get ready to play our soccer game. I was busy talking to Jane Callahagn who was one of my best friends. She had honey blonde hair that fell down just past her shoulders. She was about my size and as fit a fiddle, and she was the best to talk to, but she could be a little gullible sometimes but hey we all can and I do not hold that against her. We had been friends for as long as I can remember. Today Jane had her hair done up in a ponytail and I got to say it did not suit her but she had to wear it back when play sport. Otherwise she normally wears it down.

The group and I made our down to the oval only to find that it had already been taken up by the lacrosse team and I had no idea why. "Why is the lacrosse team on our playing field?" I asked and before anyone had time to answer. My other friend Leah Clearwater had run up her long black hair tied back into a ponytail swaying as she run.

"Alice, guess what?" she started sounding infuriated "They cut our team." She held out a clip board for me to look at. "Not enough girls signed up."

"So what they just decided to cut us?" I asked anger bubbling inside of me.

"They can't do that." Jane stated in disgust.

"This isn't over. Come on." with that we left our area walking over to where the guys played soccer, my hunky Edward, anyway not the point. We made our way over to where Coach Stevenson stood. His first name was Aro weird I know he sounds so ancient with that name, but he's probably on in his late thirties.

"Hey girls, heard about the bad news." He stated not even bothering to look at us.

"Bad?" BAD is understatement it idiot "it's a disaster."

"Now the college scouts won't even get to see us play." Jane chipped in her voice really pissed off.

"Yeah," all the girls chorused in agreement.

"I know and if there is anything I can do you name it and I will be happy to help."

Well here's our chance. I swallowed and stated "Well actually there is, we'd like to try out for the boys team." Laughter fell from his lips. He's laughing how the hell does he find this funny? I am being serious you moron.

He turned his head and looked at me and saw that I was being dead serious. "Uh… anything but that."

WHAT? Are you freaking serious, god this guy is a freaking jerk. No wonder nobody like him. "What… come on coach you know we're good enough." I stated trying no to blow his head off but in my head I was imaging it.

"I don't know that that's a thing I know." Nice sentence dickhead, I though to myself.

"Please coach all we're asking for is one shot."

"Yeah." I heard the girl's chorus in again.

"Girls we have exactly two weeks before school starts, then we open up against Illyria. A rivalry game we have to WIN."

"And we can help you win." I stated in a softer tone.

"Hey baby," I heard the voice I knew so well from behind me. I turned to find Edward and his team running up to us. God he looked so good. Alice snap out of it, you are here to get on the team not perve on your boyfriends perfect pecs.

"Hey," I greeted smiling at him.

"What's going on coach?" he asked looking at Aro, I was still picturing his head exploding.

"Uhm… the girls here want to try out for the team." I turned to look at Edward while his team just burst out laughing. Come on baby say something good.

"You're not serious?" WHAT! 'you're not serious?' ARE YOU SERIOUS THAT'S ALL YOU CAN SAY. HELLO GIRLFRIEND HERE!

"Alright, alright." Aro finally cut in silencing the guys, then he started going on about how we were all excellent players. No duh dipshit I thought but then he started going on about how boys were fast and stronger and better at any sport than any other girl, and oh boy was I ready to rip his voice box out when he finished. I turned to Edward smiling and began to speak.

"Well Edward since you are team captain… what do you think?" come on something good.

"I think the coach just said it all."

"WHAT!!" I couldn't let this one slide. "Yesterday you told me I was better than half the guys on your team."

There were several guys who started with the 'What' or 'oh'
"I never said that." He stated confidently.

"Yes you did… why are you LYING?" I yelled at him anger boiling inside me.

"Alice… end of discussion," he got out. This ought to fix him.

"Fine end of relationship." I hissed at him.

There was a chorus of guys doing the "oohh" thing. I turned and started to make my way back to school. "Babe, don't be like that," I turned to face Ed who was standing there looking innocent as all hell the freaking prick. "I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"Aww… you're so full of…" I was cut of by the last word because Aro blew his whistle. So I simply chucked the soccer ball at his head and walked away fuming.

A/N: Hello there my readers... okay this is a crossover i suddenly got the urge to do, anyway it is really She's the man twilight style of course Alice and Jasper being Viola and Duke. I used most of the stuff from the movie but added some of my own stuff in there.

i do not own any of this just making that clear.. Steph Meyer owns Twilight while the people who made she's the man own that but please tell me what you think i love reviews.

Estelle XOX