
It was a month since Ariel and Eric had left Atlantica, and the pair were once again in the underwater city. Attina and Baldwin were getting married so Ariel and Eric had come down for a few days. Ariel was with Attina and her other sisters, all were getting ready.

"I cannot believe today is actually here, I get to marry my best friend!" Attina said as she put on her vial.

"When Baldwin sees you he will be amazed, you look beautiful Attina" said Alana.

Looking in the mirror Attina looked at her long tail that was flowing behind her back, laced with golden pearls. A golden crown with red jewels rested on her head, a long white veil covering her face. Around her throat rested a necklace of red crystal, with a flower hanging from it. Bracelets of yellow crystal adorned her arms and tail, with a ring of the yellow crystal completing the look.

"Your Mother's ring looks lovely on you Attina" said King Triton swimming in.

"I am honoured the wear it" replied Attina hugging her Father.

"You look stunning Attina, your Mother would be very happy if she were here, I certainly am."

"I know Father" Attina replied hugging him.

"Are you all ready?"

"Yes Daddy we are" replied Ariel as her sisters nodded.

"Excellent" replied Triton as Attina took his arm.

In another part of the palace Eric, Baldwin and Baldwin's friends were also getting ready, all trying to keep the groom's nerves at bay.

"What in the seven seas am I doing? I'm not ready for this, this was such a mistake!" said Baldwin.

"Relax Baldwin it's just nerves, I felt the same before I married Ariel" said Eric.

"It is different for you, you're a prince already, I'm not. I should just call this off."

"No, you should take this for nerves" said one of Baldwin's friends called Edwin, handing Baldwin a glass containing an alcoholic beverage.

"Thanks Ed" replied Baldwin drinking it.

"Feel better?" asked Eric.

"Yeh I do, ok deep breaths. Eric, how did you cope with nerves on your wedding day?"

"I thought of how much I loved Ariel."

"That sounds like a good idea" replied Baldwin as his father Patrick swam in.

"Ready son?"

"Yes, no, oh I hope so" replied Baldwin.

"Don't worry you will be fine, I felt exactly the same when I married your mother."

A short time later Baldwin and Attina stood in front of the alter listening as the priest read out their vows. In their seats Triton, Ariel and Eric watched as the pair accepted the vows.

"I now pronounce you merman and wife, you may miss the bride" said the priest.

All cheered as the pair kissed, clapping as they swam down the aisle. Outside the pair posed as Aquata drew a lighting fast sketch of them to commemorate the day. With a smile Attina threw her bouquet, to have it caught by Adella, who blushed a deep shade of crimson. Swimming back to the palace the party passed cheering crowds who threw flowers into their path. From the windows of buildings more flowers rained down over them.

Arriving back at the palace the group swam into the ballroom where Sebastian and his band broke into a song. Sitting down at the high table the group listened to the song. Then Uaithne and Ariel swam onto the stage, with Attina gazing at the pair in shock. Then Uaithne began to conduct and Ariel began to sing a song he had written.

"It's written on my face...
It's the way I lean my body towards you...
Even when I'm a hundred miles away...

This is love...

Like a diamond in the sand...
It took so long to find you...
I can't wait another day to say...

Can you describe the moment...
When two people fall in love...
Some say the clouds will spin in circles...
And the rain will turn to doves...

The poor will start to laugh...
Even the rich will start to cry...
It can sneak up like a soilder...
It can wake you up at night...

That's what I feel when I'm...
Standing here with you...
That's what my heart has...
Sworn to be true...

This Is Love

It's written on my face...
It's the way I lean my body towards you...
Even when I'm a hundred miles away...

This is love...

Like a diamond in the sand...
It took so long to find you...
I can't wait another day to say...

This is love...
This is... looove."1

The song ended and both Ariel and Uaithne bowed before swimming back to the high table.

"Ariel that was beautiful, did you write it Grandfather?" asked Attina as she hugged them both.

"I did, I had to write a song for your wedding, I always said I would" Uaithne replied.

"It was beautiful, thank you both" Attina replied.

Later that night Ariel and Eric swam out onto a balcony overlooking the city. Sitting next to Ariel, Eric wrapped his arms around her, her head resting on his shoulder.

"This world is amazing Ariel am you brought me down here, I know understand you more I think."

"As much as I belong with you on the surface I can never forget where I came from, my family live here. Part of me will always belong to the sea."

"I know, and it is only right that it should. You were born in this world, it will always be part of you. You gave up so much to be with me, to fulfil your dream of being human. I love you for you, I am proud to be a part of your family, I will never make you forget them" Eric said.

"I know that is why I love you so much" Ariel replied as the pair looked out across the wide open sea.

Human and mermaid together, part of a family that lived both on land and under the sea.

1 This is Love by Kelly Rowland