Chapter Four –

Severus ran toward the school as fast as his feet would carry him, skidding to a halt in the main entrance. Panting from the over exertion he stopped to catch his breath. It was urgent that he talks to Nearly Headless Nick but how would he find a ghost in a school as big as Hogwarts.

If all else fails just yell, "Nick!"

Silence greeted the deafening call.

"Nearly Headless Nick, its imperative I speak with you," the words struggled to come out.

A silvery white form glided through one of the walls.

"You bellowed," the cheerful ghost responded.

"I need your help."

"Well I will do everything I can but remember I'm only a ghost."


"What," Nick smiled. "I don't seem to follow."

"You're a ghost."

"Yes that's true. Although I'm not sure which bit gave it away."?

Severus was beginning to feel this exchange would take a lot longer than expected. So he decided that straight to the point was the best option. "I saw Hermione."

Nick continued to smile, "Yes."

"On the grounds?"


"Repeating exactly what she had done before she had died."

"Ah, that."

Severus was about to answer but shut his mouth, dumbfounded to the sudden admission. "What do you mean by "Ah that," a slight strain in his voice hinted at the rise in anger.

Nick regretted his carelessness, feeling nervous he looked at the floor. "Well obviously we were all shocked by the news. You know I still remember her coming down to my Death day party, I had hoped it would help any chance I might have…to get on the Headless hunt."

Severus was pacing the entrance hall, wearing a patch in the flagstone floor as the ghost continued to ramble on.

"Then not a week later the Baron had seen her in the grounds,"

His foot stopped on hearing the last words. "Let me get this straight, the Bloody Baron saw her."

Nick started to feel hot under the collar; uncomfortable at the situation he had led himself into. Remembering so vividly the conversation he'd had with Harry. "Well yes the Baron saw Hermione and he came in and told us."

"The ghost of my house knew! BARON!"

Albus Dumbledore could hear the Potions Master from outside and knowing about the state of his mind. Albus thought it best that he intrude.

"Severus, you must calm down," his soothing voice continued. "The only thing you're accomplishing is to scare the ghosts and wake up the school. You'll shout yourself hoarse. Please let me take you to your rooms."

"Nick," Albus whispered "Find the Baron for me and send him to my office at once."

The ghost nodded and faded from view.

The seething rage that flowed from Severus was diffused by the Headmasters presence. Feeling immense sadness he allowed himself to taken back to his chambers. They walked the corridors in silence. Once inside his chambers Albus flooed Minerva's office, she dropped her tea at the sudden interruption.

"Minerva would you do me the honour of coming down to Severus's chambers. There been a development and I'd rather he was not alone," Albus's head asked.

"Why of course Albus, anything that I can do to help. I'll be down in ten minutes," Minerva got up from the chair as the head of Albus disappeared with a pop. Quickly she put on her robes, leaving the comfort of her private rooms to the emptiness of the corridors.

Albus also called Dobby the House Elf asking him for some tea and a little food. Within minutes the request appeared on the small table. The Potions Master sat himself on one of the chairs. His body felt tired after all the exertion, after the war he decided that keeping fit would not be a necessity; having nothing to protect had also added weight to the decision.

There was a faint knock at the door; which Albus answered. Minerva crept through.

"What happened?" she whispered.

"It would seem that Hermione has not left the school as we imagined."

"That was Hermione?"

"Indeed. But I have to meet the Baron. So I would like you to stay here and keep an eye on Severus. There's some food on the table so I should not be very long."

"You go, I'll manage here."

Albus left the room, while Minerva got herself comfortable. She noticed that Severus had not moved since she entered his chambers. "Severus," she inquired. "Would you like some tea?"

Tea. Everybody's answer to everything. "No thank you," a quiet voice responded.

Albus made his way to his office and waited patiently behind his desk. The evening had proved more enlightening than he would ever have imagined. So Hermione is still here, he pondered the thought as a silvery form came through the door. The figure was wearing priestly robes that were stained with silver, blood; his eyes were white as if he was blind.

"Nick told me that you needed to see me," a monotone voice responded.

"Indeed I did. I would ask you to sit down but…"

"I'm a ghost, I merely glide."

"Yes of course… Baron I need to ask you why you did not bring it to our attention."

"Bring what?"

"The fact that Hermione Granger is still walking these grounds seven years after her death and you chose not to inform anyone."

"We as ghosts choose not to interfere with the lives of humans."

"You choose not to interfere. By being in this school you ARE interfering." The Headmasters voice raised a notch.

"By advising you of Hermione we would be breaking that vow."

"In not telling us, Baron. You have caused a member of my staff to suffer unduly and you know I will not tolerate such behaviour," the tone in his voice was all too serious.

The silvery ghost merely hung in the air, showing no emotion to the Headmaster as he continued his tirade. But the flow of words finished just as quickly as they had started.

"We must help her…"

The baron shifted as if uncomfortable. "And this is one of the reasons why we do not interfere."

"So you will not help me then?" the question hung in the air as both the occupants stared intensely toward each other.