Sum: Buffy didn't kill Angelus. He got away. Now Buffy has run away to Forks Washington. Trying to get away from everything and still trying to kill him. What happens when she falls for another vampire.


By boyfriend is evil. My mom practically kicked me out. The whole town thinks I am a murderer. Did I mention my boyfriend is trying to kill me. Some life.

Angel was following me. I knew it. I didn't care anymore. I have decided to at least finish high school. And being a slayer this is probably the only chance I am going to get. I mean I can finish in five months. But if I stay that means he stays. He will kill anybody I get close to. I can't make friends or enemies. I have to be something I absolutely hate. A loner.

I sighed and walked into my little apartment. The place was falling apart. I could barely afforded. I would have to find a job for after school. Ugh school. The more I think about it the more of a bad idea it sounds. I decided not to go looking for him tonight. I'll wait until tomorrow.

The next day

I had to walk to school in the rain. It sucked. I got to school and went straight to the main office. "I'm Buffy Summers." I told the secretary. She nodded and handed me my schedule. I went to my first class and tried to ignore all of the stares. When class was over some guy that reminded me of a golden Retriever tried to talk to me. "Hi I'm Mike." he said nervously.

I wanted to be nice, but I couldn't. I had to stay strong and not talk to anybody. "I should care because?" I asked sarcasm seeping into my voice. He looked shocked. "I-I" he stuttered. I just rolled my eyes and left. The time I have been dreading all day finally came. Lunch.


Man did I hate reading minds. Today everybody was obsessing over the new girl, Buffy. Where have I heard that name before? Everybody was being very cautious around her. Mike had told everybody- these are his words not mine- that she is a total bitch. The girl was small, but not tiny, and had blonde hair. I didn't think twice about her. But apparently Alice did.

"Have you seen the new girl?" She asked when she sat down at our usual table for lunch. We all nodded glancing over at where she sat. "She looks lonely. I'm going to go talk to her." she was halfway across the cafeteria before any of us could protest.


I sat as far away from everybody as possible. I started reading up on Angelus. I was so wrapped up in all of his gross little torture methods that I didn't notice someone sit down until she started talking. "Hi I'm Alice." she said. She was very pixie like, with pale skin and black eyes. Vampire. "Buffy." I said shortly. Alice continued. "So how do you like Forks." I closed my book and looked her right in the eyes. "I'm sorry I don't associate with vampires unless I'm killing them." I got up and left. While I was leaving I looked to see where she was going. I figured she'd have a mate or something so I would have to deal with three at the most. I saw five vampires staring at me.

What the hell did I just do? Crap crap crap! I have t get out of her. Why the hell did I do that? There was at least five vampires in this town. The kind that are harder to kill to. I didn't have time to ponder over this anymore because two of the vampires came out. One of them was big. With a lot of muscles. The other one was really lanky had had the strangest bronze hair.

I quickly turned and started walking again. When I turned a corner I started running. I didn't make it far. The other three came from the other side. I was caught. That didn't mean that I wasn't going to try to get away though. I turned around to face the other two. It was obvious that they were the strongest but it seemed easier than going through three of them.

I thought about it for a second though. that's what they thought I was going to do. So instead I got really close to them turned and ran the other way. I did a flip and jumped over the other three as soon as the bell rang. Everybody started coming out of there classes so the vampires couldn't follow me. I quickly went to my last class. I walked in and saw the bronze haired vampire. Oh crap.

"Ah Miss Summers, you can sit next to Mr. Cullen he said pointing towards the vampire. And I thought this day couldn't get any worse.

I sat down and the vampire passed me a note.

How do you know?

How do you think I know?

I have no idea

One word: Slayer

Understanding lit up his features. He quickly passed the paper back to me.

Meet me in the parking lot after everybody is gone. I need to explain something.

I really didn't want to. I just wanted to get out of this town. But I nodded anyways. That class ended way to soon.

SO what do you think Yes? No? Review
