Title: Jumping Jacks

Prompt: jumping jacks

Disclaimer: Ryan Murphy created them. I just like playing with the moulds.

It was the jumping jacks that did it, Brooke realised. Some stupid exercise they'd been doing in gym to 'warm up'. Everyone had rolled their eyes and processed to hop and flap about feeling stupid, Brooke included but sans Nicole and Mary Cherry who promptly sat down on a nearby bench and began filing their nails, claiming that was their workout. So she was left to flap alone, without the usual distraction of biting words directed at the less popular her fellow cheerleaders usually gave her. Her eyes, unsure what to do now they weren't bouncing back and forth between comments, were left to wander. And settle on Sam. Who, Brooke could tell, felt just as stupid as everyone else, but was jumping with more gusto than most. A wide, thoroughly amused smile made her face light up as she managed to clip the back of Harrison's had as one hand came up, goading him into putting more effort behind them. Sam laughed as he picked up speed, almost falling over. And Brooke's own movements had ceased and she was staring.

But it wouldn't be until much later, during a night where sleep wouldn't come that she would realise that it was the jumping jacks that did it.