Yeah, the story was supposed to end on chapter 7, but since some people asked I did an epilogue... Just a short little something. Anyway, I want to thank Rosalie Duquesne, DarkestAngel11, j0k3, Tiva Fanatic, amber, Katharen Silver, maiag389, Red-Head-Cutie and LOLaches for the reviews! That's lovely! Hope you enjoy


Special Thanks: To my friend Sayuri, who gave me he idea of he lasagna on chapter 7 (sorry I forgot dear!)! Abby-hugs for her!!

Disclaimer: Nooo, I still don't own NCIS...

He woke up and looked around; she wasn't there, but it was definitely her bedroom. He sat up on the bed and saw her. She was wearing a gray T-shirt and red shorts. She leaned against the door frame and smiled; God, he loved that little smile of hers. The brunette walked towards the bed, and then, she sat; facing him. He gave her a light kiss and she spoke.

"It's already 6:15 a.m., if we get late Gibbs will find out."

"So, we better get ready huh?" He sighed, even knowing that Gibbs would find out anyway, he always managed to do that somehow.

Ziva gave him a kiss on the cheek and rose up; she walked to the closet and opened it. Luckily, she ad a change of clothes for him; she grabbed it and thrown at him. Then, she pulled out her cargo pants, a red sweater and her black combat boots.

After they were fully dressed, they headed to the garage; when they got there, Tony kissed her lightly on the lips and walked to his mustang, while Ziva walked to her Mini Cooper with a silly smile on her face.


Ziva arrived 15 minutes earlier than Tony. She sat at her desk and pulled some files out of the drawer still smiling. She greeted McGee, who was already working, and when she turned to greet Gibbs, she saw his coffee, but he wasn't there. He's probably with the Director. she thought chuckling a little.

Then, her phone rang; when she picked it up, she heard the familiar, and loud, squee; it was obviously Abby.

"Hi Abby" She said, keeping the phone a bit away from her ear.

"Ziva!! How was the date? What was he wearing? Did he like the food? Did you guys…You know?!? Tell me EVERYTHING!! I want details!" The Goth babbled away.

"Calm down Abby; the date was fine, I'll tell you the details later" Ziva said slowly.

"Oooh, you're such a party pooper Ziva, that's not nice!" Abby whined.

"Abby, I gotta go! See you later" he brunette said; and then hung up.

Tony came in and sat at his chair, ginning at his partner. He greeted her and McGee, and pulled out some files, but instead of working, he grabbed a blank page, made a paper ball and thrown it into McGee's trash can.

Gibbs walked in and sat at his desk; he greeted everyone and took a sip of his coffee. The silence remained for a while; then Gibbs rose up.

"David! DiNozzo! Here. Now!" He barked.

They didn't argue; they stood up and walked until they were in front of their boss. Both of them remained in silence, waiting for Gibbs to say something, but he didn't. He just raised his hands and gave them the famous headslaps. They just gave him a what-was-that-for glare; he just smirked a little and said:

"That was for trying to hide that you two broke rule twelve. Now get back to work!" Gibbs said simply.

They all sat. When Tony looked at his computer, there was a message from Ziva; How the hell did he know? she asked. He's Gibbs, Sweet Cheeks; he knows everything…he answered looking at Gibbs.

liked it?? :) Review please!!