A/N: Hahahaha there's not that much differentiating in this chappie, but I promise you there will be some. DO NOT OWN HOUSE OR DEATH NOTE. IT GOES TO THEIR RESPECTED OWNERS.

EDIT: After reading a review from an anonymous reader, I wanted to get rid of the OC, for the benefit of the readers and mine (because I have to spend extra time to make up her past and so on). So, this will be Mello-centered and Light will be the villain..Near will contribute, and provide clues for Mello, so you fan-girls can get or Near fix.

I'd love feedback!!~



Narration and talking

Los Angeles, CA: Light's hotel room, Light

"What's the report for today, Aizawa?" His regular boss asked him. It's been years since Kira has been running this world, and Light Yagami wants it to stay that way. Now being the second Kira (with only the team and L's successors knowing), it's only a matter of time until Kira's going to be God, changing everyone's lives and hurt those in the way in the process.

Aizawa answered by logging on the main computer, set up just in L.A. He started to log in random yet consistent passwords, going through the normal firewalls. Being careful is one thing, but you have to make sure that no one will access the confidential information.

"It seems like Near isn't doing anything much," Aizawa reported, after the news and FBI information popped up. "But--" he paused, scrolling down. "Mello's flying out from here to Princeton for some reason..." He puts his elbow on the rather large desk that the hotel room provided for them, and sighed. "Whatever he's planning, it's not good."

Light stiffened as he heard the news. What could he possibly do after kidnapping Sayu? He sat down on the luxurious burgundy chair next to the desk. "Then me and Misa are going to have to track him down."

Princeton, NJ: Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, Chase

Dr. Robert Chase walked quickly to his boss's office, wondering why she paged him. It might be House, he thought to himself. After all, he's been gone since he got admitted into Mayfield.

"I'm here," he called out as he opened the door, surprised to see his wife and Foreman there. Ever since House left for the crazy place, she's been silent about it, not wanting to talk about him at all. Makes me wonder if she still loves me. He shook that out of his head. No, that can't be. She married me."What's up?"

Cuddy looked up, nice to see the newly married couple coming back from their honeymoon in Paris. The glitter coming from their right pinkies reminded her their rocky relationship, how they stayed together no matter what. It's probably why she's going to ask them for their job back.

"As you might know about, Foreman has no team at the moment. I want you to fill in for Thirteen and Taub. But it's temporary. I asked your bosses and they're alright with it."

"Wait, they both quit?" Chase turned to his friend, who's sitting on the comfy couch, left of the big desk. Foreman continued to look at the ground, rubbing his temples.

"Taub did, but I fired Thirteen," He looked up, having that 'It's complicated' look on his face, but Chase didn't buy it. Not wanting to embarrass the new Department Head in front of Cuddy, he stayed quiet.

"It's that African dictator we're treating," Cameron commented, looking at the patient file. "This could be dangerous." She looked at Chase, who was amused.

"That's why I want in on the case," he replied, smiling. He liked a little challenge. I mean, why wouldn't you NOT take it? "We handled with the death row guy. This might be fun."

She sighed, closing the file. "All right."

PPTH: House's former office, Mello

"Wow, girly much?" was the first comment that the man said.

I growled, biting off more of the huge Hershey's bar that I purchased from the 7-11 store across the street. What more do these people want? Dress like a hobo? I looked down at my outfit that freaking Matt made me wear. It's just a buttoned up thick and black jacket with fur (thank God I said that at the last minute) and dark leather pants to match. Shoes, though, more casual. Converse is the style these days, Matt argued, as I frowned at the kicks. I can't believe I agreed. Maybe the jacket was girly but NOT my hair.

"Well look at you," I scoffed, biting off more chocolate. "You freakin' look like a freakin' mess. You had too much fun yesterday?"

He didn't reply. But instead he smiled. What is he, gay?

"HEY! Answer to me, asshole!" I grabbed his collar, but he continued to smile. This is why I HATE ASSHOLES. They're all the same. But this one is just like him.


"Just can't wait until Foreman meets you...you're going to make a crapload of trouble for him. No seriously," he quickly added, making sure I'm not going to kick his ass. He soon dropped the huge grin. "The reason why I'm like this is because I just came from the cuckoo house."

My eyes widened as I heard this. So much shock came over me that I let him go. He fell down on the chair that he formally sat on. Wow THAT was a BIG gap that the FBI missed. Dumbasses.

"Judging that you didn't know that, you must be applying for the job, thinking you're applying for me. But unfortunately, you're going to be Foreman's bitch."

I was about to argue until I see three doctors coming down the hallway. Soon they entered, shocked to see both me and House.

"Oh my God, it's like three years ago!" House blurted out, shocked also. I waved at them, acknowledging them.

"Are you back?" The black man said rudely, not commenting what House said. He stepped closer, as if it's safe to go in our bubble. The other two doctors looked confused, wondering why House and me are doing here. Especially the blonde-haired guy. He gawked at me as if I'm a total diaster. But his companion looked at me with interest, which made me a bit turned on. This lady's pretty hot. Staying here is going to be interesting.

"Not exactly," House replied after a moment of awkward silence. "I'm just here to get my hours done. But soon." He added with a hint of authority. "So, you're the new Head? I never thought a black man could be in so much power."

"Look at Obama," the man scoffed, putting the file down on the table harshly. He walked up to the empty board and capped open the dry-erase marker as the blonde couple sat down. I continued to stand, feeling a bit left out.

"AHEM!" House piped up as they jumped in fear. "Isn't the man in black and tight pants freak you out? Just sayin'."

"Oh!" the black man replied, and the other two looked at my direction. "Why are you here?"

I sighed, biting another bit of the chocolate bar. It's almost done. I leaned back on the wall, looking at the cute blonde. "I'm here to make the team look hotter, but apparently someone's already applied for the job." I winked at her, but she rolled her eyes.

"Cuddy DID say something about a new member on the team," the other guy replied in a deep Australian accent, with a VERY irritated look on his face. He put his hand on her shoulder, indicating that I should back off. I just gave the look back at him. Just because she's not available doesn't mean she's off limits.

"Well, I'm Dr. Foreman," the black man interrupted, "He's Dr. Chase and she's Dr. Allison Cameron. I'm pretty sure she's going to change it Chase though." He gave me a "don't-mess-with-him" look, which I totally ignored.

"Okaaaayyyyyy....let's get this show on the road!" House bursted out, breaking the soon-to-be tenion between the guys. I sat down, putting my legs on a nearby chair and listened to their boring diagonses. Thank God I know what they're talking about.

(A/N: This story can go anywhere....depends on my mood that day or from the new eppie of House....just prepare for the twists ahead and all that...)