"So, how have the episodes been coming?" The scarred woman asked.

"Oh, uh, perfect. Not a hitch in the least." The man in the shades said. He made a mental note to keep the footage of Bakura acting strange from being put in an episode.

"Well, we're starting Mellinium World next, so start some popcorn."

*Day Four -continued*

"Hey, Shaadi," Joey ventured.

"What is it, can't you see I'm about to summon the Summoned Skull?" Shaadi asked.

"I play trap hole." Pegasus said, flipping his card.

"I was just wondering how a blow to the head fixed Kaiba."

"I play pot of greed." Shaadi said, then, turning to joey he said, "When I use the Mellinium Key, I can enter the room of a person's mind to view their personality or change it as I see fit. When Kaiba hit his head, he must have opened the closet I stuffed all the old stuff in."

"So then, all that was left in his mind after you messed with it was shoes?"

"Shoes and a barbecue pit. I summon Ebon Magician Curran."

"Well, I suppose that makes an iota of sense. Thanks."

"No problem. 7 Colored Fish, attack him directly."


"Mokuba, I'm tired of wearing a blindfold every time we walk past Mai's shoe closet. What's the deal?" Kaiba demanded.

"I'm sorry, Seto, but I can't risk a relapse, and no one in here has any medical expertise." Mokuba said.

"A relapse into what? I don't remember doing anything involving shoes lately, so what's the problem?"

"You mean you don't remember trying to eat everyone's shoes, and even attacking Bakura?"

"Attacking who? What the hell is a Bakura?"

"He's the kid wih the white hair and the more fan girls than you."

"Oh, well in that case, I'm certain if I attacked him that it was justified."

"You were a frickin' animal, foaming at the mouth, chewing at my foot, a wild gleam in your eyes!"

"Come on, Mokuba, I'm sure I would remember something like that."

"Ask anyone you want, they'll tell you."

"Alright, I will." Kaiba turned to the nearest person in the room, who just so happened to be Bakura. "You, did I attack you?"

"Well, I don't remember anything like that."

"There, Mokuba, you see?"

"But he- but you- and they- GAH!"

"Well, this has been an interesting character study so far," Bkura said as he continued his trek toward Mai's secret "Train Serenity" corner.

"It's about time you made it. It's going to be dark soon." Mai greeted him.

"I got lost on the way. This place has a lot of stairs." Bakura reminded her.

"Whatever, stand over there."

"Where's Serenity?"

"Oh, don't you worry." Mai then reached into her backpack, and to the amazement of everyone there (read as "Bakura") she pulled out a table, two chars, a white tablecloth, a dual-pronged candlestick, fancy china, fine silverware, and two wineglasses.

"What- uhh, what are we learning today?"

"Why, proper dinner conversation, of course."

"I see. And what will we be drinking?"

"Well, she has to learn to be able to carry on a conversation, even with alcohol in her system."

"You do remember that she's only fifteen, right?"

"And how old were you when you had your first?"

"I- I'm still-!" Bakura flustered.

"I meant your first alcohol."

"Oh! Well, I still haven't actually-"

"Really? Well then, this'll be an excersize for you too." She pulled a bottle of vodka out of her pack and lifted it up for Bakura to see.

"How often is vodka used at dinner?!"

"You never know when someone is going to spike your drink, an you must be prepared for everything."

"And what makes you think I won't tell her?"

"Because if you do, I'll show the wrath of a woman scorned, the likes of which the hell's fury hath no."

"I'm not certain that would count as scorning you."

"Quiet, she's coming. Help me spike this punch."

Bakura sighed and held the bowl while she poured the vodka in. The spirit noted the guilt he felt, and it made him feel good. This nourishing emotion he had felt si iften before, back when he was truly connected to his host and could revel in his darkest emotions, bringing his worst fantasies to life, then being bathed in the guilt, regret, and remorse he would feel.

Mai had the whole dinner planned out, so much that she had even prepared a dessert. She was the first to notice Serenity's words begin to slurr, and in response, she forced Bakura to chug his punch to keep him from noticing. She was already doing so well, and she would not accept failure. It wasn't until the rest of the group had retired to bed that she had the mischevous idea to leave thm alone. Together. At night. While they were drunk.

"Do you get the feeling we should be watching what's going on in the puzzle?" The man asked.

"Shh! This is getting really good." The woman responded.