In The End


The doctor walked out of the room, a grim look on his face. This was the part he hated most about his job, being the bearer of so much bad news.

He walked up to the man in front of him, trying to stay professional.

"I'm sorry sir, but there was nothing we could do." He told the man, watching as he broke down, crying out for the love he just lost.

Rob watched this scene from afar, sorrow for the poor guy filling Rob's heart. He picked up the pitcher of ice, heading back to the room. It was a little over two years ago that Rob had been waiting outside that room himself, waiting for any news on Casey's condition. She had taken a devastating fall in her ladder match after he knee collapsed, and any chance of her surviving looked grim at the time. She was in a coma for three days, the cut to her head really did some damage. Her knee had to be reconstructed, and she had to go through physical therapy for both her knee and her back, which she injured when she landed.

A year later, on her 22nd birthday, Casey re-entered the federation, looking better than ever. After 12 months of pain and suffering she was back, and ready to go. The night she returned, Rob proposed to her in front of an audience of thousands, not to mention the millions watching at home. She accepted, and they got married not long after. Funnily enough, it was Terry who won the pool on how long till Rob and Casey got married that Adam had started ages ago. Even funnier was when Amy caught the buqeut at the wedding, and Matt caught Casey's garter, much to Matt's worry.

So here they were, a year after that, eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child. Rob entered Casey's room, laughing when he saw her squeezing the life out of Adam's hand.

"Man, this is one long contraction, jesus, i'm gonna have to go get my hand amputated." Adam complained, straining not to cry.

"What contraction?" Casey asked cheekily, she was enjoying torturing the boys.

"Aarrgghh, someone help me!" Adam yelled, his hand going numb.

"Your such a wuss, aagghh, ouch ouch, contraction, serious this time." She said between breaths, taking Scott's hand that he offered to her.

Rob moved tot he other side of the bed, patting a sniffling Adam on the back.

"What the hell is pumping through her veins, iron or somethin'?" Adam asked as he sat down.

"That will teach you to piss off a pregnant woman." Terry told him, laughing at the look on his face.

Rob handed Caseyt he ice, pushing the hair off her face.

"It's okay sweetie, your almost there, just breathe." He comforted her, stroking her hair. Scott sat there and watched the two, love for his "little sister" filling his heart. He had been ready to end his own life if Casey's had ended the other year. It had been a hard time for everyone, but here they were, still together as a family.


An hour later.

An ear piercing scream rang through the halls outside the delivery room where evryone was waiting. They could hear Rob encouraging Casey to push, as he had been dping for tha past 45 minutes. They sat there, bored out of their minds, yet excited to see the new baby...when it finally decided to come out.

"Man, you'd think they could just pull it out or somethin'." Jay said before yawning, obviously exhausted.

"Excuse me? All you guys have to do is wait, but we women have to actually carry and deliver the child, so shut up and stop complaining." Amy told him, which started a debate on who has it easier, men or women.

Another hour passed, until finally a small cry was heard from inside the delivery room.

The group looked towards the door waiting for some news. That cry was too quiet for Casey, so they knew the baby had arrived.

"Fina-freaking-lly!!" Adam exclaimed, dramatically wiping the sweat from his forehead. He moved just before Amy could punch him.

They stopped fighting when they noticed Rob walk out of the room. In his arms was a little bundle of pink blanket. They stood up and rushed pver to him, seeing a beautiful little girl, the spitting image of Casey wrapped in the blanket.

"She's beautiful." Amy told him, hugging both the baby and Rob gently.

"I'd like you all to meet our daughter, Bella Louise Amy Statzowski." He told them, recieving a lot ooh's and aah's. Amy asked to hold her first, so Rob handed Bella over to her, being extra careful. All the guys shook his hand before returning to look at the new addition to their "family". They guys had all turned into big teddy bears, making baby noises at Bella, who just smiled at them.

"Oh, she smiled, how adorable." Jeff said, melting inside.

"She smiled inside too, her first smile." Rob told them, laughing as Terry stole Bella away from Amy, turning into a fluffy bear, the exact opposite of Rhyno.

"I never thought i'd see the day where you and Scott melted for a little baby." Rob told him, laughing at the group.

Casey and Bella were released from hospital a few days later, returning home to a newly furnished nursery. They hadn't had the chance to finish it before Bella was born, but their friends had sneaked in over the past week and finished it for them. It was beautiful, a lovely yellow and blue room, toys and things everywhere.

Later that night, Casey and Rob stood over Bella's crib, watching her sleep.

"She's perfect." Rob said, watching his baby girl sleep like an angel.

"She is, she's beautiful." Casey replied, smiling as Bella smiled in her sleep.

"Just like you." Rob told his wife, turning her around and kissing her passionately. He led her out of the room, careful not to make too much noise. He sat her down on their bed, continuing to kiss her and starting to remove her top.

"Rob, you know I just had Bella, this is how she got here in the first place." Casey told him, smiling as he kissed her neck.

"I know, but I always have pictured myself with two children." He told her, laying down beside her.

"Wel then, show me if your the whole dam show, Mr Monday Night!" Casey said before he lips were covered by Rob's.

Life was perfect. It is sometimes tough and hard, but how boring would life be if the scenery didn't change every once in a while?