Fold Equity

He tries too hard, pretending that he doesn't care. And sometimes…

He breaks her heart.


She scares him. Because without her…

He is nothing.


She has been worried about him for a while now. Ever since—

Is it okay if I stay in your spare bedroom tonight?

She thought, maybe, something had changed that night. That he—

But it was wishful thinking. Because ever since then the walls have been higher than ever. And on his face, she sees…nothing.

He has shut her out.


He tries to shut her out. Desperately tries to build his walls so that they cannot be breached. He has been down this road before.

He can't do it again.


And now they are going to Vegas.


And now they are going to Vegas.


She tries to pretend she doesn't care when he accuses her of smothering.

She tries to pretend she doesn't care when he goes off with Poppy.

She tries to "embrace Vegas." She tries to be what Cal wants.

Maybe this time she'll be good enough.


He'll never be good enough.


She thinks that maybe, this time, Cal will see her.

She finds him in the casino. She walks up to him and stands beside him. And watches as he places the bet. And watches as he looks at her. And watches…

He calls her Foster.

A small piece of her dies inside.


He watches as she comes to stand beside him. She is beautiful.

And he won't be the one to ruin that.

So he places the bet. And looks at her as he throws away…everything.

He doesn't mean the money.


She doesn't care. She can't. It doesn't matter.


He doesn't care. He can't. It doesn't matter.


But it does.

Relationships are complicated.