Number 3 and I haven't been killed yet YAY!!!

Please I love the reviews keep them coming XD

Sakura looked at the doors once more, 'they look more like two giant slabs of metal that where shoved in a frame then doors." She said to herself. The chapel looked huge; she couldn't even see the top of it from where she stood. She moved a little closer to the doors and one opened a crack, the sent of incense and candles came wafting out to her. 'Here is the deciding point, to enter or go home.' She swallowed hard and opened the giant door just wide enough to enter.

She squeaked a little as the door seamed to slam shut behind her the moment she was all the way in. 'Ok you are stronger then this, MOVE YOU FUCKING LEGS!!' she though to herself when she noticed she had stopped moving. The main hall was huge and dark, all but for that symbol that had been haunting her for months now, and what looked like a praying figure lighting candles at the base of the symbol. When she got closer the person looked at her; it was the old monk that gave her the rosary.

"I see you found us…I am glad, how was your trip?" he asked with a smile on his face. Sakura steeled herself 'out of all of the crap I have seen this man just creeps me the fuck out, how can he be so nice when everything else this cult does is so…sick.' She thought and then continued forward.

"What is it that you have done to me?" she snapped, all of her manners went out the window a week ago and she had little left for normal people let alone a creepy dude of a killing cult.

The monk stood making Sakura jump into a defensive stance. "We have done nothing; it is our lord, our god, who has chosen you for some of his greatest honors" he said taking one of the candles off the alter and throwing it to one side, it lit a great torch that then lit a line across the wall lighting a torch on the other side. "You will have the honor of bringing our god into this world and also helping resurrect one of his greatest disciples!"

She was speechless, the hall was even bigger then she had thought, it had to have at least a 10 story high ceiling and there where people in monks robes surrounding her cutting off her escape, they were all wearing the symbol . She then felt a sharp pain in the back of her head and the world went black.

There was no dream just darkness and an unrelenting feeling of dread. She felt cold all of a sudden as she opened her eyes she saw silver and violet. She forced herself to focuses before realizing it was a person, a dead person. She screamed and tried to get up only to find that she was tied down, she thrashed and struggled but even with chakra enhancing her muscles she just couldn't get out of the bonds. There where cultists surrounding her, all of them on there knees praying. It didn't take long for her to realize that she was naked. She fought against the bonds again just to be able to cover herself but it was a fruitless effort.

She watched this strange ceremony that had a lot of bowing and praying. She started to look around to try and think of some way out of this. To her right was a rather dead body it looked like it was stitched back together, but to her amazement it looked fresh, there was no blood coming from the body. She was lying in the middle of that hellish symbol but it was slanted in such a way that it was like she was lying in a shallow bowl.

She was examining her bonds on her wrist when she felt something warm flow against her hip, when she looked up the cultists were cutting their arms forcing blood to flow into the circle and filling the shallow bowl. At this point she hated gravity, and started voicing her dislike immediately. "What the fuck! What is wrong with you people!!" she screamed as cultist after cultist took there positions and did the same thing. This went on tell Sakura was horse, or the bowl was full she couldn't tell witch one was first. She was laying in a giant puddle of blood, from her cheeks up were still exposed above the blood.

Sakura glared at the old man who gave her the Rosary, "I am Tokimo!" he shouted upwards, when Sakura looked up there was a giant one of the symbols as a chandelier right above her, the candles on it just flaring up. "I am a loyal servant to you my god, I call upon you now, come and take what is yours!" he proclaimed. At that point all of the cultists started to chant in a language that Sakura couldn't understand. The man Tokimo came over to the dead body next to her, putting a rosary on him with long black hair tied to it. "I place upon you the holy symbol that has been in his lordships presence and a piece of our god, come back Hidan and be a vessel for his greatness!"

Sakura's heart almost stopped 'Hidan!' she thought as her eyes widened, she started to struggle again in vain, she then found Tokimo standing over her now with a dagger. He leaned down and brought the dagger near her arm "all hail our lord, Jashin!" he said as he cut Sakura's wrist.

Sakura struggled and screamed trying to brake free or kill herself either at the moment would be great to her. She stopped as her blood froze seeing Hidan sit up, all of the blood seamed to flow into him and then he changed, his hair became black and wild, his skin paler, she watched as the cultist god formed before her. "Jashin…." she said looking up at the beautiful but deadly man-god that sat next to her. He looked at her and a dark smile came across his black satin lips "So, you finally said it" he said. His voice washing over her like ice water, but it was his eyes that she couldn't look away from, they where mirrors. At that moment she realized, she had been dreaming about this thing, the god Jashin.

As Jashin moved closer to her, she started to feel more like a wounded deer watching a wolf approach her, it wasn't that she thought he wasn't beautiful, because he was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen, it was that he was looking at her like he wanted to eat her not fuck her. That and there were so many eyes watching her she was uncomfortable, beyond that this was the strangest thing that had ever happened to her. If she could she would sock his lordship and run for it, clothes or not. She felt arms slip under her as the bonds that were holding her there just melted away like they were never there. She was now in the arms of this man who from what she could see was a good head taller then anyone there.

When he put her down it was unceremoniously and onto a bed in a back room as the door shut behind him he smiled cruelly at her. As he approached, Sakura balled up her fist and gave him all she had right into the face. "Fuck off!" she shouted. She went pail when he started to laugh, her eyes scanned down his body, falling upon his erection, 'Ya it's him, only in my dreams would that fit!' she thought as she scrambled to get away, only to find herself pinned on the bed.

"Would you prefer it out there? I was trying to make you comfortable and all the eyes watching you…" his smile was cruel, his voice was smooth as silk, but there was so much malice in it she was starting to become more worried about her life and not her loins. She watched wide eyed as he leaned forward "You are mine…" he said as his hands started to explore her.

Sakura couldn't help but coo has his hands explored her, she squirmed underneath him only to find that as he adjusted to keep her pinned, his erection throbbing against her stomach. 'That wasn't what I was going for…' she thought. A blush had started across her cheeks. She fought back a moan when she felt his nails against her very hard nipples, she couldn't believe how turned on she was. "Why me…" she asked and to her surprise he sat up and looked down at her with a smile, he then leaned down his lips only centimeters from hers.

"For you have the power to destroy and heal my delicate little flower" he said and smothered her objection to his answer with his lips, winning himself a muffled moan. As he worked himself between her legs Sakura started to become more and more complacent.

Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck and bit his bottom lip but she was shocked when he growled. When she tried to pull back she found his lips practically crushing hers as his tongue forced its way into her mouth. She realized that he was between her legs, his hands on her thighs; she could feel the length of his throbbing member pushing against her clit. "Your wet," Sakura's ears burned with those words. She watched as he pulled back from her. She wanted to whimper as his warmth left her, she looked into his eyes to only see herself; he smiled at her as he grabbed her hips and roughly slammed into her burying himself all the way into her.

Sakura let out a scream of both pleasure and pain. She wasn't a virgin but she could still feel him stretching her near the breaking point. To her pleasure and dismay, he didn't hold still for long, she stated to be struck with wave after wave of ecstasy as he started pumping in and out. He held onto her hips slamming himself all the way into her every time. The room filled with moans, groans, squeaks and screams as they kept going.

Sakura felt like it had been an eternity, she lost count how many times she had cum and he was still going. She was holding onto him like her life depended on it, she had small cuts and bites all over her body by then. She could barley utter a noise and yet he kept going, his forceful growls and grunts telling her when she was squirming too much. She had never felt so dominated in her life; she would have asked him permission to breathe if she thought she could talk. As her next climax started to build, she could swear that she was going to die, he leaned in his mouth against her ear "Say my name." she felt the corner of his smile against her cheek. He started to move faster inside of her and as she climaxed she screamed "Jashin!"

As she felt her body clamp down upon him once more she then felt something warm fill her, she laid there looking up at him and watched in awe as he seamed to melt away. She was now looking into the violet eyes of the silver haired man who was panting and had a slight look of surprise on his face. He looked down her body to where they where still connected and then back up to her face. They where both panting and out of breath and yet Hidan mustered a smile "Well, hello to you to bitch."

Sakure was shocked at how quickly she was able to punch him and looked blinking at him as he got up on the other side of the room. "Fuck that hurt, what was that for you slut!" Sakura started to get up her fist dripping with what chakra she had left slowly going towards him. When she was right in front of him she looked up at him so she could see the look on his face as she knocked it off. Everything was defused when she felt him kiss her gently. She looked up at the smug looking man who was now holding her close. "You are spunky" he said as he then looked at the rosary around his neck, he took it off and put it on her. "Maybe I'll actually remember it this time" He said as he picked her up and brought her back to the bed.

Sakura couldn't believe she was wet again, she also couldn't believe how much like an angel this man looked with the light of the candles in the room right behind him. He had sat on the bed with her in his lap; he slid into her in the process of sitting her down in his lap and started to play with her breasts happily. Sakura started bouncing on him, she was amazed at how sensitive she was after that session with Jashin, and she thought that she would never feel anything again. Hidan was so gentle and rough at all of the right times. As such she assumed he had either gotten a lot of sex or was a fowl mouthed cupid, she was still debating on that mater. Thirty minuets later she looked at the sleeping Hidan next to her, she could feel herself falling quickly into sleep. She smiled and slowly and slipped into the darkness of a dreamless sleep.

Sakura woke up in her bed, she felt sore. She looked around, it was morning; her alarm was going off to wake her up for work. She looked around some more "Was that just some fucked up dream?!" she screamed into a pillow now really pissed off. As she sat up she felt something cold and metallic hit her chest. She looked down and there around her neck was the rosary still with Jashin's hair tied in a knot on it. She quickly took it off and hurried into the bathroom to take a cold shower hoping that it would be gone when she came back out. As she went into the bathroom there was a piece of paper on the mirror,

"Hope I set the alarm for the right time, see you in a few weeks bitch, love Hidan"

Yes I know Hidan doesn't get much but if you want me to see if I can squeeze in a nice big lemon chapter just for Hidan tell me ok people ^.^