It was the first day of high school for Rukia Kuchiki at Kaurakra High. She was nervous but that was to be expected because she was a freshman. She was just glad that someone had not come up to her saying "Oooooh fresh meat, yum." She had heard some of her new class mates had already endured embarrassing encounters of the seniors who loved to pick on the new freshmen. And the worse part was yet to come, she was sure. And the reason for that being was because the freshmen were suppose to meet up with the senior representative class to talk to them about what to expect and to share some of their experiences and who knew what else. Honestly she just wanted to skip it, but because of her brother she couldn't. Byakuya loved Rukia but he was stern and stringent. Not to mention that he over obsessed with the family name and the pride that their family held. So not to do anything to disturb the peace that was between her and him. She decided to go along with their agreement for the next four years while attending Karakura High School. Just as long as she didn't set one foot out of line or cause too much of a ruckus then she was allowed to choose her own major and not have to worry about studying under him to take over the business that he built. Rukia of course had the utmost respect for the pharmaceutical company that he had built up and the fact that he did that and branched out all over the world in a mere six years was unheard of and remarkable (even to Bill Gates and Donald Trump, which he met both once actually). Byakuya was powerful business man too. But Rukia had other dreams and hopes for herself, even though they seemed far fetched. She always loved to draw. However she had been told by her art teachers that she would be better to not take any art classes in high school because she might fail high school just because of that one class, even though the rest of her grades were greater that exceptional. She had her mind set and by God if she had to get a personal art teacher she would. Plus she had not even tried painting or the 3-D arts yet like sculpting or some sort of wood work. Maybe she was just not in the right kind of art field.

Lost in her train of thought, Rukia was barely paying attention to where she was going and bumped right into someone's chest. Holy hell, what was this person made of? Steel?

"Ouch! Sorry I wasn't paying any attention."Rukia said in a nasally voice while holding and rubbing her nose.

"Watch it fresh meat." A voice said looking down at her though he looked completely unfazed as he said it.

"Jeez I said I was sorry and I even admitted it was my fault. Cool it." Rukia was losing her patients and tried to walk away after her peace had been said and then an arm grabbed her by the elbow and pulled back, which hurt like hell, by the way. As she was turned around she finally looked up to observe the ass who was pulling on her elbow. Wow, was all she could say. Now "wow" to his extreme attractiveness but "wow" to his very bright very orange hair.

"I think you could be more sincere about your apology fresh meat." He said this however not in a threatening tone but… seductive… what the hell? How the HELL did he make fresh meat sound seductive?

"WH-WHAT?" it was all Rukia could congregate.

The orange haired senior looked down at his watch and muffled "Shit, time to get to the assembly." After that was let go and was off like a bullet.

Okay, weirdo .Rukia thought. She glanced at a clock on the wall and saw it was time to get to the freshmen orientation.

Rukia dragged her feet to the gymnasium and sat by two of her classmates, Tōshirō Hitsugaya and Momo Hinamori. She liked these two and was quickly becoming friends with them both. They scooted over and welcomed her and the three chit chatted before the orientation began. Soon as everyone settled down the seniors started to come onto the floor and began to introduce themselves.

"Hi my name is Matsumoto Rangiku." A very bubbly and big breasted girl stepped up to introduce herself first.

"Grimmjow Jeagerjaques." Another senior, who looked like a bad ass, stepped up.

"Soifon." She just stayed in her place.

"Ishida Uryuu." He stayed back with Soifon but raised his hand.

"I'm Chad." A deep voice rung out as the dark young man stepped forward.

"Hi everyone I'm Orihime Inoue." A high rung voice rang out as she introduced herself, who also had big breast.

"And I am Ichigo Kurosaki."

Rukia was not really paying any attention until a voice she had heard before spoke up. When her head looked up to see who it was, her mouth dropped slightly.

"Oi, Rukia you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost." Momo said questionably.

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine, just a little shocked to see who our senior representatives are."

"Why is that? You know one of them?"

"Well not really. I just bumped into one of them on accident not only 15 minutes ago."

"Really? Which one?"

"The orange headed one who is a guy. That Ichigo person."

"Nice! He is really cute." Toshiro rolled his eyes in disgust at Momo's comment.

"His attitude is off though. I apologized and he grabbed my arm and pulled me back and said I should have been more sincere about it. I was as sincere as I could possibly be. Plus I was the one who suffered more damage; his chest almost broke my nose. It still hurts." Rukia was already getting frustrated just thinking of what happened.

"HEY YOU TWO TALKING, HUSH!" Ichigo had pointed at the two talking and got back to his speech. Which Rukia and Momo had no idea what it was about. But they didn't want to get called out again so they shut their mouths.

"So that concludes our freshmen orientation you guys. Don't forget we get to come around to certain classes to see how you guys are succeeding in your classes during one of our free periods. Not all at once of course but at most two of us will come to a class we chose to observe and see how you are improving through the year." Ichigo stepped back and once he was done with his speech they left along with the rest of the school which was now dismissed.

Rukia got up and started walking to where her driver would pick her up outside. She bid her classmates goodbye and parted when they reached the doors.

"Oi, freshman!" Rukia heard an all too familiar voice that was already getting on her nerves. So she decided not to turn around and went through the doors.

"Hey! Freshman I am talking to you!" Rukia quickened her pace until a memorable hand had caught her elbow again. Damn It Really???

"Hey you now you could acknowledge my calling you."

Being annoyed once again she growled back "You only said freshman, not my name so how was I suppose to know you meant me? I am not the only freshman you know."

Ichigo rolled his eyes and spoke up after only a few seconds "Well then tell me what is your name so next time I call out at you, you won't run away from me, or are you playing hard to get?" He snickered the last few words and dropped down to Rukia's face and glared with a smoldering look to his eyes and a smirk on his face.

"Please, you bleached out moron, I wouldn't want to be near you if we were the last organisms on the planet." Rukia spat out.

"Just so you know this hair of mine is not bleached, it is natural I don't follow the trends that go on. I am my own self."

"Well that is unfortunate for you isn't it, to be the prank of God to give you that ridiculous hair color."


"Bye Ichigo! My ride is here." Rukia said in a sweet but fake voice and twisted from his grasp. Ichigo just stared at her while she ran off to get into a…no freaking way! A 1948 Jaguar Mark IV with suicide doors?!?! Just who was this chick?

"Staring at Rukia Kuchiki Ichigo?" Ishida came up behind Ichigo and startled Ichigo while he was lost in thought.

"How do you know who she is Ishida?"

"You know how my father owns a few hospitals? Well the pharmaceutical company that works with us was founded by Byakuya Kuchiki's and that is Rukia's older brother. I actually met her when she was in middle school when our families had to meet one time when we decided to sign them on with our hospital in this area."

"Oh, makes since. Anyways I was just trying to get my nagging a few freshmen in for the first day of classes. I wasn't actually going to bother any of the freshmen today but she bumped into me and presented me with the opportunity and I couldn't resist."

"Well be sure to be careful, it may not look it but she has the power to destroy you. Not herself exactly but her brother is pretty protective and has many connections. I'd be wary if I were you. So don't piss her off too much. It'd be like messing with a hornets nest. Perfectly fine if unbothered but dangerous if messed with, and stupid if I might add."

Ichigo rolled his eyes at the warning "Aight, aight I got it. Lets go get some food over at the court I'm starved."

"Sounds good to me, want me to go get Chad and Orihime?"

"Yeah sounds good, just make sure to keep Orihime off me, I like her as a friend but she sure likes to hang on to me and pester me."

"I'm not really sure why she likes you. You're not that attractive Ichigo."

"Says the 'man' who wears glasses and sews." Ichigo chuckled.

"Hey I have found it is a great way to meet women and spend time with them."

"Whatever man lets head out."

Rukia got out of the car, she adored this car it made her feel like she was in a gangster mob film. Not to mention most people drooled over the vintage look of it. Who could blame them? Even she drooled over it sometimes. Technically it wasn't her it was her brother's. He had good taste in everything, mostly anyways.

Rukia got up to his office and knocked, she wasn't sure if he would be there considering it was only 3:45 in the afternoon but sometimes he was and she was suppose to check in with him when she got home that day. To her surprise he was there in his Italian leather club chair and motioned for her to come in.

"So how was the first day of classes Rukia?"

"Oh, they were fine. I think I can handle them with ease Nii-sama."

"Good to know Rukia. Now off you go I have work to do here."

"Yes Nii-sama."

Rukia left and went upstairs and took out her sketch pad and started her art homework. But this art homework was very different than middle school and the teacher just asking for them to draw their favorite subject, which was Chappy the rabbit for her. The assignment was to draw abstract images and add certain elements to them such as texture. Rukia started and hoped for the best as she started her home work.