A/N: Yatta! Finally I completed this one.. haha... its been in my head for days now and I just had to let it out. This is actually inspired by a text message sent by my friend. Its a veery cute one... anyways, R&R!
Oh and thanks to korin-chan07 for helping me out!

A girl with short auburn hair and dazzling jade eyes was sitting beside a handsome boy with messy chessnut hair and amber eyes who was reading a book. The emerald-eyed girl was obviously happy, the way her emerald eyes sparkled with happiness to be with her beloved. Sakura leaned closer to Syaoran, seeking and savouring his warmth. Syaoran welcomed her, putting an arm around her as both of them sat on the long bench in the park, where flowers were blossoming prettily.

Sakura then lifted her head up a little and looked at Syaoran.

"Syaoran, I want to ask you something, can I?" asked Sakura.

"But you must answer it honestly, okay?"

Syaoran nodded.

"Okay then... hmm.. am I pretty?"

"No." answered Syaoran nonchalantly.

Sakura's face changed a bit after Syaoran answered that question.

"Uhm... do you want to live with me?"


Sakura's eyes were glistening with tears. But she tried to hold it and didn't let her tears fall.

"Well then...*sob* Will you cry... if I leave you?"


With that, Sakura finally broke. She turned away from Syaoran and stood up, sobbing softly.

But before she can go, she felt a tug on her hand. She tried to let go, but couldn't.

"Let me go..." pleaded Sakura softly.

"No." answered Syaoran firmly as he too, put down his book, stood up, and embraced Sakura in his arms. He kissed her auburn hair softly and asked;

"What is it, Sakura? You told me to answer honestly, right?"

"Well..yeah.. but... *sob* is that.. really *sob* your honest answers?"

"Of course."

Sakura looked down, her bangs covering her eyes. She struggled more to get free but Syaoran won't let her go. After a few futile attempt, Sakura stayed still, deciding that Syaoran wasn't going to let her go anytime soon.

Seeing that Sakura had quiten down, Syaoran loosened his embrace on her and turned her around, so Sakura's face is facing him.

"Look at me, Sakura..." said Syaoran softly as he lifted Sakura's face.

"B..but why.. am I not good enough..for you?" asked Sakura softly.

"No... my dear.. I never said that..." said Syaoran softly. "Do you want to know my answers for your questions?"

Sakura nodded slowly.

"You are not pretty, but the most beautiful, I don't want to only live for you, but I live for you, and if you leave me, I won't cry, but I'll die..."

Sakura was touched by that. She looked at him and his eyes shows nothing but sincerity.

"Oh..Syaoran-kun.." she was cut short as Syaoran captured her lips in a sweet kiss.

They broke apart moments later and Sakura snuggled closer to Syaoran. Syaoran embraced her and blew playfully on her hair.

"Arigatou, Syaoran-kun... Aishiteru..." said Sakura.

"I love you too, Sakura... my little sweet cherry blossom..." replied Syaoran tenderly.

*Don't forget to review!! xD