Authors Note: Thought I'd so something different.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh GX or it's characters.

New Colours

Manjoume turned away from the cheering audience, smiling to himself at yet another victory in the pro league. His opponent had thought he'd clearly won but a quick turnaround from Ojama Delta Hurricane was enough to end the duel. The Ojama Trio. He may have complained time and time again, but he couldn't deny that they helped him out of tight situations and, unlike his brothers, stuck by him as he carried on in life.

Upon reaching home, he concluded that turning in was the best option. Picking up a letter he left to the side earlier that morning, he sat down as the spirits of the Ojama Trio appeared. He had been expecting this, of course, as part of the daily routine. Manjoume offered a few words on congratulations to the spirits of his deck before turning back to his letter.

Opening the letter, he took out a sheet of paper and noticed two cards inside. Firstly he turned to the letter.

Manjoume 'Thunder' Jun,

Hey there! How've you been? Sorry I haven't been in touch, I've been travelling around a lot recently and have been short on time. Anyhow, I found a few cards in my travels that I thought you'd like so I sent them over. I'm sure you of all people can put them to good use. Keep up the good work in the pros.

Hope to see you soon,


Manjoume look at the letter for a minute, confused, before taking the cards out of the envelope and looking at them.

One card was Ojama Red, the other, Ojama Blue.

Before Manjoume could even take in the names on the cards, the spirits of the two cards appeared and joined the Trio. The trio looked ecstatic to see them.

"Look at this, the family's even bigger."

"And when I'd just gotten used to the three of you," Manjoume sighed, "Thanks a bunch, Judai…"
