Aww man did I fall in love with these two the minute I saw their hand-holding goodness. This is my first try and writing anything Glee and I can honestly say I'm not sure how I feel about it.

Here's the thing.

Before lost dads and slushies and weigh-ins that got football players lucky he was just Noah.

But Noah spent every day of eighth grade crying himself to sleep and he can't be that kid anymore. He won't be that kid anymore because that kid, yeah, he got his heart broken and he refuses to let that happen again.


He loses his virginity to a cheerio the last day of summer before his freshman year. He's tipsy and she's hammered and it's over too soon and when she leaves he doesn't feel anything but empty.

He throws up twice and goes back to the party.

The next time he downs two tequila shots off a cheerio's stomach, he makes sure he's drunk enough not to feel anything.


The first slushie of his high school career is an accident.

The football players grab them from 7-eleven before first period like always, but Derek Hutchins's high and that changes everything. Within seconds of entering the front doors Derek's smile turns Cheshire-like.

"Puckerman, you look a little hot, here's something to cool you down."

It's instinct really, to duck that is. A slushie to the face doesn't seem like a good way to start off a potentially awesome day and he really doesn't feel like bringing home a purple stained jersey for his mom to wash after her double-shift. So, yea, he ducks and then a bunch of things happen at once.

The entire hallway goes silent, someone gasps behind him and Derek smirks. When he rotates to the right to see exactly what could have silenced two-hundred high school students so efficiently his stomach drops out.

Rachel Berry. The singing, star placing, I'm-going-to-be-a-Broadway-starlet freak. The freak that's now officially purple and doing an impressive fish impersonation.

She glances up at him like he purposely moved so Derek would hit her, and then squares her shoulders and walks towards the second floor bathrooms.

The crowd breaks into laughter at the exact moment Greg Peterson jumps on his back with a shouted, "Dude that was awesome. Did you see her face?"

He did see her face and the betrayal that slipped so easily over it and all he can think of is the way Rachel's tongue popped out to wipe her lip before she turned her back on him.

The rest is flavored, crushed-ice history.

(Until Glee and teen pregnancy and Neil Diamond.)

I have to say I am quite proud of my (almost) lack parentheses. Review and I may continue.