A/N: That 3 minute OVA preview has been on my mind for days now and have watched it over and over again. :P I found it very overwhelming emotionally and it's making the wait oh so painful! Anyway, yey, it's my first DTB fanfic and a HeixYin one at that too! This is based hugely on that scene where Hei promises Yin that he won't leave her. Do enjoy!

The silver moon sways in the embrace of a night that is darker than black

The sea was rough tonight. The waves were getting higher, stronger and more turbulent as the wind picked up speed.

A storm was on its way.

Floating and being bobbed back and forth, out here, she could see everything and nothing at the same time.

"Yin," came a husky and low voice.

She snapped out of her stupor as she found herself on the floor, sitting on her knees and staring into a tiny gap where two plain curtains met. Slowly, she felt a steady pair of legs and arms enveloping her from behind.

His still damp skin felt cool on hers with the increased humidity.

"You're doing it again," he whispered.

In the blink of an eye, the doll's evolved observer apparition disappeared from the raging sea.

Grey clouds started gathering, slowly sealing away whatever remained of the artificial moon's light.

The room was dim and quiet, save for the glass windows that trembled at the whipping winds.


He leaned closer, resting his forehead on the top of her head. Her snow-like hair pooled at his chest. He took a shallow breath and caught the faint but familiar scent of jasmine flowers.

He breathed in again, and again, little by little, allowing his senses to lead him astray.

"Contractors," she starts monotonously. "You saved them all. And yet, they hurt y—"

He cut her off by tightening his hold around her lithe frame.

He gulped.

"One day…one day it will be over. I promise you."

He loosened his grip and gently faced her towards him, seeking for her ruby red eyes.

"Believe in me," he said in a determined tone as he took her into an embrace.

Through a half-filled glass of water, she saw everything and nothing at the same time.

"I will not leave you."
