If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

One thing was for sure, even if someone heard, no one was listening. He was screaming incessently but it was to no avail. No one came to his rescue as they dragged him along in the woods. The disgusting digits of hooded heads touched him and ripped his clothing. Some were bare, some were gloved, and perhaps the worst part was the back of his mind, guessing who was who. And when his father touched him, no, grabbed at him, it was the first time that night that a cold shiver ran up his spine. The groping and the caressing in varying degrees burnt him, everything was hot as fire but heavy like granite.

And despite his pain, his hatred, and his screams, sooner or later these men touched him elsewhere, doing more than just greedily grabbing his hair or raking their fingers over his pale body, his body responded against his will. Blindfolded and scared, humiliated and defenseless, when they pinched his nipples, stroked his length, and rubbed their horrible fingers against his anus, he had no choice in what his body did. And his shaft twitched at first before it steadily grew to it's full length. He could hear the chuckling of these awful men as his own body betrayed him. And to mock him further, they buried deeper into him with their fingers, searing him. The pinched at him harder, making his cries less of a plea and more of a gutteral shriek. He started to kick harder then, started to really squirm. They loved it.

He could feel the presence of the first man aligning up against him, and for a moment he wondered why they didn't use magic, before the person pressed into him. It seemed to split him in two, though it wasn't instantaneous it hurt as if being downright rammed into. And perhaps the person had been trying to ram into him but found the walls of his cavity to be too unforgiving. For a moment, the boy grunted, tears making their way past his blindfold, before beginning to shake. Another man turned his head forcefully and thrust into his mouth recklessly, burrowing into the young man's throat. Then a man began biting him. Another penis rubbed across his cheek from behind. He didn't know how many of them there were but he knew that there were plenty more. His cock stayed hard but it seemed to agree with him that he wasn't in fact horny, not that the men raping him would know that.

He could feel the man shudder for a moment then hot acid pouring into him and he knew that he had just been spilled into. The man left him only to be replaced by another wretched human being, who thrusted into him painfully. The boy screamed over the cock firmly placed into his throat, in which the intruder there seemed to enjoy and therefore made him gag on his own cum. He, too, was replaced. Passed around and used, that's what was happening. And in the back of his mind, something clicked and went numb.

His father had betrayed him, and was now in the process of ruining his body. Filthy. And here he was, enjoying it, or at least his body seemed to be. He went limp entirely, except for that one part that was refusing to listen to him. After this, would they kill him? His mind wandered as they abused him, the pain only barely reaching his senses now. After this, he had no where to go. No place to turn. He'd die, or he'd be used again. Here he was, without a wand and wondering if he would ever be allowed it again. If he lived past tonight, that is.

Another person thrust into his entrance, much larger this time. Though he wasn't completely there, he could hear himself whine over the dick thrusting into his face. Then there was a warm sensation over his own organ, which woke him up from his numb background noise. All the pain, the blood, the suffering returned just in time for him to scream, and in turn choke on a large amount of rancid fluid in his mouth. He kicked, and he punched with all his might, knocking people down and being dropped onto the filty ground. He grabbed his blindfold and tore it off, seeing cloaked men with varying amounts of skin showing through. The death eater's masks hiding their faces didn't hide their identities from him. He gained his footing, thrusting toward the dark forest not illuminated by wands.

Everything felt disconnected. His knees on his thin legs seemed to bend in awkard ways as he ran, his hips seemed heavy, and tears flowed relentlessly out of his grey eyes, despite that it was really against his better health, hindering his view. They would be after him soon, with wands, ready to kill. He tripped twice and each time it seemed harder to get up, wanting to give up.

"Draco." A voice said calmly from beside him as he ran past. He spun around, not really sure what he was planning on doing. It was a dark figure and he immediately knew it was Snape. He was clothed, and Draco didn't remember seeing him as he fled the scene, but that didn't stop him from backing up. Proffessor Snape, whether he was a teacher or not, whether he had actually gotten a chance to rape him, was still a death eater and ultimately the enemy. Strange how his view had been turned upside down in one night. Snape took one long stride towards him, and he took two quick paces back.

It was then that Draco wished he could disappear. And in that moment, he remembered that he could apparate. But as he quickly thought of places, he couldn't think of a place he could go that was safe to him. In that moment, Snape pointed his wand towards him and images flew threw his head. It wasn't a place he had ever seen. He closed his eyes and focused on it, willing himself there. A loud sound trailed behind him, followed by a slight popping sound as he heavily ended up where he had envisioned. It was in that moment that he realized that it was likely Snape had inflicted those thoughts into his mind, and this was not a safe place. However, he quickly entered the door when he heard footsteps walking down the street behind him. He was naked and filthy and crying, and his first reaction was to hide.

So now he stood, in a hallway. It was warm, and for the moment he was safe. It was true, he could have been lead here, he certainly didn't remember this place on his own, but his mind was fading as he slowly kneeled to the ground, laying. The pale boy was vaguely aware he was bleeding in a few spots as he curled up into a ball, shivering despite the heat. He wiped away the tears from one eye with his arm before deciding it was worthless, and passing out with that very same hand clinging to the carpet.