Part 3

Abby squealed and jumped up and down like a child seeing Santa for the first time. She was so happy they finally kissed. She hugged Gibbs and McGee. Gibbs shaking his head at her. She could tell he was amused by her. McGee didn't seem interested at all.

"Oh, what's wrong McGee?" she asked, sitting at his desk. He shrugged at her. "What did I do?"

"Abby, you didn't do anything," McGee answered. He could tell Gibbs was staring at him now.

"We should get them out now," Gibbs said, making McGee look up from his paperwork.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, go," Gibbs said, waving his to him. McGee grinned. Abby nodded to Gibbs.

"Go with him, he might get killed," Gibbs smirked at her. Abby laughed and followed McGee.

Kate could feel his tongue slip into her mouth. She felt herself relax and let his tongue do his thing. She let her hands go around his neck and kissed him back. She didn't know what she was doing. She never let me men get the best of her like this but this time it was different. She felt Tony hand run down her back and to her waist. Her skin tingled as she felt his hand touch her skin. She hadn't felt like this for ages after Steven cheated on her, Tony's stupid frat brother. She suddenly pulled away from him.

"What?" Tony asked in concern.

"Nothing," Kate answered. Tony leaned into her again and she pulled away again. Tony sighed in annoyance.

"What now?"

"OK, don't you find it weird that we making out in a dumpster?"

"Yeah, I thought of it and then I realized I have sex in more disgusting places than this,"

"What is more disgusting than a dumpster?"

"I don't know, maybe a sewage plant, dump site…"

"Tony! I don't need to hear all the places you've had sex!"

"Alright, sorry," he apologized quickly and then he leaned into her again but she pulled away.

"Ok, what I am doing wrong?" he asked, slightly annoyed.

"Nothing, I just want to get out of here," Kate replied, kissing in quickly on the lips. She stood up and just as she was about to push up the lid, it suddenly flung open.

Kate let out a small scream in fright and fell back in. Tony covered his eyes from the harsh sunlight. He then heard footsteps then he saw which looked like a ladder leaning on the dumpster.

Tony and Kate stood up to see McGee and Abby waiting down the bottom of the ladder. Kate and Tony exchanged glances and Tony helped Kate get out first. He followed her after she back onto the ground.

"Okay, whose idea was that probie?" Tony asked McGee. Abby just grinned.

"So are you guys…"

"No, we're not," Kate snapped at her. "This was your idea?"

"Yeah, Gibbs said it was all right," Abby told them.

"I told you so," Tony said to Kate. Kate punched him in the stomach.

"You have to stop doing that soon," He said, painfully.

"We're sorry guys…"

"No you have to be together now we heard it all," Abby cut in, angrily.

"Abby, we were pretending just to get out of there," Kate assured her.

"I wasn't," Tony said angrily, making Abby, McGee and Kate look at him. Kate stared at him in shock. McGee rolled his eyes and Abby grinned.

"Really?" Kate said, in a soft voice.

"Yes, I meant everything in…there," Tony said, gesturing over at the dumpster.

"Really?" she asked, again.

"Yeah, I wouldn't lie to you like that," he replied, keeping his eyes on her.

Kate kept staring at him, praying that it would be all an act for her but he still looked at her. She felt her heart quicken and glanced at McGee and Abby. They both froze and stood silently waiting for something to happen.

"Thank you," she said slowly. McGee and Abby look horrified while Tony looked annoyed and hurt.

"Really Kate, is that what your answer is?" he asked, angrily. She hesitated and looked at McGee and Abby again.

"Just kiss and make up again," Abby rushed her. "Please," she added. Before Kate could say anything he turned and went back into the garage. Abby and McGee were staring at Kate in anticipation of what she would do.

"Aren't you going to go after him?" Abby asked, slightly annoyed.


"You know why Kate," Abby said and took McGee by the arm and led him off with her. He gave her a look before they both disappeared into the building.

"Crap," she whispered to herself and finally went in as well.

Kate walked into the bullpen hoping that she could talk to Tony but he was talking to Gibbs. Gibbs gave her a nod but Tony didn't acknowledge her at all. She felt a stab in the heart from that and looked through the files on her desk. It had only taken an hour and a half before she finished them. She glanced up to see Tony at his desk with his head down. She decided to do what he always did to her.

Todd: DiNozzo?


Todd: DiNozzo dammit, answer me!

DiNozzo: What?

Todd: Look I'm sorry I was just…

DiNozzo: Yeah I know

Todd: What are you a mind reader?

DiNozzo: If I read minds, I would know that you just totally blew me off

Todd: Oh geez, Tony grow up

DiNozzo: You know men hate it when they get told that

Todd: I guess you haven't had a lot of practice

DiNozzo: Guess not

Todd: Tony, come on we work together for god sakes

DiNozzo: What does have to do with anything, you sleep with lots of coworkers in the Secret Service

Todd: Who in the hell have you been talking to?

DiNozzo: No one, but I know you

Todd: Are you calling me a whore, Tony?

DiNozzo: No, I'm calling you a hypocrite

Todd: Why because I did date guys in the Secret Service

DiNozzo: Yeah

Todd: One ended up dead remember?

DiNozzo: I laugh at the face of danger, ha! ha!

Todd: Are you saying you wouldn't care

DiNozzo: Anything for you Katie

Kate looked up from her computer to see Tony smiling at her. She got up from her desk and went over to him.

"We can't mix work with pleasure," she whispered.

"But that would be fun, we could have sex in the elevator," Tony replied.

"Or at a desk," she grinned.

"Do what at a desk?" McGee asked as he came into the bullpen, studying them very closely.

"Nothing probie, the adults as talking," Tony replied.

"Yeah, I heard every word of it," Gibbs told them. Kate and Tony froze waiting for more to come. The phone rang at his desk.

"Gibbs," he said. "Be right there." He stood up, grabbed his gun and put it in his holster.

"McGee get the truck, Tony and Kate get your gear," he said, he went past them without even looking at them. They both exchanged glances before watched Gibbs at the elevator.

"Do I have to throw cold water on you both, hurry up?" Gibbs yelled across the bull pen, making a few people turn their heads. Kate and Tony grinned at each other and got their gear. As they made their way to Gibbs and in the elevator standing on either side he cleared his throat.

"There's one thing you should keep in mind if you're in a relationship in my team," Gibbs said.

"Yes," they both answered.

"No talk, no public affection and definitely no getting hot with each other in the bull pen. I don't need you two displaying something that nobody wants to see what you do in the bedroom," Gibbs said, without addressing either of them, but staring straight at the doors. As the door of the elevator finally opened, Kate and Tony took each other hands. Suddenly Gibbs turned around and saw them. They both dropped their hands at once. Gibbs had an amused look on his face.

"You two are so easy," he laughed and walked towards the truck. Kate and Tony exchange glances with each other then followed.


A/N: Sorry about the long wait on this final chapter. I hope you guys can forgive me, I have been busy with work and uni. So I hope you enjoy. Thank you for everyone who has reviewed and stuck with from day one.