Author's Note: My newest story! YAY! I know those of you that read my other stories are thinking that I'm crazy right about now. And I would have to agree! I know that I already have three current stories going. But this story popped into my head last night and I started writing the general plot just so I could have it later and that turned into the prologue and then chapter 1. And let's just say that I went to bed really, really late because I just couldn't stop typing. The words and dialogue just kept coming. So, what I have decided to do is stop writing where I am, which is chapter 8. And I will post one chapter a week. That means that I have two months worth of material. That being said, I will go back to focusing on my current stories, but you all will get this one too, instead of it sitting in my saved folder for the next two months. Hopefully by the time I finish posting the chapters I have done, I will have one of my other stories completed, so that I can finish this one without any delay.

Moving forward, I hope you all like it. It is Bella centered as are all my stories. I'm not going to give you any background information or any clues. Also, I won't tell you the end pairing. You'll just have to read to figure it all out. This first chapter is only the prologue, so no real information will be given. This sets up things for Bella and where she is in her mind frame of things. ENJOY!

DISCLAIMER: Stephenie Meyer, along with Little, Brown and Company, owns all the rights to the Twilight Saga. I own nothing and profit nothing from this story.

I stood in line at the baggage check-in trying not to think about and relieve the day that changed everything. The day that led me to where I was. One day forever changed my entire future. My life was not how I had planned it. Moving to Forks altered the life that I could have had if I had stayed in Phoenix. My heart may have still been in one piece instead of the many that it had been torn into over the almost two and half years that I lived in Forks. I couldn't regret my move there, or any of the choices I made while living there. They made me the person I was, presented me with experiences I could get no where else, and granted me the life I had yet to meet.

Marilyn Monroe was a rather unique individual. I may have had nothing in common with her, but I could identify with her on a few things. She once said, "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

I forced myself to believe that things happened for a reason. If I didn't, then surely I would fall apart, and I couldn't do that any more. Over the last six months I had become stronger than that. I had to. He changed, and I had to let go. It was hard, harder than I ever thought possible. Things went horribly wrong, and I had only seen a glimpse of them when they were right, but I had hope. I had become independent on my self. People lie even when they don't mean to. People break promises, and let you down, even when they wish not to. Six months ago my life fell apart, and I was broken beyond what I thought was repairable. And I was hoping against all hope that better things could fall together. I didn't know what those things could be, but I needed them. I need to believe that everything I had gone through had happened for a reason. I had no other choice.

I was tired of running, of avoiding my past. Sometimes the past can be forgotten, mine could not. I had to face my past, my fears, and my worries head on. I wasn't looking forward to it, any of it. What I really wanted to do was escape into a whole and stay there, but I knew that was not possible. I had put this trip off for almost five months, and I could not do it any longer. I felt physically sick thinking of the reunion I would have to have with my past. There were so many eyes that I didn't want to meet. There were so many words that I didn't want to hear or to speak.

I handed over my bags, and forced myself to walk to the gate. When my row was called to board, I didn't want to move. And I didn't. Everyone had boarded the plane and I continued to look down at my ticket. Jacksonville to Denver, from there I would land in Seattle. And then in Port Angeles. The flight attendant approached me wearily and asked if I was going to board. I reluctantly got up and handed over the ticket. I took my seat, took a deep breath, and tried to block out the memories.

Author's Note: I know it's not much to work off, but let me know what you're thinking. I will say that it is a pack centered story. Look for weekly updates on Mondays!! And FYI My Perfect Match readers... chapter 16 will be coming tonight or sometime Tuesday.