TITLE: "Love You For Always"

DISCLAIMER: I don't own them…..just play with them

SUMMARY: Horatio knows how to say it best.

"Love You For Always"

One, two, three, four
One, two, three, four
Boy I want to be where you are
Don't matter if you're near or you're far
You fill up my heart all the way to the top
And it's you I'm loving for always

Watching the older man sleep, Ryan couldn't believe how happy he was. It had been a long time since he felt like this. No one had ever made him feel like this before and some days he couldn't believe that it was true.

Catch me, I'm a shooting star
Make a wish, close your eyes, cross your heart
Your love is so rare
And I'm glad that you're here in my arms
I'll love you for always

Sitting outside, in the hammock, Horatio tightened his hold on the sleeping young man and thanked the gods that had blessed him with this treasure. He had never believed in miracles before, but since Ryan had come into his life that's all he saw around him.

Dreaming of you tonight
Praying that you will be mine
Hoping you'll be holding me tight
Never ever letting me go

Ryan sighed contently in his sleep, and Horatio was wondering who he was dreaming of. Then he caught the whisper of his name on the young man's lips and knew that exactly who he was dreaming of.

I need you to know
You came into my life
Made everything go right
So sweet and tenderly
Unlock my love, you've got the key
Ooh, I'm so satisfied
This kind of love I just can't hide

Standing in front of the mirror, Horatio took one last look at his black suit and smiled. today he was giving his heart and soul to the most special person in his life. He attributed where he was today to that young man. He had told Ryan that he didn't need to give the key to his heart away because he never really had it to begin with, Ryan had always had it.

Took my heart for a carousel ride
Made me feel brand new inside
When I'm with you
All that I seem to do is smile

Ryan was trembling a little as he stood in the back of the church with Alexx. She smiled and reassured him that what he was feeling was normal. But when the doors opened onto the small group that had gathered to see him pledge his love to Horatio all the nervousness disappeared as he looked into the blue eyes of the man he would spend the rest of his life with. And he smiled.

Boy, I'm floating on a cloud
Wanna scream and shout it out loud
I found amazing grace in your eyes and your face

Horatio watched as the love of his life walked towards him and he suddenly had the urge to shout at the top of his lungs the love that he felt for this man. His gaze never left that of his lover's throughout the entire ceremony and he barely heard the applause as he took the soft lips in a gentle kiss.

I'm gonna love you for always

Looking into each other's eyes later that night, they both knew that this was right. And that their love would be there for always.