WOw! Look at all the pretty reviews! ::glomps them all:: I'm so happy right now it's amazing ^_^ Sankyuu everyone! I wish I could respond to them all, but I haven't the time. However, on my last chapter when I eventually get to it, I'm going to respond to each and every review that I get for the chapter prior. Hopefully it'll at least be a few ^_^

I've been taking forever for this fic, I know. I only think about it when inspiration strikes me, which unfortunately is few and far between. I'm pretty happy with this chapter tho, and a thing to remember is that it's SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY so parden the stupidity of it all ^^; I was in an odd mood when I wrote it, I guess ^^

VERY SPECIAL THANKS goes to my great friend Dee!! (aka Scratches on she's so totally awesome, and beta'd this chapter for me! I love you, Dee!! =D ::glomps her so hard she starts to turn blue::

Anyway, enjoy my odd sense of humor ^-^


Operation Expose Porter had begun.

Blaise sighed, leaning back in his chair. How was he ever going to expose the girl, when he wasn't sure he knew just what he was looking for? But damn it, something wasn't right here. And where was Potter?

//Not that I care, of course,// he said to himself. The Golden Boy had been gone a long time though, and this girl had taken his place who had the same black hair as him, and the same emerald eyes. //All she needs is the scar and she'll look exactly.. like..// Blaise's brown eyes widened a little. No.. it couldn't possibly be.

Could it?


Hermione was livid. How could Ron and Harry -Harmony!- still be joking around with each other during study time in the library like always, when things were going on. Like for example, this whole Perfectionis potion. She'd looked in every book she could, (not including the Restricted Section), but although she'd come across the potion many times, nothing said about what to do if it went wrong.

And both her best friends were too busy playing Wizard Chess to pay one inch of attention to her as she tried to talk about it.

Hermione rubbed at her temples, another headache coming on. To lose her temper, or not to lose her temper. That was the question.

"Hahaha! Check mate, Harry!"


The other two Gryffindors jumped in shock and stared at her with wide eyes, looking like two Pegasus' caught in the headlights of the Weasley's flying car.

"Ron you idiot! Are you *trying* to expose him??" She ranted.

"But Hermione you just--"

"I mean we've gone through all this trouble to keep what happened to Harry a secret, and you're ruining it!!"


"I swear Ron sometimes you have no brains what-so-ever! How you manage to get through each day without someone wanting to wring your neck is beyond *me*!"



"..It's that time of the month, isn't it."

Ohh, if looks could kill.

"What time?" Harmony wanted to know.

"Don't ask!" Ron gasped. "The horror of it all!"

"Oh Ron, stop being a drama queen," Hermione snapped. She turned to her gender-switched friend and motioned her closer, whispering in her ear. The whole time Harmony's eyes kept widening more and more. "And that's what it means when someone mentions the 'time of the month'. One thing to remember, though, chocolate is our friend."

"Oh. My. Gods. I bleed *where*?!"

"Not listening!" Ron covered his ears, saying 'lalalala' over again.

Hermione sighed, rubbing at her temples again and praying for strength. Why she was best friends with two complete morons was beyond her. Oh wait, there was that whole 'saving of lives' thing in first year. Plus the fact that Harry -- Harmony, damn it, Harmony!! -- needed their help all the time. The poor boy -girl!- seemed to have the worst luck of anyone she'd ever known.

//Why couldn't I have become friends with mutes? Nice, safe mutes. Who liked to study.// Ok, that was pushing it.

"Well if it isn't my three favorite Gryffies!"

The three directed their attention to the speaker, Blaise Zabini's grinning face meeting their gazes.

"And how are we this fine, fine afternoon?"

"What do you want, Zabini?" Ron glared. "We haven't seen Malfoy."

"I wasn't looking for him, I was looking for her," he said, pointing at Harmony.

"What for?"

If it was possible, the Slytherin's grin grew wider. "I know your seecrreet," he sing-songed, causing the three teens to pale.

"Y-you do?" Harmony inwardly cursed and screamed. Of all the people to had to find out, why Zabini? Why Draco's -when had she started referring to him as that?- best friend? If Slytherin's had friends, that is. Why a damned Slytherin??

"Yes," the brunette grinned. He moved closer to the emerald-eyed girl, looking her up and down. "I can't believe no one's ever realized it. How your hair is the same color as Harry Potter's. How you're eyes are the same color and you're the same height as him. But me, I've finally figured it out."

There was a long moment of silence.

"You're Harry Potter's sister!!"


AN: X3 I adore Blaise, he's such a lovable moron XD ::squishes a Blaise plushie:: ^-^