Last Chapter of My Addiction

The rest of the night past terribly slowly, during which Momiji didn't move from the floor beside his lover, crying his heart out. Finally, what seemed like a lifetime later, the first light of dawn crept in through the living room window and illuminated the tearstained face of a heart broken young teenager, a second male led lifelessly in his lap. Momiji had been holding Haru ever since he had found him unconscious on the sofa. One of his arms was tight but gentle around the ox's shoulders. The other hand was resting lightly on Haru's lower stomach. Haru head was limp against his chest, his skin a deathly pale colour, his loving, warm eyes closed.

As the sunlight hit his eyes, Momiji blink for the first time in hours. His gaze has been glued to a single syringe in the centre of the floor; empty of its vile liquid, the same liquid that had done this to his Haru. Seconds later he regretted blinking. Now his eyes felt heavy with sadness and lack of sleep. He blinked again, hoping it would take the edge of his tiredness but it only made things worse. Sighing loudly, the rabbit lowered his gaze to his lover in his arms. He raised a hand to stroke Haru's cheek, hating how cold it was. But it was soft and familiar; remind him of those nights, the nights when he and Haru would become one, even if it was just to take his mind off of the drugs. But now Momiji would never get to feel Haru inside of him again, never get to know if Haru had meant what he said in his letter. He'd never get to tell Haru that he felt the same way. The thought killed him. He reached down slowly and pressed a kiss to the ox's temple and then…

Haru's body gaze a shudder. Quickly Momiji pulled back, his brown pools widening, his heart filling with hope. His eyes searched his lover's face, praying he wasn't imaging things. For a long time Haru remain still. Then his face screwed up in pain and he moaned loudly, arching his back and burying his face in Momiji's chest. Fresh tears flooded to Momiji's eyes and a smile broke across his face. "H-Haru…" he whispered, cupping Haru's cheek again and holding him close. Haru's deep eyes opened, a hint of their original emotions still gleaming in them. After taking a few deep breaths, during which his sluggish brain caught up with what was happened, Haru whimpered;


Momiji sung softly to himself as he walked, a small backpack in one hand and a brown paper bag clutched in the other arm. It had been nearly six months since Haru had been taken to the dragon's house, six months since they had declared their feelings for one another in one way or another. Every day of those last six months Momiji had been to see Haru, watching as the older teen got better. Hatori insisted on the ox staying there until he was certain nothing more was wrong. He was also trying to help Haru get off of the drugs (after he had tried to kill himself, the drugs business had spread through the Sohma's like wild fire) but since that day six months ago, Haru hadn't touched the stuff. Now that he had Momiji he didn't need to.

On reaching the front door, Momiji knocked politely and waited patiently for the doctor to answer. Soft footsteps were heard coming towards him and seconds later Hatori's face appeared in the gap as the door was opened. Seeing who it was, the dragon opened the door wider and let the rabbit in. After thanking Hatori, who disappeared into another room, and slipping off his shoe, Momiji padded quietly down the hallway to where his lover's room was. He was no longer singing, but rather humming the tune of the song instead. Three doors down, Momiji stopped. He turned to face the room he had been visiting for the last six months and waited a few moments before walking inside and closing the door behind him.

The bed where the ox had been every day was empty and made. There was a soft thump as the backpack hit the floor and Momiji began to panic. Hatori would have said if something had happened. A soft breeze drew the rabbit's attention and turning he found the window wide open. He ran over to it, the brown bag also falling from his arms, and looked out. He leaned forward, trying to find some sign of Haru but…

"You'll fall out if you're not careful."

Jumping in shock, Momiji spun around to face the armchair that had been placed next to the window. His heart lightened as his gaze fell on his black and white haired lover, grinning in his seat. Haru began to chuckle as the worried look faded from the rabbit's face, soon replaced by one of mock anger. Momiji walked back towards the door, playfully punching the ox's arm as he went. He picked up the bags he had dropped and walked over to the bed.

"No hello?" Haru asked, rubbing his arm where the rabbit had hit him and smiling. His smile widened as he heard Momiji sigh and then footsteps coming back towards him. He closed his eyes and tilted his face up expectantly but only received a kiss to the temple before Momiji went back to unpacking more of the ox's (and his own) things. Frowning, Haru got to his feet and sneakily tiptoed to his golden haired love.

"You should still be resting Haru," Momiji said, folding their clothes out on the bed unaware that his lover was so close. Haru simply rolled his eyes, wrapped his arms around Momiji and pulling him down so they were both led on the bed. Momiji gave a squeak at the sudden movement but gripped a handful of Haru's shirt and snuggled closer, smiling. Haru, also smiling, wrapped his arms protectively around the rabbit's waist and rested his forehead against golden locks. He took a deep breath of the rabbit's scent and sighed happily as Momiji's hands came round to cling to the back of the ox's shirt.

"I was thinking," Haru said after a long period of silence. "Once Hatori deems me fit to leave, I was thinking about getting away from this place for a while, go on holiday somewhere for a few weeks. What do you think M'iji?"

Momiji didn't like the idea of Haru leaving him but it was what the ox wanted. "I think it's a great idea Haru. I'll miss you though."

"Silly," Haru chuckled, pressing a kiss to Momiji's forehead, "What I meant was, would you be willing to come with me?"

The rabbit beamed up and his lover and reached up to press a kiss against the other's lips, clinging tighter to Haru's shirt. "Of course I would!"

Haru grinned and leaned to kiss Momiji properly, cupping the other's smooth cheek with his free hand. Momiji responded by tightening his hold on Haru and kissing back passionately. When the kiss finally broke, Haru reopened his eyes just in time to see Momiji yawn.

"Tired?" He asked, running a hand through the rabbit's hair as he rubbed at his eyes. In reply Momiji yawned again and nodded his head. Haru chuckled, resting his hand on the back of Momiji's head and rest it gently against his chest. Momiji's grip tightened on the back of his shirt, his eyes drooping closed. Within seconds he was asleep, curled safely in his lover's arms.

Haru reached out and took Momiji's hand and held it tightly in his own. Their fingers entwining and, on the same fingers, their matching plain banded silver rings rested against each other. These two rings, though maybe not as expensive or flash as other peoples, meant more to the pair than anything else, save each other. These two rings showed their love for one another, their commitment and promise to be together, not just for the next for months or even years. Forever.