Last First Kiss

Chapter Three: Because Love and Pain go together

~A/N: Wow…did not think there was going to be a third chapter. This is so cool! This is fun to write. I had forgotten about this story until I stumbled across it at one point. I was like "What is this? OH! This story!" Yeah, so, hope you like it. This is going to be longer than intended, oh well, fun though ^.^~

~Optimus Prime's POV~

I was in my office when I heard running outside my door. The next thing was screaming and tires squealing. I pushed myself out of my chair and went to my door, allowing it to slide open and shut behind me. I saw Prowl and Jazz sprint by as Silver transformed and sped off to the nearby human highway. Prowl stopped and bent at the waist, his hands on his thighs.

"Prowl? Jazz? What is going on?" I asked. Jazz turned at the sound of my voice and saw I was standing in the hallway.

"Prime, sir. We've just had a slight argument."

"With Silver?" I asked, not convinced that was the reason she ran. I watched the fading Corvette before I faced Prowl and Jazz completely.

"He needs to know, in case she gets into trouble. He needs to know the reason she's mad right now."

"You sure, Prowler?"

"Yes." Jazz nodded once and turned to face me.

"Silver just confessed to Prowl that she's in love with him."

"Knowing you two are bonded?"

"Hence the reason she ran." I nodded slowly and folded my hands on my hips, watching the onyx bullet fade from view.

"It's going to snow tonight; we are going to need to find her before she hurts herself." I said, watching the ominous clouds roll in. The temperature drop and the powder snow that was starting to become heavier were obvious signs that a snow storm was rolling in. "We'll take just the trucks with chains. I don't want any of you to go with us. I'll go with Ultra Magnus, Hide and Ratchet. The four of us will go searching for her. You two hold down the fort."

"Yes sir." Prowl said reluctantly.

"You're not a fault." I told him, resting my hand on his shoulder. Jazz nodded and led Prowl away from the base entrance. "Ironhide, Ultra Magnus, Ratchet. Meet me at the front of the base. We need to do a search and rescue."

"Search and rescue? In this weather?"

"Yes. Silverstar is out driving in this…"

"She's one of the best snow driver's we have."

"Yes, but she's not thinking straight. We need to find her before she hurts herself…"

"Too little, too late."


"Her distress beacon was just activated and Starscream's aerial bots have also picked up on the signal. We need to move, now."

"Copy that. Everyone, you're going to need chains."

"Roger Prime." I cut the comm. and transformed, allowing Jazz and Prowl to put my chains on.

Once everyone had their chains on, we drove out into the every increasing snow. Visibility was zero and we had to rely on our sensors to help guide us.

"So this is why it's called a 'white-out.' No wonder the humans don't drive around in it." Ratchet complained. I chuckled as I watched the ambulance struggle in the snow. Ironhide followed behind me, driving in the tracks I left. Clever bot.

"Prime, we need to move. Starscream and his triad are closing in on Silver quickly. She's not responding to our hails, making me think she's out cold. Literally."

"What are you saying Ratchet?"

"If she's hasn't fallen into recharge because of the fall, which is pretty significant in itself, the cold might have done her in."

"Then she's in trouble."

"More than we thought." I revved my engine and pushed myself ahead faster, watching as Ironhide and Ratchet struggled to keep up.

We managed to reach the canyon just before Starscream and his aerial bots. I heard Starscream curse as he banked left and fled the scene, no doubt as reluctant to fight as we were. I transformed and stepped to the edge, peering over. I caught a glimpse of black under at least seven feet of snow. I bit my lips and glanced up and down the cliff, looking for the safest way down to her.

"Silver!" I called, trying to see if she moved at all. Nothing. I turned to face Ironhide and Ratchet. "I am going to need your help to get me down to her. She's out cold and buried under seven feet of snow. She can't get out even if she were conscious. Ironhide, you are going to have sentry duty. Ratchet, your scanners are the best; I am going to need you to guide me down. Understand?"

"Understood Prime." The two of them nodded. Ironhide moved out of sight as Ratchet lay on his stomach to help me down.

"You're going to have to move as fast as you can in this. I am not sure Starscream won't come back with reinforcements"

"I understand, Ratchet. But this is slippery and very far to fall. Bear with me here." Ratchet nodded and I slowly started my decent down to Silver.

The climb was long and more than once I almost lost my grip. The decent was at least 50 feet down and Silver had taken the fall nose first. I stepped down into the snow and moved towards Silver, brushing off the snow. I gasped, seeing her hood was mangled and energon was leaking everywhere.

"RATCHET!" I called, lifting the car into my arms. The medic glanced over the edge as I looked down the river.

"What is it?"

"She's bad, real bad! How far does this river go before it flattens out?"

"About a mile or so, why?"

"She can't transform. She leaking energon all over the place and her frame is mangled. I need you to treat her, she's dying."

"Aw hell…I'll meet you down there." I saw Ratchet's face vanish and I made my way towards the end of the river.

The water was ankle deep for me, but absolutely freezing. If Silver had been face down in this water, unable to transform, then we were going to have a problem.

It seemed like hours before I reached the flat of the river. Ratchet and Ironhide were waiting as the canyon sloped down to a flat valley. Ratchet broke out into a sprint and was at my side in seconds.

"This is bad, you weren't kidding." Ratchet took Silver into his own arms to examine her more closely. I watched as his optics darkened with worry until he shook his head and turned to face me. "We have to get her back to base, but I am not sure how much good I can do there…"

"Ratchet, what are you saying?" Ratchet sighed and placed his hand over Silver's chest gently.

"There may be one way to save her, but I don't know if we can do it. She's so far gone…I don't…"

"Are you telling me that she's dying and there's nothing we can do!" I felt my knees weaken and knock together.

"There's a slight chance we might be able to save her, but we have to get back to the base, as fast as we can."

"In this?" Ironhide's gruff voice came from the left.

"In this. In order to save her, we have to risk life and limb for her. She would do the same, Prime…"

"Of that, I have no doubt." I nodded and took Silver into my own arms. "There should be no humans out in this weather, right?"

"Shouldn't be and won't be are two very different things, Prime." Ironhide said.

"I'll take the chance." I marched forward, Ironhide and Ratchet behind me in their alt forms.

"Are you sure about this Prime?"

"No, but Ratchet is right. Silver would do the same thing for any of us." That was the last of the argument. We traveled the rest of the way in silence.

We reached the base in record time, Ratchet and Ironhide transforming as I sprinted inside the base.

"Med bay!" I heard Ratchet shout behind me. He radioed for Red Alert as he chased after me. "There!" He pointed to the spare bed and closed the door behind me, shutting out curious optics.

"What do we do? I asked, spinning to face Ratchet.

"I need you to make an announcement to the base."

"What do I tell them?"

"The only way to save Silver is to have someone willing to bond with her. Her spark rate is so weak; she can't make it much longer. Anyone willing to bond with her, single or an already bonded pair, doesn't matter. She needs the strength of another to keep her spark pulsing."

"Are you serious?" Asking someone to bond with another because their very life depended on it was rare, even it a time of war. To find a willing mech or femme to bond for life was not the task I could order anyone to do, but if there were volunteers, there might be a chance that Silver would make it through the night. "Will she be able to make a decision for herself, or am I going to have to do that for her?"

"She might be conscious long enough to make the choice, but be prepared just in case. We can't wait long. 12 hours, max." I nodded and left the med bay, making my way to my office where I could make the announcement base-wide.

"Can I have everyone's attention please? I have something important that needs to be discussed. Earlier today, Silverstar went out for a drive, not knowing that a snowstorm would kick up and cause a white-out. In the process of finding shelter to wait out the night, she spun out and dropped off the edge of a cliff…at least 50 feet down. Silver is badly damaged and may not make it through the night. Ratchet has one solution to keep her spark pulsing, but it is not a decision to be made lightly. Silver has to have the strength of another in order to survive the night. Anyone who is willing to make this sacrifice to save Silver, please line up at the med bay. I will take down names and relay them to Silver. If she is not conscious, then I will make the decision myself as her Uncle. That is all." I clicked off the radio and made my way back to the med bay, only to be intercepted by a yellow and black scout.

"Prime, sir. I volunteer to be Silver's mate." He stood in front of me, chest out and arms ruler straight at his side.

"Good, I was hoping you would." I patted his shoulder and motioned for him to follow me. I pointed outside the door and nodded, telling him to wait there.

"Ratchet, Bee volunteers."

"So do Moonracer and I."


"Don't act so surprised. I'm sure you would volunteer if you weren't related."

"True." I grabbed a nearby chair and drug it closer to Silver's berth. I grabbed her hand and held it tight. "She's so cold."

"I'm working on getting her temperature back up to normal, maybe then she can wake up for a little while and make a choice." I nodded and watched Ratchet work in the med bay.

A few hours ticked by and I heard several voices outside the med bay. I got to my feet and peered outside. The line had grown incredibly long and it made my spark swell with pride that my Autobots would be willing to give up this choice in order to help Silver.

"It's not because she's your niece, or even that she was raised by Prowl and Jazz. It's because she's proven herself to be a true Autobot several times over and will make an excellent SIC." I turned to see Ironhide and Chromia standing behind me.

"Hide, what are you…?"

"What do you think? I talked to Mia about it and we decided, we should at least give her the option."

"Ratchet and Moonracer are also volunteering."

"Doesn't surprise me. How she doing?" Hide glanced inside to see Ratchet working on Silver. I sighed and let my CPU drop.

"Not good…" I glanced back up and didn't see the two mechs I had secretly been holding out hope for. "Her core temperature is way below normal and if she doesn't wake in the next hour or so, I am going to have to decide for her. I don't want to do that…"

"She's strong; she'll wake up in time…"

"PRIME!" My spark skittered to a halt and I spun on my toes, racing inside.

"What? Whatwhat?" I was a soft smile on Ratchet's faceplates and looked down to Silver, seeing her optics were open. "Silver?"

"Wha—what's happening?" her voice was thick, her words forced. This wasn't the first time I had seen Silver close to death, but it was the first time I had seen her optics sad, like she had given up on living.

"You spun off a cliff and were badly damaged. We cannot keep you online forever. The only choice to keep your spark pulsing is to have you bond with another. There are many volunteers, Ratchet and Moonracer, Ironhide and Chromia, Bumblebee, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Red Alert, Rainsong, Fisrestorm, Blackrain…and many more."

"P-Prowl? Jazz?" I felt my own spark tighten at the mention of their names. I glanced up to Ratchet for help.

"They are not here." Ratchet whispered.

"Doesn't…surprise me…"

"You have to make a choice soon or you are going to die. You don't have much time left, 5 hours max." Silver nodded slowly and closed her optics, thinking.

"Ratchet…?" She whispered, reaching out with her hand. Ratchet leaned over so she could whisper into his ear receptors. Ratchet nodded and glanced up to me.

"I am going to need Red Alert in here and I am going to need you as well." Ratchet closed his optics for two seconds before he moved to the door.

"Wait, who did she ask for?" I rushed to his side as he opened the door. Moonracer stood there, her arms crossed over her breastplate.

"We ready?"

"We have to get Red Alert."

"He's behind me." I watched the two talk back and forth before I occurred to me.

"She wants you?" I glanced over to Racer. "Both of you?" Ratchet nodded and ushered Moonracer and Red Alert inside.

"Since she can't have Prowl, she called for me. Racer and I talked it over. She agreed. We will merge sparks with hers."

"Very well. I will help monitor the progress." Ratchet nodded and took Moonracer's hand, moving towards the berth. Silver's optics flickered slightly and her lips pulled into a tight line, as if fighting off her scream. Ratchet reached over and took her hand in his.

"Are you sure you want this?" She glanced over and nodded slowly, tears streaming down her faceplates.

"Yes…" she managed to whisper, looking back up at the ceiling.

"If there's someone else you'd rather…"

"They won't come and I trust you and Moonracer. This is what I want."

"Very well…" Ratchet took hold of Racer's hand and climbed up onto the berth, parting his chest plates. He ran his fingers across Silver's breastplate, coaxing it to open as well. Her dim spark lit the area, melting with Ratchet's own spark light. The room glowed a light blue and Ratchet took Silver gently into his arms. He started to press his chest against Silver's when Prowl and Jazz burst through the door.

"Ratchet, hold on!" Jazz panted. Ratchet glanced up when Silver started to go into convulsions.

"Quick! I don't need an explanation, just do it!" Ratchet closed his chest plates and moved off the berth, giving Prowl and Jazz the chance to climb on.

"Prowl?" I called. He glanced over to me, nodding. "Okay, if you want to do this…"

"It's to save Silver. Jazz and I talked it over. We're going to do this." Prowl parted hic chest as he positioned himself on the berth, Jazz helping. Prowl gathered Silver into his arms and pressed his chest against Silver's, their sparks merging. Prowl bit his lips as their sparks reached out, mixing with each other. Jazz ground his teeth together and groaned, his hand flying to his chest.

"Jazz?" I moved towards him, my hands out.

"I'll be fine; she's just in pain is all." He grunted again and his grip tightened over his armor. I rested my hands against his shoulder as Silver's optics snapped open.

"Jazz!" Prowl called. Jazz ran to Prowl's side and opened his own chest plates, exposing his bright blue spark.

"Prime, help me!" He called to me. I ran and lifted Jazz on to the berth, helping him position himself so he could merge his spark with Prowl and Silver's.

They stayed like that for several more minutes before Prowl and Jazz pulled back. I saw Prowl kiss Silver's helm and lips as she sighed and lay back into the berth.

"How do you three feel?" Ratchet asked, moving towards them with his datapad, monitoring their vitals.

"I feel fine, Prowler?" Jazz turned to Prowl, who nodded and glanced over to Silver. Ratchet helped her sit up as she rubbed her spark chamber.

"I feel ten times better." She smiled, looking over to Ratchet. Her optics softened and she started to say something when Ratchet held his hand up.

"I'm glad they made it in time. You wouldn't have been truly happy unless it was them. Do not feel guilty in any way." Ratchet smiled and took Moonracer's hand in his. She smiled and nodded, reaching for Prowl and Jazz's hands. They took it and made their way out of the med bay to talk things over.

"I'm glad he decided to go through with it, even if it was just to save Silver. She wouldn't have been happy any other way." I chuckled as Ratchet kissed Racer's cheek.

"I know. She hardly ever let's herself be happy, always thinking of others…"

"Like yourself, Prime. Took you a while to confess to Elita, didn't it?"

"Shush you. We needn't discuss me. Silver is happy now." I nodded to myself and reached out to my love, Elita-One. She sent her love back to me through our bond and my smile widened.

~Silverstar's POV~

I sat on the berth as Prowl at next to me, Jazz behind me.

"How do you feel?" My head shot up as I glanced over to Prowl, my optics wide.

"Surprised, apparently."

"Obviously, Jazz. Can you blame her?"

"Not at all."

"How…I can hear you all as if you're talking in my audio receptors!"

"It's the bond, Silver. We can communicate without having to speak." Prowl chuckled as I blinked, looking from Prowl to Jazz, and back to Prowl again.

"Weird." I managed. Prowl and Jazz glanced to each other before they started to laugh.

"Yes, you could call it that." Jazz chuckled. I felt their amusement over the bond and suddenly felt extremely guilty. I could have ruined this for them…Prowl didn't want this…he was happy enough with Jazz…

"Silver. Don't do that. Don't feel guilty. We made this choice, we are happy to see it through. We saved you and we love you. We can work on changing that love into something better, greater." Jazz inched closer to me, his hand snaking around my waist. I watched him, my optics wide as Prowl moved to sit closer as well. Their hands running up and down my frame sent my coolant system into overdrive. The fans kicked on and Prowl smiled, watching as Jazz leaned in to kiss my neck. I managed a strangled moan as he bit into my main energon line, sending tingles of pain and pleasure throughout my body. I tiled my CPU left, allowing Jazz better access to my throat. Any thought I had of guilt or regret was being washed away by skilled hands and fluttering kisses. Things were heating up fast and I was in no position to stop them from escalating.

"This is for you…if you want us to stop, just say the word…" Prowl whispered on his end of the bond.

"Oh Primus and all that's holy…don't stop…" I felt him chuckle as Jazz expertly moved out of the way while laying me down on my back. Jazz's lips ran down my neck, across my breast plate to stop at my spark. He pressed his lips gently across the smooth metal and I felt my spark skip a few beats. I hadn't been paying attention to Prowl until my interface panel snapped open by itself and I felt his finger at the fold of my valve. The warm sensation that had been tingling between my legs suddenly exploded into a fire as he slowly slipped one finger into my valve. I gasped and my hips bucked into his hand.

Meanwhile, Jazz's lips and hands still made expert work of exploring my frame, teasing any sensitive wires beneath my armor. My system was rapidly heating up I was teetering on the edge of an overload when all the bombardment on my system stopped. I opened my optics to see Jazz and Prowl were sitting on the edge of the bed, smiles plastered on their faces.

"Oh…that's…not…right…" I managed to gasp, attempting to sit up. Prowl's hand rested on my chest and pushed me gently back against the bed.

"We are just admiring at how the new stoic SIC is on the brink of letting go." Jazz chuckled, moving back to exploring my frame. The heat kicked back up again and I squirmed under his touch.

"She's exquisite as she teeters on the brink." Prowl whispered. Jazz nodded as he continued his assault on my systems. Prowl allowed his own fingers to dance along my frame and that was all it took. I reached out and gripped Jazz's shoulder tightly as my overload kicked through my systems. A scream tore through my vocal processor as my system attempted to cool down. My optics off-lined and it took a few seconds before my systems cooled and my optics came back on. I blinked a couple times and saw smiles plastered on Prowl and Jazz's faceplates.

"Whew…that was something else." I chuckled, sitting upright.

"Something tells me that you haven't overloaded like that in a while." Jazz winked.

"Try ever overloaded."

"Not once?" Prowl balked at me. I nodded and allowed Prowl to kiss my lips.

"Haven't had the time. Ever since I took up SIC." I smiled at Prowl and stretched. "I think I need to shower." I chuckled, glancing down my frame. I reached over and grabbed the dirtied bedsheets, pulling them away and tossing them into the trash. I made my way to the shower when I noticed Prowl and Jazz followed me.

"Not allowed to shower alone, am I?" I asked, quirking an optic ridge. Prowl smiled and brushed passed me, turning on the solvent. Jazz came up behind me and placed both his hand on my back, shoving me forward. I stumbled into the shower, only to be caught by Prowl. His lips crashed into mine as he rubbed soap over my frame.

I overloaded two more times. I figured the shower was pointless as I washed myself off...for the third time. Iwatched as Prowl helped Jazz dry off, holding another towel for me. I stepped out and snatched the towel off his shoulder and twisted it until it was taut. I then snapped the towel into Prowl's aft, watching as he jumped in surprise and let out a small squeak. Jazz bit back his laugh as I finished drying myself off. I moved into the bedroom half of the quarters, watching as Prowl debated about tackling me to the floor.

"Who's up for some energon in the recreation room?" I asked, halting any ideas of revenge Prowl had in its tracks.

"Sounds good to me." Jazz smiled and grabbed my hand and reached over, squeezing Prowl's aft in the process. He smirked and I felt their plans for later over our bond. I scoffed and left the room, heading towards the recreation room.

As I stepped around the next corner, I heard soft, choked sobs. I glanced around and found a room with the door partially open. I glanced inside and saw Bumblebee with his knees against his chest, his faceplates buried into his knees.

"Bee?" I asked, suddenly feeling incredibly guilty. He glanced up and leapt to his feet, quickly wiping away any evidence he had been crying.

"Silver, I am glad to see you up and about." I nodded and watched his optics.

"I'm sorry…"I started.

"No, don't be. You love Prowl and Jazz. I am glad they were able to save you. I'm just sorry it couldn't be me." He clasped his hand over my shoulder and squeezed once, brushing past me and walking away. I watched the scout leave as Prowl and Jazz stepped next to me.

"I feel guilty."

"We noticed. Don't worry. He'll be alright."

"I hope." Prowl touched my shoulder and brushed past me, heading for the recreation room. Jazz watched him leave and grabbed my own aft. I balked at him and he winked at me, chasing after Prowl. I sighed and chuckled, shaking my head. I followed them and found several faces were ready to greet me. Sunny and Sides tackled me and I fell onto the floor, screaming and cursing. Prowl and Jazz were no help as Ironhide lifted both mechs off of me.

"Thank you Hide." I stood to my feet and brushed the dust off my frame.

"Anytime, Silver. Glad to see you on your feet. You had us scared for a while there."

"Not the first time."

"And won't be the last, knowing her." I chuckled and nodded, reaching for a chair. I sat down and watched the others continue to drink and laugh. Yes, I was glad to be alive.

~A/N: Well, this is the last chapter of this story. Keep an eye out for the sequel. I am planning on writing another one with Prowl, Jazz and Silver! Hope you liked it!~