I am going to rewrite this story a bit, and go over what was originally planned for it.

The chapters so far will be re-edited into one chapter that will serve as a complete proluge.

Also I am going to change the name of Kira's daughter in this fic as I already am using Kari in another fic I am writing, and her hair will change to be brown just like Kiras.

That being said, I need a new name for his daughter in this fic.

If anyone who likes this story has a good suggestion for her name, please share it with me.

I am going on a trip at the end of this week , so I will be working on writing the next chapter of this fic as well as a few other of my fics while I am traveling, and hopefully have it ready to update once I get back.

Miracle will be updated sometime next week, and maybe Birth of the Shadow Phoenix as well.

So again, if there are any suggestions for a name, share it with me please, and keep an eye out for the next chapter of this fic.


Also my fic, Kira's Reason to Fight, will be re-written as well, the current chapter has already been changed a bit, its doesnt seem much diffrent, but thats up to the reader to decide.