Chapter 46:

Angelo's POV

It's been a week and a half since everybody got together,on Florana. And everybody has gotten along great! And seeing as one day on Earth is equal to two days on Florana, they had plenty of time to have fun in the sun! Most of the families got along quickly! Like the Lairs and O'Flannerys. Seeing as Tom Lair, Kevin, Carol, and Scott's older brother Tim O'Flannery were all cops, they got along real well. Now Scott's younger brother, Jeff, and younger sister Julie, were another story. From the way they ware acting, Irma saw them as perfect playmates for Chris. Which scared her.

On a plus side, the O'Flannery siblings took to Taranee pretty well. They call her their official fire sister. Just as Ricky's brothers see Irma as the sister they never had. Then again Julie O'Flannery also sees Irma as the older sister she never had. Yan Lin and Charlie Smith have been hanging out a lot. Hay Lin thinks she may have a new grandfather soon. Who knows? Charlie finds it funny how Ricky got with a girl like Taranee, seeing as she's the total opposites of Ricky. Ricky says that she brings out the best in him. To that Charlie as well as Ricky's parents, Eric & Helen Richards, thanks Taranee. I can see why. Ricky can be a bit nuts sometimes!

Now as for Will and Sho. Sho's family took a quick liking to Will and her mom. All but Sho's younger sister, Mai. At first, she didn't know what to make of Will. But, after a week of hanging out, she began to warm up to Will a bit. Now Cornelia was another story! Now Roberto & Maria Fernandez like her. But Tommy's older sister, Rosseta.... Man can that girl be protective! At first, we all thought that she and Cornelia were about to get into a fight! And poor Tommy! He was caught in the middle of all this! But after he explained to Rosseta that Cornelia wasn't the girl who dumped him a few weeks ago, she calmed down a bit. But she still has her eyes on Cornelia.

My Grandpa Joe has been joking around with my Grandma Kadma and Yan Lin about how me and Hay Lin will get hitched, making us all family. Doing that, got him popped up side the head by the both of them. Now as for Uncle John and Ms. Vandom..... let's just say that they left earlier today to spend in the town alone. Who knows what they're doing. Right now, the ten of us decided to split off with our significant others, and enjoy ourselves, before we have our bonfire.

Normal POV

Sho & Will

As they walked through the forest, Will and Sho were enjoying themselves in the calm of the forest. Sho was dressed in a pair of black shorts, with a white tank-top, and brown sandals, while Will was dressed in a green two-piece, with a pair of green sandals, and a short, pink wrap around skirt.

"So what do you think of the forest here?", Sho asked Will as they were walking through the forest.

"It's so beautiful here.", Will said as she looked around the area. "Most of the animals here remind me of animals on Earth."

"That's because most of these animals are cross breeds of animals from here and Earth.", Sho replied.

"Really?!", Will said as she turned to face him. "But how?"

"Every once and a while, when portals use to open in certain areas, some animals accidentally crossed over.", Sho explained.

"And in time, they crossed breaded with the local animals.", Will figured.

"Pretty weird, huh?", Sho asked.

"Not as weird as me dreaming of you and me being here.", Will said as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Oh really?", Sho questioned as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Yeah.", Will said as they kissed.

Tommy & Cornelia

Hoping not to be disturbed, Cornelia and Tommy were sitting on a blanket, under a tree in a field of beautiful white and yellow flowers. Tommy was dressed in a white t-shirt, with brown shorts and black sandals, while Cornelia was dressed in a black one-piece, with a long, white wrap around skirt, with white sandals.

"This is nice.", Cornelia said as she leaned back against Tommy as he was sitting against the tree. "It's so peaceful here."

"That and the fact my sister isn't here has nothing to do with it.", Tommy teased.

"Why does she hate me anyway?!", Cornelia asked as she looked up at him. "You already told her that I wasn't the one who broke up with you in Fadden Hills."

"She can be a bit protective sometimes.", Tommy explained to her. "Just give her time. She'll warm up to you."

"I hate to see what would happen if I told her about the dream I had about us.", Cornelia said.

"And what dream was that?", Tommy asked.

"Well, actually, we were like this.", Cornelia said. "The both of us, sitting under this tree."

"Is that all?", Tommy asked.

"Well, we were about to kiss until I woke up."

"Then I say, we finish that dream.", Tommy said as he leaned down towards her.

"I'm not complaining.", Cornelia said as they kissed.

Scott & Irma

As the two were walking up to the hot tub, Irma took of her brown sandals, and green towel, that she had around her waist, Leaving her in a red two-piece. Scott quickly took off his green tank-top, and black sandals leaving him in his green swimming trunks. Both then sat in the empty hot tub, ready to enjoy themselves.

"This is the life.", Irma said as she sat next to Scott in a hot tub.

"No monsters to fight.", Scott said as Irma made a mini storm cloud that began raining water into the hot tub.. "No evil princes, and princesses to take on."

"No worrying about any rouge Guardians, or Defenders bothering us.", Irma said as she continued having rain fill the hot tub. "And now we're on vacation with our families! Well...... most of them."

"Don't worry.", Scott said with a grin. "Sooner or later, Chris will find out about all of this and be here to drive you nuts."

"Oh joy.", Irma said plainly as she finished filling the hot tub. "Okay. Your turn!"

"Here we go.", Scott said as he used his fire power to heat up the water.

"Oh, yeah!", Irma said. as she rested her head on Scott's shoulder, enjoying the heat. "That's just right."

"I still can't believe that you had a dream about us doing this.", Scott said with a grin.

"Well, you had a dream about our first time here.", Irma countered.

"Good point.", Scott said. "So, what else happened in your dream?"

"A little bit of this, a little bit of that.", Irma joked.

"Really now?", Scott asked as they were face to face.

No words were spoken as they kissed, with all the feelings they had for each other.

Ricky & Taranee

As the young couple walked along side the beach, during the sunset, they couldn't help but look at each other every few seconds. Taranee was dressed in a light blue sun dress, with a straw hat, while Ricky was dressed in a pair of purple shorts, with a white t-shirt. Both were bare-footed, seeing as they wanted to feel the sand run through their toes.

"So, is this what happened in your dream?", Ricky asked Taranee.

"More or less.", Taranee said as she walked closer with Ricky. "The sunset is so wonderful here. Not to mention the clean water, and fresh air."

"I can think of something even better.", Ricky said.

"What's that?", Taranee asked.

"This.", Ricky said as he gave her a quick kiss.

"Oh.", Taranee said with a smile before they kissed again.

Angelo & Hay Lin

As the happy couple sat on the deck, of the house they all were staying, both were watching the sunset, in all it's beauty. Angelo was dressed in a pair of black shorts, and a black tank-top, with his black sandals sitting next to Hay Lin's white sandals. Hay Lin was dressed in a white one-piece with a blue wrap around skirt. For once, Hay Lin decided to let her hair hang out, just to see what it felt like. Angelo looked at Hay Lin, who was shivering a bit, from the chill in the air. Seeing this, Angelo went and got a white blanket and sat behind Hay Lin and wrapped the blanket around them both.

"Better?", Angelo asked as his arms were wrapped arouind her, from behind.

"Mmm-hmm.", Hay Lin said as she rest her head on his shoulder.

Angelo then got a smell of Hay Lin's hair. It had the scent of apples, from the shampoo she used.

"So, what do you think of this vacation so far?", Hay Lin asked.

"It has been interesting.", Angelo said. "But having you here, makes it special."

"Aaaw!", Hay Lin said as she turned a little red in the face.

She then turned around and kissed Angelo, to which Angelo returned whole-heartily as they fell back on the floor of the deck.

Later that night, everybody joined up at the beach to have a bonfire, and roast some hot dogs. As the bonfire burned, the parents were talking about things they did when they were younger, while the kids were thinking back to when they became Guardians and Defenders. They remembered the good times, and the bad times. And they remembered that no matter how bad things got, they pulled through. As they looked at one another, they knew that no matter what happens to each other, they'd be there for each other.

For they weren't just warriors of Kandrakar...... they were a family.


And also....... a new beginning.

A.N: Well, folks, that's the end of this story. I hope you liked it! I do plan on making a sequel, to this, but I also want to make a prequel to this as well. You know showing how the Defenders got together. What do you all think? Should I do prequel first? Go on my profile and vote!

P.S.: I'd also like to thank all of you who gave me reviews, and/or put my story on your favorites list, story alert, and favorite author list. That means a lot to me. It let's me know that I did a good job.

Also, Keep an eye out for my one-shot story, Susan & John's Day Out!