A/N: I own nothing except for the characters that I made up for this story. I absolutely love Cailey (I think they're the cutest couple ever) and this is my first Suite Life fic. By the way, if you're wondering what happened to my Sonny With a Chance fic about the four-year show, I haven't forgotten it, but I have run into a wall trying to put it together, stumped and writer-blocked. So that story has been temporarily shelved. It will get up eventually, but I may need help doing it. Anyway, enjoy the fic and any kind of feedback is appreciated!

"So in August 1959, Hawaii became the 50th state, just seven months after Alaska became the 49th in January of that year," Cody concluded his report in front of the class.

Ms. Tutweiller applauded coming in from the side. "That was a great report, Cody. You proved very knowledgeable about your topic. Don't you agree, class?"

"Yes, I do," Bailey answered. She was the only one paying attention because everyone else had fallen asleep for Cody's report took almost the duration of the class.

"Well, I'm glad someone does," Cody replied somewhat distraught no one seemed to be paying attention to his report as he put a lot of time and effort into it. He sat back down in his seat next to Bailey.

Shortly after, the class was over and everyone was free for the weekend. Cody and Bailey agreed to have dinner together on the deck at 6:30 for its weekly "dinner under the stars." He retreated to his room to rest for a while after a long week of schoolwork. As went to open the door, it wouldn't budge.

"What the...?" He was puzzled as to why the door was staying closed for no apparent reason. He tried opening it again and it still wouldn't open.

Inside, Zack and Woody hid behind a bed, snickering uncontrollably at their latest premeditated practical joke. They had placed a lock on the inside of the door and when they would unlock it, one of them would unleash a 62-day-old coconut cream pie at the victim going in the room. It was meant to be played on Cody and things were going exactly as planned so far.

Cody was just about to heave his body up against the wall when Mr. Moseby walked by. "Cody, a word with you please?"

"What did I do?" he asked, immediately thinking he was in trouble.

"Nothing," the ship manager replied. "I just want to ask if you could go get a few towels and bring them to the seniors' room. They're out of them."

"No problem. I'm on it." He headed his way up to his work space to do his errand.

"By the way, do you have that calculator I let you borrow?"

"Yeah, it's on my bureau. You can go in and get it."

So he opened the door, unaware of Zack and Woody's prank. Woody had unlocked the door and Zack came charging toward Moseby with his eyes closed and slammed the pie as hard as he could into Moseby. The ship's manager shrieked as he wiped away the pie from his face. When his vision was clear, he became very angry.

"Zack Martin, I don't know what we're going to do with you."

"Sorry, man," he replied nonchalantly. "I thought you were Cody."

"Haven't we gotten enough of your shenanigans already?"

"I thought you liked pie." Zack was trying hard not to chuckle at the residual pie on Moseby's face.

"Next time, there will be serious consequences for such behavior from you. I've let this go for long enough." With that, he grabbed the calculator on Cody's dresser and left for a meeting.

"Wow, what's got him in a tizzy?" Zack asked his partner.

"Must be having a stressful day." Woody then suggested they go play in the arcade, to which Zack enthusiastically agreed.

Later on that night, Cody was on his way to Bailey's room to pick her up for dinner under the stars on the deck. He was dressed nicely with a sweater, trousers and a jacket. As he was about to knock on her door, he stopped and smelled the air coming from the room. She was putting something on that smelled so good and it reminded him of when he first laid his eyes on her.

"Sweet Dearest Bailey," he daydreamed out loud with his eyes closed, lost in the perfume's scent. "You are truly my lovebug and the only one for me."

"The feeling's mutual, sweetie," she said, quietly opening the door and leaning in for a quick kiss.

"I was talking to myself, hun." He embarrassingly opened his eyes and promptly forgot where he was or what he was going to do. She was simply gorgeous in a light pink blouse, wavy hair and emerald necklace. "You look beautiful, my little chickadee."

Bailey simply shrugged and laughed her chuckle (which I think is indicative of her heart fluttering) and said, "Let's go have our dinner, my baby boy." She took his hand and they made their way to the deck.

The dinner under the stars was always a nice little casual thing the crew on the S.S. Tipton put together for cruise passengers or students and while it didn't come with their meal plans, it was an inexpensive alternative for the students. The two were one of about twelve couples on the boat who decided to dine there for the evening.

"Just the two of you?" the waiter asked when he came by.

"Yes, sir," Cody replied. The couple gave their orders and the waiter went to put them in. Bailey gave Cody a loving stare as he checked his watch.

"Can you believe it's been seven months since we started up in Hawaii?"

"Sure can't, time goes by so fast when you're having fun with someone you really like."

"This semester has been too much fun and it's going to be hard to see it end." The waiter came by with their beverages and he placed them down in front of them on the table. Cody couldn't take his eyes off her. "What are you looking at, silly?"

"Just thinking about the first time I met you. How cute you were. Now you're getting more and more beautiful every day."

Bailey laughed and then added, "I wish I had met you much earlier in my life."

Cody got up to go wash up before their dinner arrived. The bathrooms were right next to a meeting room and he could hear some chitchat going on with the door closed. He quietly put his ear against the door and listened.

"Mr. Moseby, if we docked there already earlier this year, why go back?" a man asked.

"Because there are other people on this boat who have never been their all their lives and we'd like them to see what it's like there."

"But I'm not happy with that at all! I want us to go somewhere we haven't been before."

"Don't push your luck, Mr. Carrington. This was an executive decision to return."

Return where? Cody asked himself. I sure hope they mean Hawaii because of my romantic memories.

"Do you have something to add, Mr. Doyle?" Moseby said to another employee.

"Yes, I do. What islands would we be going to? Would it be all of them or just a couple?"

"We'll go to the big island during one of the days. And we'll be based in the Honolulu Tipton throughout the two weeks that we're there." Cody smiled widely when he heard the word 'Honolulu'. "At the end of the trip, there will be a concert that the school and anyone else interested will go to on one of the beaches starring two famous guitarists: Joe Satriani and Steve Vai."

The meeting continued with conversations about logistics, but Cody had heard everything he needed. He slipped into the bathroom to wash up and then return to his table with Bailey.

The waiter had returned with their dinners and she was waiting patiently for him to comeback. "What took so long? And what's the big grin all about?"

"Bailey, guess what I heard Mr. Moseby say."

"That we're class valedictorians for the year?"

"No, but good guess. We're stopping for two weeks in Hawaii again!"

"Are we really?" she asked incredulously.

"I overheard them at a meeting saying just that and we'll be at the Honolulu Tipton for the entire time."

Bailey loved the idea. It was, after all, the place where she and her 'feller' got together for the first time and have been going strong since.

Cody, as you could probably tell, couldn't wait to go back to the place where they started up and have memories come flooding back. They fnished up their dinner and continued to talk about their future together, among other things and how wonderful it would be when they were back in Hawaii.

A/N: More to come soon.