Author's Note: I finally got inspired to do what I had meant to do those many years ago. So here it is, a whole entire prologue to show I mean to fulfill that promise!

I hope those who read the original story (if they're even around anymore) take some degree of pleasure in this! I hope that any new readers enjoy reading it as well, but I can assure those of you who are new that it will make a LOT more sense if you read "From Wildcat to Alley cat" first!

Also, sorry it's so sort!

And thank you in advance for reading my work and giving me such fantastic reviews in the past! Now then, onto the piece!


"Yo… mi…" she had mouthed, smiling warmly to the frantic woman. A blast of pain suddenly surged though her body, she could feel herself shatter, the world around her fading as her life-blood poured from her broken body. Yomi's face contorted to a look of pure horror, her body frozen as her closest friend's blood splattered on her, drenching her in crimson, a sickly sweet taste filling her mouth. Tomo Takino, age twenty three, was now nothing more than a smear on the 11:15 to Yokohama.

Everything came to a halt around her: the screaming onlookers were silenced, the train barreling past froze, and the scarlet drops of blood hung in mid air. All that she could hear, or see, or feel was that moment, that instant not two seconds before, and that name, her name. "Yomi…" The world crashed back onto her like a ton of bricks, beginning with that taste. Red, all of her senses registered red. Her outstretched hand suddenly fell to support her as she doubled over and heaved. She could feel it dripping down her throat, pooling in her gut, and then coming back up. She heaved again, she could feel her throat burning, her mouth soon followed, and quickly after, her blood soaked hands were further stained with the contents of her stomach.

After a moment she wiped the blood from her glasses, or the thickest of it at least, with her coat sleeve. She soon regretted it as her eyes came to rest on the mirror of steel before her, reflecting her drenched form, dripping onto the concrete below. She stared at herself in horror, resisting the urge to vomit again, then slowly, fearfully, she turned her gaze to the front of the train. She could hardly make out her ex lover any longer. Her body was plastered to the vehicle from the force of the blow, nearly torn in half diagonally, her arms and legs clutching the metal at awkward angles. Her gaze came to rest on Tomo's face, or what remained of it. She quickly wished it hadn't. Her lover's teeth were shattered, as was the entire left side of her skull, shards of bone protruding from her cheek and forehead. This was masked only slightly by her black hair, matted with blood and bits of brain matter. But perhaps worst of all, she could still see that smile, and through those broken teeth she knew what that mangled woman would have said if she had just a moment longer.

Something grasped her shoulder in a powerful, unrelenting grip. Her eyes slowly left the corpse before her, her body trembling with a deep, almost mind numbing fear. There were only four fingers on that hand, scarred and burned and caked with thick layers of dirt and grime. She could feel the figure grip tighter, jagged nails trying to pierce her flesh through her coat, as it leaned in close. She could feel the chill exuding from those lips as they neared her ear, whispering in an all too familiar voice.
