They all met up at the Sacramento airport within ten minutes after leaving the store, seeing as the other team members had taken the SUV. They had it planned out so that someone would come and get the vehicles after they had left, and would pick them all back up when they got back in two weeks.

"Okay, Van Pelt, Rigsby, here's your ticket's" Lisbon said, avoiding eye contact as she handed them the plane ticket's whose seats were beside each other. As much as she hated breaking the rules she knew they would find some way to sit together anyways, at least this way they weren't going to have to sneak around to be together.

After giving everyone their ticket's Lisbon and her team all made their way to the proper airplane terminal, Jane making comment's on the people who walked past. It wouldn't have been so bad if the people didn't hear him when he commented about their personal lives.

"Lis-bon" Jane said slowly, bringing her out of her distracted state of mind, she glanced at him before looking back ahead of her. She was still mad at him about making the check out lady think she was pregnant, for more than one reason, first and foremost was : did she look pregnant? She didn't think so, well, infact she knew so. Secondly, was that the lady had assumed Jane was the father, she just couldn't get it out of her head the way he had been grinning while pretending she was his wife. She told herself it was just because he thought the idea was funny, but that little voice that had cheered when Jane had said he would sit with her argued against her logic.

"Lisbon!!" she heard again, this time Jane was almost yelling and she realized he had been saying her name the past few seconds while she had been zoning out.

"What Jane?" she asked irritably, just as a plane took of in the distance, causing her stomach to lurch before dropping into her feet. She was already nervous about getting on the stupid plane.

"I was wondering if you want me to grab you some tea before we get on the plane, since I'm getting one and I know it'll help ease your stomach" he said, although his voice was slightly teasing she could see that he was trying to help, so she didn't quite bite his head off.

"Fine" she told him, causing him to grin as he wandered away to on of the various little food shops to buy some beverages.

"Um, boss?" Grace asked, causing her to look away from the disappearing blond head. She definitely felt distracted, kind of floating, but also like she was sinking. She was not looking forward to flying already, she wondered why she hadn't just drove and met everyone there, she was perfectly capable of that, it would have only been a few extra days…

"You okay?" she heard someone ask, it took her a second to realize it was Cho, Both him and Rigsby and Van Pelt were looking at her, worry plastered all over there faces.

"Yeah, fine" she told them, swallowing her fear and forcing her mind to shut off and stop thinking about the definite death she was going to receive when she got on the plane.

"You sure, your all sweaty and stuff" Rigsby told her, causing him to get glared a by his boss and to be smacked by Van Pelt, who muttered about what to not tell a lady, especially if that lady was your boss.

"Fine, just tired, I didn't get much sleep last night, I was too busy packing" she told them, forcing a smile onto her features, she didn't get to see if they saw through it because Jane made that his moment to re-enter their conversation.

"Well, you can sleep on my shoulder while were flying" he told her cheekily, causing her to roll her eye's and growl. She really had no idea how she was going to stand the whole flight sitting beside him, let alone having to be around him almost 24/7 while on the case, she couldn't even escape on her weekend like normal.

"Note how she didn't complain" Jane told everyone else on the team, grinning happily, causing Lisbon to blush and everyone else to hide their grin's.

"I told you I'm tired" she snapped at them, glaring until they all stopped smiling, well Cho who had only been smiling on the inside couldn't be stopped.

"Well, here's your tea" Jane said, handing over a paper cup with a lid on it, smelling pleasantly like the earl grey tea she kept at home, the only kind she would even drink.

"Thanks" she said offhandedly, they had finally gotten to the terminal, it was time to get on the plane.

"Everything is going to be okay, I'm not going to die" she repeated under her breath quiet enough so that nobody would hear, at least that what she thought until Jane put his arm around her and gave her a comforting half-hug.

"You'll be fine" he whispered in her ear before letting her go, he did all of this so quickly that none of the team noticed as they walked ahead of the pair.

Lisbon took a deep breath and walk up the ramp, already she felt like her stomach had fallen through the floor, she realized that her hands were shaking and she tightened them into fists.

"Stupid plane" she growled, causing Jane to smile and walk a little closer to her, his way of trying to help without embarrassing her.

"I'll be with you the whole time" he said, and if she didn't know better she'd think he had said it lovingly.

"You say that like it's a good thing" she teased, a weak but genuine smile lighting up her face as they stepped onto the actual plane.

"Oh, you don't want the only person who knows calming techniques and makes you feel better beside you?" he asked, grinning when he seen her small smile falter.

"Fine, you can stay" she said grudgingly, sighing as they walked up the already crowded isle's past the navy blue seat's until they reached the seat their ticket's told them be in.

Teresa sat down nervously, fighting the urge to just get off the plane and drive to Philly, it would be way easier she thought to herself. I mean, when you drive you aren't thousands of feet in the air where one mistake on the pilots part could cost you your life!

She sat down quickly and shakily did up her belt, feeling stupid and annoyed at herself for being to scared and yet being unable to stop the dreaded feeling she got whenever she got on a plane…or anywhere over about twenty feet of the ground. Jane sat beside her, studying her worriedly, no smile gracing his features as he watched her.

"Yeah?" she asked, a little to sharply and more than a little to high-pitched, now he'd know how scared she actually was.

"Lisbon, listen to me okay?" he said softly, leaning over slightly and smiling warmly "You don't have to hide everything from me, if your scared let me help you" he told her, for once not joking "I don't like seeing you upset…" he added before kind of mumbling. He looked at her again and smiled sadly, it was that smile he got when he said anything about his family so she kind of expected it when he said the next thing to her.

"My wife was terrified of flying" he said simply…okay maybe she hadn't been expecting that.

"Sorry" Lisbon murmured, not exactly sure what to say…she had to admit, she did feel a little less scared and a little more awkward now.

"Don't be, just let me help you" Jane said, the sadness in his eye's leaving as he looked into her eye's and gave a small smile that she matched.

"Fine, how do I stop being nervous" she said uncomfortably, Jane held out his hand and beckoned for her to put her hand in his.

"You have pressure points in your hand that help you relax" he told her, grinning like a five year old when she complied and laid her hand in his, he immediately started massaging it as he settles their hands down on the arm rest.

All of the sudden the captains voice echoed through the speaker's announcing that the plane was about to take off and that everybody should have their seatbelt on.

For a split second Teresa was worried that the team would see her with Jane holding her hand and then she remembered they were in the next compartment where the seats sat three at a time. Then she felt an overcoming wave of relaxation and sighed contently, all of her muscles losing there tension and she allowed her eye's to close for a second before opening them half open again.

"Oh god Jane, that feels good" she said, all of her fear evaporated. Then she heard him snickering and opened her eye's to see him almost laughing.

"What?" she demanded, her voice still soft thanks to his weird hand massage relaxation thing, he looked at her quizzically before chuckling even louder.

"It just sounded wrong is all" he said, watching as her face turned bright red and she snatched her hand back all the while muttering curses.

"Oh, Lisbon, It's alright!" Jane said holding his hand back out, just as he was saying this the plane started moving and she almost yelped in surprise, all of her fear coming back to her…now she remembered why she had been feeling so happy a minute ago and she quickly reached out and snatched his hand, clutching it tight enough to make him wince.

"You really hate flying" Jane said, glancing down at her vice like grip before slowly starting to rub circles in the right spots, causing her to relax and her grip to loosen.

"Heights, I hate heights" she told him dreamily, deciding that she could share that with him, at least then she would have a reason to be so scared, vertigo.

"I know" was all he replied before sitting back in his seat and relaxing, his hand still drawing small circles on Lisbon's hand.

"I'm glad you sat by me" she said drowsily, her eye's closed, she hadn't been lying when she had said she was tired. Truth was she hadn't even slept the night before, she had been to busy worrying.

Jane watched as her head slowly sank down onto his shoulder and her breathing became a steady rhythm, he figured she's be upset when she awoke and was more sane than now, but for the time being he was content. To anyone watching they looked like the perfect couple, her head resting on his forearm and shoulder and him holding her hand.

A/N - Holy crap, I took a long time to UD…I had writer's block for so long and just got over it…sorry!!! But here's a nice Jisbon-y chapter to help. :D

I know Lisbon isn't actually scared of planes as she rides one in the season one Pilot, but I needed Jane to comfort her over something and fear of flying is pretty common.