AH! I know its been forever!


Around five minutes after I finished eating Edward asked for the check. After insisting on paying… he didn't let me so I snuck 20 bucks in his jacket when he got up and gave the waitress money. I laughed so hard. He thought he won by getting up and physically giving money to the waitress.

"Thanks for dinner." I said smiling.

"Of course. How are you feeling?" He asked… AGAIN.

"I am fine don't worry about me." I laughed but noticed his worried glance.

He ran to his car door and opened it for me. It was really sweet actually. I thanked him and got in the car. I was so nervous I'm pretty sure he could tell. How do I approach this? "Hey… so I know you're a vampire because well I am a witch." Or should I go more along the lines of "Guess what? I got my books for school finally, and I know you're a vampire, and did you see the new episode of How I Met Your Mother last night?" Ugh. Okay Bella. Do this right!

"So um… I wanted to ask my last question."

"Yes?" He asked.

"Okay. So speaking hypothetically… again." I started softly and could see his shoulders stiffen from the corner of my eye. "I think I know what you… What your family is…hypothetically..?" Yeah Bella that didn't really make sense. His knuckles tightened on the wheel and I saw him try and laugh it off.

"Oh yeah? What are we? Hypothetically?" He asked with a forced smile.

"Edward." I said seriously and finally turned my head to look at his golden eyes. "I know." He was silent for a few moments and pulled the car to the side of the road.

"What do you think we are?" He asked.

"I know you guys are… vampires. Don't freak out." He gasped and didn't respond. "I know because when I was younger I had a friend that was a vampire." Okay so not the BEST lie but better than anything else I could think of. There was no way in hell I was telling him the truth even if he was insanely hot.

"Bella? How long have you known?" He asked quietly. To say I was in shock was an understatement. He actually kinda admitted it! My heart swelled for a moment and I bit my lip contemplating my answer.

"Since the beginning." I answered.

"Since the beginning? What? Bella! We are dangerous! How could you… Why would you…?" He screamed. While he was doing this I was figuring out how to lie.

"Look. I knew you weren't dangerous because when I was little I had a good friend and found out he was a vampire. His eyes were like yours so I knew you guys weren't that dangerous." I replied. He was silent for a few moments. How would he react? Scream? Silent treatment? Eat me?

"Wow. How much do you know about us?" He asked quietly.

"A lot." I decided to leave it at that.

"Are you… Are you afraid? He asked.

"No. Not at all." I replied honestly. I touched his arm to show him I meant it. I didn't flinch at the coldness but there was a tiny shock I got when we made contact. I could see him twitch a bit but he soon relaxed and closed his eyes.

"Bella. I don't know what to say. Why aren't you afraid? I could hurt you. RIGHT. NOW."

"I know you wouldn't." I said confidently. He seemed like a nice guy. I know Edward wouldn't have the heart to do it. He glanced at me, smiled, and sighed shaking his head. He looked a bit annoyed but happy at the same time? I felt the car move suddenly. I could feel my body shaking a bit and it took me a while to notice I was cold.

"Here." Edward offered handing me his coat while turning up the heat.

"No. No. I am fine really!" I replied.

"Come on Bella. Take it, please?" He begged using an annoying look forcing me to give in. Why are vampires cute?

"Thanks." I said putting on his coat. It smelt… really really good. Like him.

"I've got a few questions for you." He reminded while I groaned.

"Okay. I'm ready, but I get one question I don't have to answer and you cant ask me more about it if I pass okay?"

"Alright. Who lives with you in your house?" He asked curiously.

"I am living with my dad, but he is on a business trip." I replied. Huh. I thought he heard me mutter that once.

"Oh. So you are all alone?" He questioned.

"Yup." I answered. He squinted his eyes a bit and sighed.

"Don't you get lonely? You need someone to look after you." He said sadly.

"Well I am okay and I don't mind being alone." I said.

"If you ever need a place to stay or just need someone to talk to.. will you talk to me? Here give me your phone so I can add my number.

"Sure." I replied touched. He was willing to let me call him and ask for help. Even after I know his secret!

"Bella that was my second question. Will you answer truthfully? Will you really ask me for help if you need it?" He asked staring into my eyes. My breath caught in my throat a second and I finally croaked out a reply.

"Look… I am not bad on my own. I'm kinda used to it and I can take pretty good care of myself so I don't think I'll need help." I stated hoping he knew I didn't need someone pitying me but I could see his eyes fall a bit and before I knew it I added "but if I need really help and think you can help me, I will."

"Thanks." He said with a beautiful crooked smile. His eyes were really nice when they were gold. I've never really looked at him like this before. I could finally notice his sharp defined jaw line and how his copper hair fell in his face a bit but not too much. I finally coughed a bit and looked away so I didn't start drooling. As long as I didn't look completely out of it… Its all good.