Chapter 8

Again sorry for the long wait for the next chapter. Life got away from me and halfway though writing this chapter I got an enormous writers block and that took a while to get though. Well here's the next chapter Lots of explanation and some character development we'll get into more of the serious stuff in the next chapter. Again please take time to review. Enjoy! XD

The two pokémon walked out of the hut and began to walk back towards the village. Kaimu was leading with Chase taking up the rear staring into space the entire time.

"I know this is a lot to take in Chase, but you don't have to look so shocked. Come on cheer up a little!"

Kaimu ran behind Chase and began to push him. Startled from the sudden movement, Chase loss his balance and fell backwards onto the persistent Vaporeon. Recovering from the initial shock the two pokémon locked eyes and began to laugh. The sight of them in a pile was too much for them.

Getting control of himself, Chase finally was able to relax. Standing up he turned and offered his paw to help Kaimu up.

"Sorry, I just haven't had the best luck when it's come to meeting new people." Chase explained. "With Rose being evil, Losba being her underling, and another Vaporeon who was killed almost as soon as I met her. Me and new people just don't seem to work out."

"Wow! That really is bad luck. I can see why you were hesitant about me in the beginning then." Smiling Kaimu started off towards the village with Chase now at her side. "Don't worry the pokémon in the village are the best. They're all friendly and I'm sure you'll be accepted right away." Kaimu said with a smile.

"Thanks. I really needed some good news." Chase smiled back.

Upon entering the village Chase was introduced to many friendly villagers. Chase was surprised by the diversity in the species of pokémon. The village held all species and types ranging from the smallest Caterpie to a large Ponyta. Almost every type was represented as well.

Chase felt a little uneasy while he was talking to the villagers because they all seemed to know him, but he knew nothing about them. He continued to talk with the villagers for most of the morning until Kaimu decided that they needed to see the rest of the village.

Kaimu led Chase over to an arena where some of the villagers were sparing. Interested by the sparing Chase and Kaimu stood and watched as a Zangoose and a Growlithe fought. While watching the fight Chase noticed something strange about the two pokémon. They too had strange symbols on them like Kaimu did. Chase turned to ask Kaimu what the symbols were for when something caught his eye. On the battle field the Zangoose had the Growlithe pinned down and it looked like a win, when all of a sudden the Growlithe just disappeared. The Zangoose didn't look surprised and stood in one spot. The Growlithe then appeared above the Zangoose preparing for its final blow. The Zangoose, however, looked up and knocked the Growlithe on the ground. This time it was a knock out.

"What was that all about?" Chase asked Kaimu.

"Yeah, that was a stupid move on the Growlithe's part. He shouldn't have used his Symbol Art against that Zangoose." Kaimu explained. She looked over at Chase looking for him to agree with her, but all she saw was the Raichu with a blank stare and his mouth open. "Oh. I forgot you're new here and don't understand. Here come with me."

Getting up from their seats Kaimu led Chase to a clearing in the village and laid down. Chase did the same.

"So what exactly happened in the stadium? How did that Growlithe disappear and then reappear and what did you mean by Symbol Art?" Chase asked.

"Well, to answer your question Symbol Art is something that was invented here in this village. Basically it's a tattoo that is put on one's body to help the pokémon harness their special power. You see every pokémon that has been born in this village has had a special power that they had and the tattoo is a way for the pokémon to focus that power and make it useful in battle." Kaimu explained, "That Growlithe, for example, was born with the power to teleport. The Symbol Art was put on him to suppress it while he was growing up. When he got older he was taught how to control it so he could teleport anywhere he wanted."

"So that speed that you showed when you carried me through the forest, was that your Symbol Art power?" Chase questioned.

"Yep," Kaimu nodded, "I was born with gifted speed and with the Symbol Art I can almost reach the speed of sound if I wanted to.

"That's amazing! I wonder what power I was born with."

"Oh I'm sure you know that answer. Just think was there ever a time where you did something that you couldn't explain."

Chase closed his eyes and began to search his memory for something that might explain what his power could have been.

The air was silent as Chase stood over his first loves body. "How could I have killed her I only used a fraction of my power?"

Chase's eyes shot open and tears started to fill his eyes as he remembered Ana's death. "I-I think I know what my power is."

Chase began to tell his memory to Kaimu. The entire time Kaimu just looked at Chase with comforting eyes as though she knew exactly what to expect. When Chase finished he looked up from the ground to see Kaimu's soft eyes staring right at him. She stood up and walked over to where Chase was sitting and then she laid down next to him and pressed her body up against his and nuzzled his cheek.

"I'm so sorry about what happened, Chase. Sadly that's how most stories go with pokémon who were born from this village and left before they gained control of their powers. If you would have been here we would have been able to spot your power before something like that happened." Kaimu was looking at Chase the entire time she spoke. "I know it may be hard, but if you ever want to use your power you are going to have to think of that memory every time. Each Pokémon's power is activated by thinking of the first time they ever used their power."

"But," Chase started, "But how come my power activates when I get angry then. It happened after Liz was killed by a Rhydon."

"That's strange. Hidden powers normally aren't activated by emotions. Either way you have to get your symbols before we have a repeat of your past." Kaimu explained. "That, however, can wait until tomorrow. For now how about we get you settled in the village. Come on it's not that far."

The two got up from their spot in the field and began to head back to the village. It was now sunset and the sky was lit up in a brilliant red light.

"It's so beautiful." Chase said with a gleam in his eye.

"The sunsets are more magnificent up here." Kaimu explained, "No one knows why, but it's rumored that the plate that is around here creates the sunset's colors. Well here we are Chase, your new home."

Chase looked over Kaimu at his new home. It was enormous. There were two full floors and what looked like two separate huts that were connected by a walkway. As he got closer to the structure he concluded that it was in fact two separate huts.

"Who's the other hut for? Or is it all just for me?"

"The other hut is mine silly." Kaimu giggled. "Did you really think your mom would give you such a huge place just for you?"

Blushing Chase answered, "Well I was hoping."

"Come on let's go inside and get you situated."

Once inside the hut Chase instantly felt at home. There was a lot of space inside. There was furniture already set up and even a kitchen for those pokémon who liked to prepare their meals. Walking into one of the larger rooms Chase noticed many pictures on the walls. Studying them he realized that they were pictures of his mom and him. There was also another picture on the wall with a Raichu that he'd never seen before. He realized that it must be his father. He took the picture off the wall, went over to the couch and sat down.

Kaimu came into the room and saw Chase staring at the picture. "I see you found some of the pictures."

"Kaimu, do you know what happened to my father? I can't even remember him."

"Your father was an amazing leader. He actually was the one who started to build the village into what you see now. He instituted the huts and the other pokémon caught on. He led the village into prosperity. Sadly though, he died before you were born."

"How did he die?"

"There was a flood that threatened to destroy the village. He organized a plan to divert the flood, but while executing the plan He got swept up into the current and drowned."

"Oh, so that's what happened." Chase said still looking at the picture. "Well I'll try to be just like him and save the village and the world from Rose!" Standing up with new found strength he started to head towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Kaimu asked.

"To find that plate that is somewhere near here."

"Oh no your not, it's late and you still need to get your tattoo's for your Symbol Art. Why don't you just head up to bed and we'll start looking for the plate tomorrow."

Kaimu pushed Chase up the stairs and into his bedroom.

"Now I don't want to wake up in the morning and find you missing. Okay. And don't even think about coming over to my side of the hut if you know what's good for you." She said with a slight laugh in her voice. She then leaned towards Chase and gave his cheak a slight lick.

Blushing Chase looked away as Kaimu closed the door. He hopped into his bed. Thinking about what just happened between him and Kaimu kept him awake most of the night. Finally exhaustion overtook him and he fell to sleep.

HELP! Help me Chase I don't know what's happening! I can't control myself anymore. Please! Help Me!

Chase sat up instantly looking around for the source of the shouting. When he listened he could hear the voice no more.

It must have been a dream. It makes no sense though. It sounded so real. In fact it sounded like Rose was calling out for help. Maybe I should talk to Kaimu about this.

Chase got out of his bed and headed downstairs. As he was walking he could hear sounds coming from the kitchen area. He walked in and saw Kaimu fixing breakfast for the two of them.

"Morning Kaimu" Chase said with a grin on his face.

"Same to you. So are you ready for today?" Kaimu asked dropping some cooked berries onto a plate for Chase.

"Ready for what?" Chase responded cocking his ear in the confusion.

"Really, you forgot already. The tattoos that you're getting to help you control your Symbol Art power. You really are your father's son." Kaimu said with a laugh.

"Oh man I can't believe I forgot! Are we going soon? Because I need to talk to you about something."

"Shoot." Kaimu said.

"Well last night I dreamt that Rose was calling out to me to help her and that she couldn't control herself anymore. Do you have any idea what this might mean?"

"Sorry, but I have no idea what that could mean. We could ask Gekkou she would know what your dream might mean. Plush she will give you your tattoos. So we can kill two Pidgeys with one stone." Kaimu exclaimed.

"Trust me I don't want to kill any more Pidgeys with stones. That didn't turn out well for me last time." Chase chuckled.

"There's no time to lose silly. Let's get going."

Kaimu and Chase ran out of the hut to talk to Gekkou to hopefully answer some of Chase's questions.

What's going to happen when Chase talks to Gekkou? Is Kaimu falling for the handsome Raichu? Was Rose really calling out for help or is it yet another trick? Find out in chapter 9 (Whenever it comes out that is). I'll try my best to get Chapter 9 out early, but seeing how the last two chapters have gone don't expect anything. Remember don't forget to Review! Thanks! XD