Witches and Wizards

Chapter 10


That was the only word breathe by the wand users uttered with awe as they stood in the middle of the hallway of Magic School. Aside from the amount of magic surrounding them it was the vastness of the hallway on both ends and the sky-scraping ceilings. Leo had already warned them that none of the teachers and Elders know exactly how big Magic School really is. Students of all ages were walking around alone or in groups, some talking, some doing magic–different types of magic none of the wandless have seen in the past couple of days at Halliwell Manor.

Grinning with amusement Wyatt and Chris ushered the group to follow them as Leo re-sealed the door from the manor and the school. The group then found themselves in the library, where Hermione immediately itched to explore the vast book shelves. Prudence cried out in surprise when the seven year old disappeared from her arms. A chuckle could be heard from the second floor, everyone looking up to see a tall man with shaggy blonde hair and clear blue eyes holding the seven year old in his arms.

"Did you guys loose something–again?"

"Hey, that Elf was a sneaky jerk!" Wyatt defended themselves.

The new addition snorted, standing in front of the group. "You keep telling yourself that."

Prudence grinned with amusement and spoke up before an argument issued. "This is Tyler Michaels, a Firestarter. Ty these are the characters from Harry Potter, they're real."

Tyler nods to them, feeling the child tighten her hold around his neck. "I was wondering why they looked familiar."

"Tyler is an innocent that our mom and aunt's helped twice. The first time when he was a kid and then again as a teenager." Wyatt explained to the group.

Prudence tilted her head at the scene before her. "She senses the protection in you, probably why she left my arms to yours."

"Why does she need protection? What's going on guys?" Tyler questioned curiously.

"There's this evil being wanting to take her powers–she's supposed to have very strong magic in her. She's been able to evade evil for a very long time. This evil is using both demons and evil wand users."

Tyler frowned worriedly, memories of his own capture at eleven coming back to him. "The wand users won't be able to enter Magic School, would they?"

Prudence bit her lower lip as she shared a look with her brother's before looking at the others. "We actually didn't think about that."

"We can fix that," Kingsley tells them.

He, Sirius, Severus, Alex, Remus, and Tonks all held up their wands, moving towards each corner of the room, all of them muttering incantations. They made sure it included all of the school, despite they were only confined to the library. Feeling eyes on her, Ginny turned to see Tyler staring at her. She flushed lightly but stared back, both wondering who would be first to back down. Suddenly Tyler grinned, Ginny looking away. Patricia was the only one who saw the exchange as her empathy power sense the connection. She grinned to herself, looking to the six older wand users returning to them.

"That should do it, I hope." Kingsley tells them. "I have to get back to the ministry, but I'll send someone I both trust and respect greatly. Keep me in touch of any change."

At their nod Kingsley turned, Apparating out of the school. Tyler laughed, grinning like a mad man.

"That's too cool. I still can't believe they're real."

"Well believe it," Chris tells him with a grin of his own. "Because since she's attached to you, you're now in in helping saving the magical community–all of them."

"So, you guys believe Magic School is the safest to hide out?" Tyler questioned.

"That's what we're hoping for," Prudence tells him quietly. "We don't know who this evil being is, let alone how powerful it can really be."

"Well, let's start looking through these books, shall we?" Tyler suggested, tilting his head.

Hermione didn't need to be asked twice as she moved past him. Harry watched with a small smile as Ginny walked after Hermione, Tyler stepping in sync with her and making small talk, all the while smiling at her. He looked over to Prudence to see her talking to Severus and Billie, the three of them serious. Severus excused himself and walked to the other side of the library, no doubt to look up potions if his guess was correct.

For the last couple of days he's noticed his feelings towards the Wiccan and wanted to pursue them, but every time he wanted to something either interrupts or she pulls away. He had a feeling it might have to do with how the seventh book ended. He was never supposed to read it–none of them were–but he took it from the Halliwell's one day, wanting to see what the big deal was. It was the only one he didn't read, and then knew why.

Apparently he was to marry Ginny and have three wonderful kids, but with how things have been and are going it looks like that won't be happening any time soon. The kids, he hoped, but the marrying Ginny he knew wasn't mea t to be. The last three years their relationship has been rocky, with the last couple of months ending with their break up. Harry knew for a fact that Ginny believed they would have gotten back together, but not him. No, he's been lost until the Halliwell's saved him. Somehow he felt…complete, as corny as it sounded, especially with Prudence nearby. He just hoped he can convince her that it was alright to be something to see where it leads.

A popping noise startled the other Wiccan witches, Harry and the Halliwell's grinning as they turned to see who had come. A young woman with red hair tied back into a braid, wearing blue button down shirt and jeans that covered black boots walked towards him. Her own wand, a lighter color than the ones the Halliwell's have seen, was strapped to her left thigh in a holster. Almost like a SWAT member wearing their guns on each thigh.

"Hello Mr. Potter, Aven O'Brien, Minister Kingsley sent me to help and to keep him updated." she told him with a professional smile, holding out her hand. "I would assume you would be the one to be in charge as this seemed to have started with you to begin with…whatever this is."

Harry smirked, shaking her hand. "No one is in charge, we're all doing this together. Let me introduced you to one of the Halliwell's, this is Wyatt. Wyatt, Aven."

The older Halliwell grinned like an idiot, shaking her hand. "I'll catch you up to speed of what's been happening and what we're doing now."

The twenty-two year old flushed slightly, following after him. Harry can only shake his head, not able to believe how fast Wyatt took a liking to Aven, and vice versa. With a shake of his head Harry walked towards the shelves of books, knowing that they needed all the help to look through to find out what it was they were up against and how to stop it.


The mortal man paced around the cave, his hatred and anger for the demons having lost the child to the wand users. That child was the only way to become immortal and more powerful than any demon there in the underworld, even the dark wizards and witches in the magical communities. Now the sister witches had the little brat and in an area most protective by the wandless magic community. He raked a hand through his golden brown hair as his green eyes narrowed at the sight before him. He could still remember the Seer's voice as she gave the prophecy to his goal of immortality.

"A child born three years ago came into power none of the magical community have come to hear nor seen before. This power will not only make one powerful above all creatures in the magical community, but it will make you immortal."

The mortal spent the four years sending demons finding this child. He didn't start sending the dark witches and wizards until three years ago when they fled from their own magical community. Somehow their type of magic was able to hurt the demons more and stopped all types of powers. But the witches and wizards were able to protect the demons by countering their kind of magic–as was seen a couple of months ago with the wizard family in England. It was only too bad that they had lived with minor injuries.

Then a puff of white smoke that oddly looked like a skeleton before becoming solid appeared before the mortal, making him come to a quick stop. He was tall, standing just over six feet, wearing black clothes with brown hair that fell down to his shoulders and piercing blue eyes. The mortal immediately panicked, recognizing the figure.

"Do you really believe that you can just escape your death, Lionel Krawl?" he questioned, a grin of sorts upon his lips, "Too long have you evade me and now your time is near again!"

The mortal man fisted his hands at his side, his left foot poised in a way to run quickly. "I'll only escape again! You can't take my soul anymore!"

The mortal threw an energy ball at Death, who only gave him a look of boredom. The power went right through him and hitting the cave wall. The mortal, now sweating, gulped nervously, watching the neutral being before him. He hoped that he didn't anger it enough for him to take him to the place before the light.

"You can't run from your destiny anymore, Lionel, you've been on my list for too long and consequences for delaying the invetable will be to burn in hell for a very long time." he started to disappear in the same white smoke with the skeleton figure, his voice echoing in the cave, followed by laughter. "I'll look forward to seeing you soon, Lionel."

Demons and witches and wizards appeared suddenly, staring at the mortal with confusion and caution. The mortal looked from where Death had stood before looking over those that are following him.

"What did you find?"

To say the least that they were all surprised to put a face to the voice, they did not expect to see a mortal man. One of the witches stepped forward, bowing half way at the waist. She had dark curly hair that fell to her waist with dark tattered clothes that belonged in the 1800's–the era in which he was born and killed in–her brown piece of wood that held so much power resting in its holstered on her right arm.

"They are hiding within a magical school that the demons cannot get to nor us. We believe the Ministry has put up a spell that has us not able to Apparate in."

A green demon moved forward then, bowing its head at the mortal, its scales different colors when it moved. "But there might be a way to get in. The school is vast and ever changing, but not even the witches know how large the school really is. There might be an area that is not protected by either magic."

The mortal frowned at the two of them, going over what they have said, his mind quickly going over the possibility. "Perhaps I can help in that aspect," he told them, walking towards the pool of water. "Thanks to the powers of a Seer I may be able to find the weaken spot with the school."

He touched the water to make it ripple before looking in. It showed when the school was made, small then, with only a few students, then how the years progressed so did the school and the students until what it was today. The vision zeroed in at the school from the outside–something that has never been seen before–moving from around the front to the back and an old courtyard. That was their opening.

"Give out the order of a war, I have found the weak spot within the school. Once and for all I will become powerful and immortal and no one will be able to stop me! Not even Death!"

–Magic School–

Prudence smiled at a familiar face walking into the library, caring a couple of books. She was a sophomore and as powerful as those in her grade and the juniors. She was a Shaman in training, her mother, Enola, having graduated years ago when Wyatt was only a year old and helped Phoebe with her turmoil life at the time. Patricia and Harry walked over to them just as the fifteen year old reached them, smiling at the cousins.

"Hey Navi, how's your mom?" Prudence asked, having always this connection to the younger woman.

There was a twinkle in the teen's eyes, smiling. "Mom's doing good, doing her thing with the tribe."

Enola Finney had moved to Arizona in the North/East area when the Native American tribal community of the Ute Tribe had reached out to her when their Shaman was getting ready to retire. There she met and fell in love with one of the panel's son and married the day after she became the new Shaman. Despite the distance, however, Enola still spoke to the sisters when something big was to happen and then to let them know of her daughter going to Magic School to keep an eye on her. Even though she didn't need any eyes on her as she was able to take care of herself and just as powerful as her mother.

"How's the hunting to know this new found evil going?"

Harry frowned as both Prudence and Patricia grinned with amusement. They knew that Navi had already seen what was going on but still asked for the sake of Harry. Though Navi liked playing with people's head that didn't know her or her abilities.

"Harry this is Navi, she's a Shaman like her mother. Her powers are premonition, illusions, and telepathy. I'm sure you already know who this is, Navi." Prudence tells him, the girls chuckling.

Navi holds out her hand with a greeting, Harry shaking her hand and nodding in responds. Unlike Phoebe or her daughters and nephew's, the young Shaman is able to receive premonitions without gasping, giving her the advantage of keeping a neutral or indifference look. She saw a life different from that of the books the seer, J.K. Rowling, had wrote as the fate of Prudence Halliwell has changed as well. Of course no one's destiny is ever written in stone as the future is ever changing.

Navi then turned her eyes to Tyler and the child in his arms, the rest of the group walking towards the new comer. Her crystal blue eyes staring into the same pair of colored eyes, seeing what the child has seen; what no one has ever seen before.

"Hello Senalda, you've been through much more than a child should have."

The child tried to smile but merely hid her face into Tyler's neck, her hold on his shirt tightening on her small fists. Before anything could be said a loud thundering sound echoed throughout the library as it moved like an earthquake. Everyone cried out as the group turned towards the doors to see kids and adults running or being thrown from the halls. Then another thundering sound and another quake and the group that came to find answers knew what was happening. It was only Navi who had said the words out loud.

"They have come!" Navi tells the group, "They have come for Senalada!"

A/N: Sorry for the late update, I've been putting all of my time into finding a job and the writer's block wouldn't leave me. Thank you all for the reviews, I hope this is to your liking. Please review!